Tips & Tricks for Decorating with Purple
Learn how past experts and editors at Better Homes & Gardens decorated with vibrant hues of violet. Whether you’re just adding a splash of purple or diving head first into this trend, there’s something here everyone can appreciate.
Adventuring In Color
LIKE some far distant land of romantic lure, color holds the promise...
COMBINE A KEEN enthusiasm, a nose for news, a down-to-earth apprecia...
From South America come the marimba, the carioca, and most exotic of...
Dyeing for a new color scheme?
IF YOUR living-room draperies are looking dejected, the slipcovers t...
Color schemes with a future
There's an idea for you in the clean-cut, simplified color schemes w...
Six rooms--dozens of ideas!
Lively colors and carefree furnishings make this little-used porch a...
Color is constantly changing, and therein lies its power-- and its c...
A NEW LOOK FOR Traditional Furniture
Traditional 18th-century furnishings never go out of style. Their un...
Comfort never looked so good
Remember when you grew up and had to put your crayons away? Get them...
Starting over with Style
No matter what the divas of daytime talk shows say, starting over af...
Oh là là
Call it French. Call it Glam. Even Kim Salmela's not sure what to ca...
Better Homes and Gardens presents the BETTER HOME BETTER LIVING HOUSE
Our project house easily transforms when the needs of a family chang...
Talk about a breath of fresh air--there's no way this combo will fai...