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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: A CHAT WITH THE PUBLISHER

Page: 3



I AM sure you will agree with me that Fruit, Garden and Home is better and more useful this month than ever. There are ideas and suggestions on every page which will be useful to you in your everyday work and recreation.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Materials From Nature's Storehouse Fashioned into a Useful and Beautiful Ornament

Page: 4


Materials From Nature's Storehouse Fashioned into a Useful and Beautiful Ornament

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: How the Agricultural Explorer Serves You

Pages: 5, 30


How the Agricultural Explorer Serves You

Personal Discomfort and Danger Mean Nothing to These Public Servants

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Selecting Trees By Their Characteristics

Pages: 6, 7


Selecting Trees By Their Characteristics

You Must Know Your Trees If They Are To Please You

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: How To Pot Bulbs For Winter Bloom

Pages: 8, 33


How To Pot Bulbs For Winter Bloom

You Can Have Bloom All Winter If You Follow These Directions

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Home-Grown Whetstones

Pages: 9, 10, 27


Home-Grown Whetstones

Your Backyard Is the Whetstone That Sharpens Your Day for You

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: The Busy Housewife in Public Life

Pages: 11, 31


The Busy Housewife in Public Life

The First Woman Nominated for U. S. Senate Discusses "Woman's Place"

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: How to Get the Most From Your Camera

Pages: 12, 33


How to Get the Most From Your Camera

MOST people have a camera of some kind or other and most have at some time or other made a few snap-shots. When you first get your camera, your fingers itch to pull the shutter and without knowing how, or thinking why, you will "shoot" at all kinds and conditions of things. The result is not generally satisfactory, for obvious reasons.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Why Not Have a Wild Garden?

Page: 13


Why Not Have a Wild Garden?

Consider the Possibilities of Wild Plants and Shrubs in Your Garden

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Budgeting the Home Furnishings

Pages: 14, 15, 35, 39


Budgeting the Home Furnishings

How Much Will It Cost to Make the Inside Look as Good as the Outside?

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: New and Useful Fruits From Other Countries

Pages: 16, 17, 29


New and Useful Fruits From Other Countries

THE work of the agricultural explorer is, indeed, fascinating. It is more than that; it is extremely worthwhile because, thru his efforts in all parts of the world, fruits and vegetables and other useful plants are discovered in their native habitat and brought back and acclimated to our conditions and our soils and made to add to the economic resources and comfort of our people.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: How to Have Green Vegetables the Year Around

Pages: 18, 19


How to Have Green Vegetables the Year Around

Dr. Orton Has Fresh Vegetables Every Day In His Own Garden

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Did This Ever Happen to You?

Page: 20


Did This Ever Happen to You?

Did fall canker worms defoliate your trees? These worms are easily destroyed by spraying with lead arsenate or other stomach poison not injurious to the foliage.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: The Normal Baby

Pages: 21, 41


The Normal Baby

Things to Consider in Keeping the Baby Normal and Happy

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: The Two-Story House

Page: 22


The Two-Story House

YES, bungalows are very convenient; but I'm old-fashioned enough to want to sleep upstairs, where no one can poke and peer in, thru my bedroom windows, and where I can get a good breeze on a summer's night!"

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Mrs. Bohen's Holiday Gift Suggestions

Pages: 24, 25


Mrs. Bohen's Holiday Gift Suggestions

Mildred Meredith Bohen, in charge of our Chicago shopping service, makes these advance gift suggestions for the holiday season. It is none too early to be thinking about the gift problem and making your selection. The items shown here were chosen with great care, many are offered for the first time. You will find the prices reasonable and the suggestions worth-while.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Under the Library Lamp

Page: 26


Under the Library Lamp

LAST month ("This Freedom") the successor to the best seller of a year ago was reviewed. This month another book by an author who also has a best seller to his credit claims our attention. A month ago the author was an Englishman-- this month an American, our own Sinclair Lewis, who made such a smashing sensation with "Main Street."

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: When We Can't Have Turkey

Pages: 28, 39


When We Can't Have Turkey

The Thanksgiving Feast Need Not Suffer

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: The Window Garden

Page: 29


The Window Garden

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Your Dog's Habits

Page: 30


Your Dog's Habits

Nearly always your dog's bad habits may be owing to an unsuspected cause, so it is best to learn as much as you can about his past before you attempt to correct him. Of course, if you have raised him from a puppy, that will not be necessary, but if you have bought a dog, you can often cure him of bad habits simply by studying his past training.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: How to Feed for Winter Eggs

Page: 32


How to Feed for Winter Eggs

Simple Feeding Rules That Bring Winter Eggs

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Window Shopping for the Winter Materials

Page: 34


Window Shopping for the Winter Materials

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Making the One Piece Dress

Page: 37


Making the One Piece Dress

THE one piece, slip-on street dress is a general favorite because it has the two attributes by which a street dress is always judged-- utility and attractiveness. Making one of these dresses is within the ability of any woman if she will choose materials and follow directions carefully.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: What to Use for Christmas Linens

Page: 38


What to Use for Christmas Linens

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: The Cuddly Twins Are Easily Made

Page: 39


The Cuddly Twins Are Easily Made

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: A Little Bungalow With Big Rooms

Page: 40


A Little Bungalow With Big Rooms

This Plan Solves a Very Common Problem

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1922 Magazine Article: Along the Garden Path

Page: 42


Along the Garden Path

THE description of Dr. W. A. Orton's garden will doubtless prove a revelation to many old hands at vegetable gardening. That it is possible to have green vegetables in your garden every day in the year, without a greenhouse, may sound impossible to a good many of you.

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