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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Fruit, Garden and Home

Page: 3


Fruit, Garden and Home

IN these columns in April I said: "It (the home) is the hemstring of our universe. Draw it out, and our whole civilization will fall into ruins; break the home, impair its integrity, and every hope and aspiration we have will be in grave jeopardy ... From the earliest times, the home-- the family unit-- has been the basis upon which every relation has been built."

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: The World's Greatest Museum of Living Trees

Pages: 4, 5, 6


The World's Greatest Museum of Living Trees

Arnold Arboretum at Boston Has Helped Improve Your Garden

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Growing Dahlias From Seed

Pages: 7, 28


Growing Dahlias From Seed

MANY flower lovers have never realized the pleasure of growing dahlias from seed. Dahlia tubers may be purchased from florists or flowering plants may be secured the first year from seed sown early in the spring. If the gardener wishes to be absolutely certain of the trueness to type of the varieties he plants, he will do well to order tubers from some reliable firm, but if he enjoys a game of chance, then he may buy a package of seed, plant them, watch them grow, and have something to live for from day to day.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Building a Home For a Thousand Dollars

Pages: 8, 38, 41, 45


Building a Home For a Thousand Dollars

Economical Construction is Possible Even In This Era Of High Prices

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Now Is the Time to Plant More Iris

Pages: 9, 36


Now Is the Time to Plant More Iris

Advice on How to Plant and Succeed With These Garden Friends

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Grow Apples in Your Backyard

Pages: 10, 11


Grow Apples in Your Backyard

How to Select, Plant and Grow Them in the Right Way

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Growing Witloof for Winter Salads

Pages: 12, 36


Growing Witloof for Winter Salads

How to Grow, Store and Serve This Great Winter Delicacy

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Taking Care of Your Lawn in the Fall

Pages: 13, 46, 47


Taking Care of Your Lawn in the Fall

ALONG in August, many a lawn begins to look "sick." Either the summer's dry spells have killed off much of the grass, or the lawn has become so worn down in spots that it is sadly in need of repair. Or the weeds have made such a Jack's Beanstalk growth that they are entirely crowding out the grass. If, therefore, you would have a smooth velvety surface of green about your house again when spring calls all growing things to life, it is wise to take inventory of the lawn's needs, and to plan some repair work before frost comes.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Homes of Famous Americans

Pages: 14, 15, 42, 43


Homes of Famous Americans

NOW and then men are born who give great promise of reaching the most sublime heights of usefulness and fame. They often come out of the stark blackness of deep national trial and tribulation; they gleam awhile with meteoric brilliancy in the heavens of destiny, apparently irresistible in their power, and then something happens-- something snaps --and they go out with a fitful sputtering, like the last glow of a spent rocket.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: How to Destroy Garden Pests

Pages: 16, 31


How to Destroy Garden Pests

Simple Control Measures to Save Your Garden Plants

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: What Flowers Brought to One Backyard

Page: 17


What Flowers Brought to One Backyard

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Taking the Wrinkles Out of the Wash

Pages: 18, 19


Taking the Wrinkles Out of the Wash

Let These Suggestions Help You With Your Laundry Problems

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Let Fruit Juices Serve You Thruout the Year

Pages: 20, 39


Let Fruit Juices Serve You Thruout the Year

These Suggestions Will Be Valuable To You

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Gateways and Arches for Your Gardens

Page: 21


Gateways and Arches for Your Gardens

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Build Your Water Pools in August

Pages: 22, 33


Build Your Water Pools in August

Every Detail In Successful Water Gardening Carefully Considered in This Article

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Cozy and Artistic Homes

Page: 24


Cozy and Artistic Homes

AS long as home-lovers are seeking cozy, artistic homes-- and where can you find one who isn't?-- that long will there be a demand for the appealing types pictured on this page.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Buying a Garden Hose

Page: 28


Buying a Garden Hose

There are just two kinds of garden hose-- depending upon the way they are made-- the "sheeting" or wrapped hose, and the "molded" hose. Good hose in either style is made of real live rubber, and a strong cotton fabric. The things to avoid are rubber that looks old and dead, also adulterated substitutes.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Growing Roses From Cuttings

Page: 29


Growing Roses From Cuttings

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: When to Order Hardy Bulbs

Page: 29


When to Order Hardy Bulbs

Have you ever planned to have a tulip bed when tulips were in bloom and forgotten all about it until tulips were blooming again? I know a number of people who have done this repeatedly.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: PERENNIALS

Page: 29



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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: How to Wire Your Garage

Pages: 30, 31


How to Wire Your Garage

These Simple Directions Will Aid You in Doing Your Own Work

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Transplanting Trees

Pages: 32, 33


Transplanting Trees

AN authority on the subject claims that trees should be transplanted in the dead of winter. When a tree is moved from one environment to another the plant receives a severe shock. If this moving is done during an inactive period there will be less danger of death and certainly less molestation of tiny roots.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Building a Garden Wall

Pages: 34, 35


Building a Garden Wall

How to Use Them to Improve Your Garden

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: To Make Winter-Blooming Chrysanthemums

Page: 37


To Make Winter-Blooming Chrysanthemums

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Contest Announcement

Page: 37


Contest Announcement

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Grade of Bulbs to Buy

Page: 37


Grade of Bulbs to Buy

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: To Make August Work Easier

Page: 40


To Make August Work Easier

Evergreens may be set out in many localities this month to better advantage than at any other time. This season usually marks more or less the rest period for evergreens. They can be transplanted with less injury than at any other season. In buying, prefer specimens which have been balled and burlapped.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Between Meal Set of Quaint Design

Page: 44


Between Meal Set of Quaint Design

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Spanish Omelet

Page: 45


Spanish Omelet

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: BIENNIALS

Page: 45



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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Fruit Using Desserts

Pages: 48, 49


Fruit Using Desserts

WHAT would you say if your doctor told you that right in your own home you had some of the most valuable aids to health science knows? What would you think if he asked you if you were getting fruit in some form every day during the summer, and canning enough to serve you thru the winter?

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1923 Magazine Article: Along the Garden Path

Page: 50


Along the Garden Path

THE things that look easiest are generally the hardest to do. Sometimes the most important inventions look to be the simplest. The garden, breathing the spirit of simplicity, seems easy to make, but what a real effort it takes when we try to reproduce it! The decorative scheme in the neighbor's house which looks so rich and inviting is, after all, strong because of its simplicity.

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