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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: FRUIT, GARDEN AND HOME

Page: 3



IT is now a year since we first offered you a copy of Fruit, Garden and Home. A good many things have happened in the past year to justify the faith we had in September, 1922. First, I want to speak of the enthusiastic and loyal support which the reading public has accorded Fruit. Garden and Home.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Plant Peonies in Your Gardens

Pages: 5, 41, 43


Plant Peonies in Your Gardens

How to Select, Plant and Grow These Garden Friends

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Your Peony Questions Answered

Page: 6


Your Peony Questions Answered

THE people who come to my peony gardens comprise two classes; those who know comparatively little or nothing about peonies, and those who come from far distant places and who are experts in the raising of these beautiful flowers. Of course these two classes of visitors come for entirely different reasons, and have naturally asked entirely different questions.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Gardening With My Camera

Page: 7


Gardening With My Camera

IF the gardener with the hoe has any thing on me, gardening with my camera, for real pleasures and a lasting satisfaction, I should like him (or her) to speak up. Tho, admittedly, had it not been for him, I should not be writing this, per haps.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: It Is Easy to Weave Baskets, Part I

Pages: 8, 48


It Is Easy to Weave Baskets, Part I

How to Make Your Own Baskets Simply Explained

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: The Mayor of Moravia

Pages: 9, 10


The Mayor of Moravia

THERE is one mayor in the United States I want to take off my hat to. The other day-- along about the first of June-- I picked up a copy of a weekly newspaper called The Moravia Union, published at Moravia, Iowa, and on the first page was a news item. It was about the mayor of Moravia.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Medicinal Value of Vegetables

Page: 10


Medicinal Value of Vegetables

Asparagus-- gently stimulates the kidneys. Beet-- relieves gravel and readjusts certain internal disorders of women.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Those Magic Evergreens

Pages: 11, 33, 35


Those Magic Evergreens

LATE August or early September are the months usually chosen in which to plant evergreens. There are two reasons for this. First, it is nearly always a convenient time for the home owner to do the work. Second, from the standpoint of the evergreen itself, it is quite permissible.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Furnishing the Young Folks' Room

Pages: 12, 13


Furnishing the Young Folks' Room

Comfort and Attractiveness Can Be Secured By Careful Planning

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Homes of Famous Americans

Pages: 14, 39, 45


Homes of Famous Americans

Each month we will visit the home of a famous American. These visits will take us all over the country, and into every period of history from early Colonial days down to the present. Perhaps, in these intimate glimpses into the home-life of our great men and women, we will find even a greater appreciation for our own homes and their influence upon us.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: My Garden of Dwarf Fruit Trees

Page: 15


My Garden of Dwarf Fruit Trees

What Can Be Done In An Average City Backyard

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: How to Get the Most From Back Numbers

Page: 16


How to Get the Most From Back Numbers

An Easy Method For Filing and Cross-Indexing Every Article

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: How I Used Rocks in My Garden

Pages: 17, 29


How I Used Rocks in My Garden

Where Stone Is Abundant It Can Be Used In Your Garden

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Weathering the Gale

Pages: 18, 19


Weathering the Gale

How Weather Strips Will Add to the Liveableness of Your Home

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: How to Plan Your Meals

Pages: 20, 46


How to Plan Your Meals

Let This Article Help You Solve a Common Problem

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: The Well Designed Small House

Page: 22


The Well Designed Small House

EVERYBODY wants a cozy home, no matter how little or how much it costs, and every day we are getting inquiries for just the cozy types we are picturing here. The best part of it is, they are homes that families of modest means can build-- they are modern in every respect, carefully designed and architecturally correct.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: A Small Greenhouse Will Pay

Pages: 24, 25, 27


A Small Greenhouse Will Pay

PICTURE yourself the owner of a greenhouse in which plant culture can be continued thruout the stormy, frigid months of winter. A tiny garden of Eden, if you please, where those tender plants and herbs, flowers and vegetables can be cultivated for profit or for pleasure.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Discovering the Hubbard Grape

Pages: 28, 29


Discovering the Hubbard Grape

Oklahoma's Backyard Burbank Has a Real Grape

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: How New Roses Are Produced

Pages: 30, 31


How New Roses Are Produced

THERE are probably few, even among those who take no particular interest in floriculture, who have failed to notice the vast improvement in garden roses in recent years.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Why Burn Leaves?

Pages: 31, 49


Why Burn Leaves?

AS winter approaches the smell of burning leaves reaches us. We can see people everywhere burning them.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Our Backyard Flock

Page: 32


Our Backyard Flock

AS long as we have kept house, the backyard flock of chickens has been part of our general living conditions. We would be most lonely without them, and would miss the fresh eggs, not to mention the frys and roasts we enjoy.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Prize Winning Landscaping Design

Pages: 34, 35


Prize Winning Landscaping Design

This Plan Won the Second Prize in Our Recent Contest

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: The Washington Elm Is Dead!

Pages: 36, 37


The Washington Elm Is Dead!

Old Historic Tree Lost to Posterity Thru Carelessness

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: WITH ALL OUR MIGHT

Page: 37



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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Taking the Wrinkles Out of the Wash

Page: 38


Taking the Wrinkles Out of the Wash

Going on with the question of laundry equipment we need an ironing board with two irons attached for sleeves and initials and little pieces which you can iron on the ironer but which is often more fun to do with the sad iron.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Garden Reminders

Page: 40


Garden Reminders

POPPIES (Oriental) can be transplanted this month with safety. Choose young plants, as old ones have very long roots and sometimes refuse to be successfully moved.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: A Beauty for the Window Garden

Pages: 42, 43


A Beauty for the Window Garden

How to Grow and Succeed With Pelargoniums

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Handwork Adds Charm to Your Linens

Page: 44


Handwork Adds Charm to Your Linens

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: DOING HIS BIT

Page: 49



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Better Homes & Gardens September 1923 Magazine Article: Along the Garden Path

Page: 50


Along the Garden Path

WE have had a severe drouth the past few weeks. The other evening I was irrigating the front terrace when my attention was attracted to a large number of red ants running aimlessly around under the fine mist of the spray. An examination showed that they were coming across the paved drive-way. Each ant was carrying an ant egg nearly as large as itself.

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