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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Fruit, Garden and Home

Page: 3


Fruit, Garden and Home

THE other day I met friend whom I had not seen in a good many years. In the course of the conversation that followed, he told me of buying a copy of Fruit, Garden and Home on a news stand last February.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: An Interesting Entrance to a New England Yard

Page: 4


An Interesting Entrance to a New England Yard

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Our Vacation By the Gasoline Route

Page: 5


Our Vacation By the Gasoline Route

A Week In Your Car Will Give You An Inexpensive Vacation

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: How I Built My Home in Spare Time

Pages: 6, 7, 42


How I Built My Home in Spare Time

The Work Was Financed on an Income of $12 to $21 per Week

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: How to Grow Asters Successfully

Page: 8


How to Grow Asters Successfully

How to Grow Asters Successfully Improve This Season's Results With These Practical Suggestions

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Perfect Privacy With Lattice Fences

Pages: 9, 30


Perfect Privacy With Lattice Fences

How to Plan Fences to Secure the Utmost Privacy at Reasonable Cost

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Have You Tried These Vegetables?

Pages: 10, 11


Have You Tried These Vegetables?

Here Are Many Old-New Varieties You'll Want To Grow

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: The Wee House Electrified

Pages: 12, 36, 37, 39


The Wee House Electrified

"Brass Tacks" Discussion Of Electricity In the Small Home

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: The New Theatre of the Home

Pages: 13, 50


The New Theatre of the Home

The New Theatre of the Home Radio Is Making the Home the Most Interesting Place To Be

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: The June Bride's House

Pages: 14, 15


The June Bride's House

How We Furnished Our Dream House and How You May Furnish Yours

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Homes of Famous Americans

Pages: 16, 34, 35, 44


Homes of Famous Americans

THE Romans had a strong sense of national security. No matter what they might do, Rome would endure. "There will always be a Caesar," a proverb ran, "to save Rome." So they surrendered their sense of individual responsibility and sowed the seeds of moral corruption which finally ate the heart out of their vaunted civilization.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: A Backyard Garden In June

Pages: 17, 27


A Backyard Garden In June

Deeply Suggestive of the Things One Can Do On a City Lot

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: The Society of Little Gardens

Pages: 18, 19, 43


The Society of Little Gardens

An Organization Fostering the Correct Improvement of Yards

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Growing Sweet Corn Successfully

Page: 20


Growing Sweet Corn Successfully

Home-Grown Corn Is The Best For Your Tables

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Tips To Make Your June Work Count

Page: 22


Tips To Make Your June Work Count

TOMATO vines should be staked up and all sucker shoots regularly pinched off. Persistent cultivation will conserve the moisture in the soil and give you better fruit.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Successful Home Canning of Vegetables

Pages: 24, 41, 45


Successful Home Canning of Vegetables

Successful Home Canning of Vegetables Make Your Garden Serve You the Year Around by Proper Canning

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: How To Adjust Your Lawn Mower

Pages: 26, 27


How To Adjust Your Lawn Mower

A Problem Often Perplexing Is Here Made Very Simple

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: How To Build Your Own Garage

Pages: 28, 29, 51


How To Build Your Own Garage

Every Detail Is Fully Explained In This Worth-While Article

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Has Music Led Us Astray?

Page: 32


Has Music Led Us Astray?

HAVE you noticed that "Home, Sweet, Sweet Home" isn't sung any more? You haven't heard it in the last few years. Formerly it dropped in on us once in a while in concert encores and in quiet social and family gatherings. And every rendition of it reacted on the cerebral tissue of those who sang and to a less extent of those who listened.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: A Practical Wild Flower Club

Page: 32


A Practical Wild Flower Club

A WILD FLOWER CLUB that teaches hundreds of people to know, love and preserve wild flowers is the Southwest Museum Wild Flower Club of Los Angeles.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: The Novel of the Year

Page: 33


The Novel of the Year

SPECULATION is very common these days among serious-minded people as to the direction in which we are traveling. With our jazz, our recklessness for the old conventions, our seeming disregard for traditions and apparent disrespect for the law-- we have reason, sometimes, to stop and consult the signboards.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Summer Care of Growing Stock

Page: 38


Summer Care of Growing Stock

NOW is the best time in the whole year in which to buy baby chicks or bring off hatches, especially if you have selected a variety of the "egg breeds." Even if you have decided to keep the larger or general purpose fowls, it is not too late to have the young pullets matured before winter sets in, and this is necessary if you want winter eggs.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Two Comfortable Homes You'll Like

Page: 40


Two Comfortable Homes You'll Like

SPRING building season is in full swing, and more and more inquiries are coming every day for attractive, comfortable homes that can be built at a moderate cost.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Use Rainbow Backgrounds for Vacation Embroideries

Pages: 46, 48


Use Rainbow Backgrounds for Vacation Embroideries

REFRESHING and most attractive are the new colored embroideries that the summer season has brought forth. The simple but highly decorative stitches and the bright colored backgrounds are most unusual and pleasing to the eye.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Overcoming Cucumberblight

Pages: 52, 53


Overcoming Cucumberblight

TO raise cucumbers successfully is a problem that confronts not only the amateur, but the professional gardener as well, owing to the blight disease which destroys the crop. Cucumber blight is a plant disease brought about thru several agencies, viz: Too early planting, drought, improper watering, insects and heat producing commercial fertilizers, to which we might add, improper cultivation and improper preparation of the ground.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1923 Magazine Article: Along the Garden Path

Page: 54


Along the Garden Path

WHEN, if ever, come perfect days," wrote Lowell, of June. And now, as we pause on the threshold of another glad season, with the whole panorama of Nature's gorgeous dress spread out before us, how true his words are! There is no place where we want to be so much, as in our own gardens and backyards. Every finger points a command to us.

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