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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article:

Page: 3


"And None Shall Make Them Afraid"

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 9, 28



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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Beardless prises for Every Garden

Pages: 10, 38, 39, 40


Beardless prises for Every Garden

OH, this is a dear little thing. What is it?" The plant in question was a tiny thing growing among my ferns-- some six inches high, and with small lilac-tinted blossoms about the size of a fifty-cent piece.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: A few Melons for Your Garden

Page: 11


A few Melons for Your Garden

"MELON PATCH" brings back memories of various kinds. As boys the mere mention of these magic words was enough to cause a profound attention, no matter what other weighty matters were being considered. Even now, "melon patch" brings back a vision of an undiminishing supply of sweet, juicy canteloupes or red ripe watermelons.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Homes of Famous Americans

Pages: 12, 13, 54, 55


Homes of Famous Americans

IT'S a valiant thing to face life on unequal terms and yet have the high courage to laugh one's way to Olympus. 'Tis courage of the highest order to flood the overcharged atmosphere with smiles and laughter, for life is real and life is earnest and life is hateful, at times. Even Mark Twain pointed out that "life is a serious business for few get out of it alive!"

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: To Help You in Selecting Table Linen

Page: 14


To Help You in Selecting Table Linen

TABLE coverings play 110 small part in the success of any meal, whether it be a feminine bridge luncheon or a dinner for men. Strange to men seem peculiarly susceptible to the influence of table coverings, upon their moods, tho of course only men who have analyzed their feelings thoroly would be able to tell you why the appearance of one table appealed while that of another was not particularly restful or inviting.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 19, 46, 47, 48



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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Nature Lore For Youthful Readers

Page: 20


Nature Lore For Youthful Readers

AMERICA'S red cedar tree might be called the literary tree of the nation. Of the world, too, for that matter. It is, as many know, the kind of wood from which almost all the lead pencils ever used have been made.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Under the Library Lamp

Page: 22


Under the Library Lamp

FIRST of all, before we get down to the business of the day, have you met any good "family books" lately? Have you encountered any fascinating volumes, fiction or non-fiction, new or old, so wide in their appeal that your whole family has read them and loved them, from Father down to the Littlest Girl?

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: The Evolution of Our Living Room

Pages: 24, 55


The Evolution of Our Living Room

A FEELING of hopelessness came over me when, six years ago, we rented a small cottage which was to be our home. There was nothing in it to stimulate in me a desire to produce those little artistic effects which endear the human being to the house which gives him shelter.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Leeks Are Easy to Grow

Page: 26


Leeks Are Easy to Grow

FROM boyhood until last year I held two erroneous opinions concerning leeks: one that they are hard to grow, the other that they are strong flavored. Having eaten them at a friend's house- served like asparagus on toast with a cream sauce, and as a cream soup-- delicious each way-- I grew a row of them last year.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Routing the White Plague

Pages: 29, 49, 52, 53


Routing the White Plague

IT takes a stout heart to read to the end the story of that most pitiful single incident of history, the Children's Crusade, when thousands of little folks left their homes and their parents to march to the Holy Land, fired by the illusion that on their arrival there the Saracen hosts would fall.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Foods to Share with Your Neighbours

Pages: 30, 58


Foods to Share with Your Neighbours

ONCE I had a delightful neighbor whose footsteps on the back walk and rap on the door always brought joy. With greetings and smiles she presented a package wrapped in waxed paper a friendship offering, she named it. Perhaps it was a slice of chocolate cake, a few squares of candy, a plate of raisin cookies or a bowl of cranberry marmalade.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Delicious Ways with Canned Vegetables

Pages: 31, 65, 66, 67


Delicious Ways with Canned Vegetables

EVERY once in a while we really need to remind ourselves how much our table has gained since the canning of vegetables became possible, then easy, and lastly, general; also, how much time we save by their use.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 37



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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: The College Fund

Page: 37


The College Fund

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: A Recipe for Thrift

Page: 37


A Recipe for Thrift

AT the end of two years of married life we had a sick baby and the contract to buy a home. And we married without a dollar and in debt. No doubt you say foolish children! We did light housekeeping for over a year and were out of work a part of that time. We bought our furniture on the installment plan and altho we lacked many luxuries we were very happy in our old apartment.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 40, 45



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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Dad's Practical Pointers

Pages: 56, 57


Dad's Practical Pointers

SOMEONE has said that we are slighting the younger folks, particularly the boys. And no doubt we are. The last blueprint offered for the young folks was the outdoor gym-- and that appeared many months ago.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 73



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Better Homes & Gardens January 1927 Magazine Article: ACROSS THE EDITOR'S DESK

Page: 74



WINTER is good for our souls because it brings us a quality of leisure we find at no other season. We may fancy that we have it in abundance at times in the other seasons, but there we do err. Winter, alone, gives us the chance to curl up in our own respective comfortable nooks. We lay aside the outdoors for a spell. as we lav aside our wraps. and we have the rare opportunity to draw on comfort with our slippers.

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