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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: FRUIT, GARDEN AND HOME

Page: 3



AND now it's another New Year. May it be a most happy, prosperous one for each Fruit, Garden and Home reader-- every day and each hour filled with all that is good-- above all, an opportunity to make our lives bigger, better and more worthwhile.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: It's a Valiant Thing to Own Your Home

Page: 5


It's a Valiant Thing to Own Your Home

TWO months ago four of us-- my father, mother, wife and myself-- undertook the joyous work of transforming a house into a home. Now that we are actually living in our Home, now that we are tasting the homely sweetness of living in a place we call our own, now that we fully appreciate the cozy contentment that comes of a night when we hear the bleak chilling blast of the winter wind-- now that we are here-- we are finding out what it means to have our own Home.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: I Have Landscaped Three Thousand Yards

Pages: 6, 7, 28


I Have Landscaped Three Thousand Yards

Some Things I've Learned About You and What You Want

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Painting Your Winter Dooryard

Pages: 8, 38, 39


Painting Your Winter Dooryard

WHEN you consider how much time folks spend away from their homes in the summer, fall and winter and very early spring are really the seasons when dooryards should be most enjoyable. And yet this fact is seldom thought of when shrubs and trees and other growing things are set out on the home grounds.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article:

Pages: 9, 10, 49


"Sentiment--Just Sentiment"

Henry Ford Talks of the Most Important Things In This Life

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Taking Care of the Canary

Pages: 11, 29


Taking Care of the Canary

This Interesting Article Solves Many Canary Problems

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Furnishing the Hallway

Pages: 12, 13, 28


Furnishing the Hallway

The Hall is Important For It Sets the Dominant Note

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Homes of Famous Americans

Pages: 14, 34, 35, 36


Homes of Famous Americans

I HOLD it strange that in a world where so many of us must work to keep the wolf from the door; a world where everything that has been accomplished has been won thru the sweat of the brow; a world which owes its all to Work-- that there should be such an effort on the part of everyone to get out of useful toil.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Those Plants In Your Window

Pages: 15, 36


Those Plants In Your Window

Health and Beauty Depend Upon Their Care and Proper Conditions

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: How We Remade Our Yard

Pages: 16, 17


How We Remade Our Yard

This Worthwhile Experience Offers You Many Suggestions

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Limbering Up Your Water Supply

Pages: 18, 19


Limbering Up Your Water Supply

HARD water is about as attractive as a hard woman! But much easier to correct! Of course there are chemicals and alleviating things that tone up a basin of water and make it endurable but when it comes to softening or limbering up the water we drink and the water that we use for the laundry and toilet it cannot be so conveniently accomplished with small make-shifts. So the cure for water by the wholesale or as we use it, has been invented at little cost and much convenience.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: How To Force Vegetables In The Cellar

Pages: 20, 47


How To Force Vegetables In The Cellar

THE winter forcing of asparagus, rhubarb, witloo chicory, sea kale and Swiss chard can be carried out very successfully in the cellar of any private house, provided sufficient heat is given out by the cellar furnace.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Two Cozy Bungalows

Page: 22


Two Cozy Bungalows

IN this month's series of designs we are showing two extremely attractive bungalows. We have considered cost when designing them, and while they are of very good construction, you'll be surprised at the moderate price for which they can be built.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Furnishing the Small House

Pages: 24, 25


Furnishing the Small House

THE culmination of our day-dreams comes when we begin to furnish the house which we have built. What a joy to begin with a large living room like that in plan No. 19 shown on this page!

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: The Most For Your Fruit

Page: 25


The Most For Your Fruit

Every fall a great amount of apples and plums are decaying on the ground in states where these fruits are raised, while people in other states are wishing that they had some of the fruits to eat. The wants of these people show that there is a demand for all fruit which is eatable. Why, then, should any kind of fruit be allowed to rot on the ground?

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Amenities of the Seed Catalog

Pages: 30, 31


Amenities of the Seed Catalog

What to Choose for Your Backyard Flower Garden

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: The Value of Vines

Page: 31


The Value of Vines

IN the city, where vistas are small, due to lack of space, we can not all have trees, but this does not mean we must have bare walls and sunny porches. No, indeed! We can all have vines, and oh, how grateful we will be for their protection on hot days.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: The planting and care of beautiful evergreens involves no secret process...

Page: 31


The planting and care of beautiful evergreens involves no secret process...

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Poultry In Small Quarters

Page: 32


Poultry In Small Quarters

I HAVE had many years of experience in raising poultry, both in small quarters and on a large range. But my best success was in town on a plot of ground 100 feet square, back of my residence.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Native Shrubs

Pages: 33, 45


Native Shrubs

WE go to China and Japan, and even to the uttermost ends of the earth, to find shrubs for our gardens, and, while we are seeking beautiful blossoms and bushes elsewhere, our English and Continental cousins are using some of our commonest plants to decorate their gardens and parks.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Cleaning Drain Pipes

Page: 37


Cleaning Drain Pipes

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Between Times In January

Pages: 40, 41


Between Times In January

JANUARY is a between time in garden activities, and is a fine month for not only catching up, but for getting ahead; and I know of no more comfortable feeling in regard to any industry than that of knowing that we are a bit ahead of the game.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Music For Every Home

Pages: 42, 43


Music For Every Home

AMERICA has more musical instruments in her homes than any other country and more money has been spent on the musical education of American children than on those of any other land.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: To Have Beautiful Begonias

Page: 43


To Have Beautiful Begonias

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Delightful Embroideries for the New Year

Page: 44


Delightful Embroideries for the New Year

Of unusual charm and beauty is the scarf and cushion set illustrated here. The model shown is made of heavy black sateen embroidered with heavy fibre silk thread. Blue, gold and bronze were the colors used, blue being used for centers and curved lines, bronze for one-half each petal, gold for the other half.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: How to Have Early Cucumbers

Page: 45


How to Have Early Cucumbers

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: The Informal Afternoon Tea

Page: 46


The Informal Afternoon Tea

WHENEVER it is served, wherever it is served, however it is served, the informal afternoon tea is a delightful function. You will become better acquainted with, feel a keener interest in, and enjoy the society of the occasional caller or the intimate friend more if you serve "tea" when receiving.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: My Favorite Bird

Page: 49


My Favorite Bird

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1924 Magazine Article: Along the Garden Path

Page: 50


Along the Garden Path

SOMETIMES, in our impatience for results, we complain at the changeableness of the seasons. Glibly we say: "It would be heaven if we could live where the climate never changed!" or, "Wouldn't it be fine to follow spring around the world?" But we forget that in constant change does Nature preserve her youth. After all, hell is just a place where the climate never changes!

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