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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: ACROSS THE EDITOR'S DESK

Page: 5



"BACK HOME" is the name of a booklet published by an important advertising agency. Such things help us to set a marker to show how far we as a people have traveled in certain directions, and I'm sure it is a comfort to all of us to know that in this case the direction is definitely toward home.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: We Furnish This Month's Bildcost Colonial Living-Room

Pages: 6, 47


We Furnish This Month's Bildcost Colonial Living-Room

WE HAVE featured the Colonial period in our background by using a Colonial paper with painted woodwork, plain floor-covering, and figured draperies. In furniture we have chosen eighteenth-century mahogany because it is so livable and at present the most popular furniture.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: Let's Make Thanksgiving Entertaining Easier for Mother

Pages: 9, 38, 39


Let's Make Thanksgiving Entertaining Easier for Mother

THE first Thanksgiving feast staged by the Plymouth Pilgrims was a potluck affair, I mused, so why not ours this year? It would be easier on our whole household, upon which falls each year the responsibility of gathering in the kin-folk within driving distance to celebrate Thanksgiving.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: A Home of American Ancestry

Pages: 10, 11


A Home of American Ancestry

THE attractive proportions and simplicity of line of this typically American home give it charm and distinction that appeal to most of us. This distinction is achieved in many ways, for while in its general shape it follows the traditional lines of the Colonial period, there are many refreshing details employed in its exterior treatment to make it far removed from the commonplace boxlike houses which, for want of a better name, are loosely called Colonial.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: The Exact Cost to Build This Home

Page: 11


The Exact Cost to Build This Home

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: Gala Christmas Cards You Can Make

Pages: 12, 42, 43, 44


Gala Christmas Cards You Can Make

YOUR mother-in-law, Tim's college pals, and the girls in your bridge club must all be sent something special in the way of a holiday greeting. Why not impress them by dispatching a card that shows your own handiwork-- a message of Christmas cheer that sets you, the sender, apart as a person of originality and taste?

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: We Get Ready for Christmas

Page: 13


We Get Ready for Christmas

SLEEPY SUE is the most cuddly and easily made dolly! Stamped white outing flannel, floss and ribbons for Sue, and instructions only for making her enameled spool bed and the dainty bed linens are all No. 810, price 25 cents.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: This Is the Way We Wash Our Clothes

Pages: 14, 37


This Is the Way We Wash Our Clothes

"WHAT kind of electric washing-machine shall I buy?" asked a young bride friend of mine. She was just on the point of going out to stock up her laundry. Would I help her? Of course I would!

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: Why I Am a Begonia Fan

Pages: 15, 44, 45


Why I Am a Begonia Fan

EVERY month in the year some begonia in my windows opens its blossoms. The cheerful little Semperflorens blooms constantly, as the name indicates, and may be had in many colors.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: Where Extensive Remodeling Paid

Pages: 16, 34


Where Extensive Remodeling Paid

WHAT shall we do with the house?" This was the question that confronted the new owner of the property that included this cottage.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: How to Save Fuel Dollars

Pages: 17, 32, 33, 34


How to Save Fuel Dollars

IF YOU have a warm-air heating plant in your home, here's how to care for it to get the greatest efficiency and comfort from it:

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: AMONG OURSELVES

Pages: 18, 41



OF COURSE you look at the pictures first, so it is an act of kindness to tell you about them quickly. Over in the right-hand corner is a particularly satisfying small pool, built by Freeman L. Hess, Chicago, in the rear yard of his home. The weather-beaten, mossy rocks came from the Wisconsin Dells, and Mr. Hess was wise enough to place them in conformity with the characteristic strata or that region.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: 50 Cents a Month Builds This Child's Library

Pages: 19, 36


50 Cents a Month Builds This Child's Library

EXACTLY which books shall I buy for my child? Where can I get them? How much will they cost?"

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: 8 Small Lot Plans That Locate the Garage

Pages: 20, 47


8 Small Lot Plans That Locate the Garage

1. THE GARAGE ATTACHED TO THE HOUSE is one of the most nearly ideal arrangements for the small lot. This concentrates all the buildings in one group. The great disadvantage is that fire-insurance rates are higher, altho, if a fireproof wall is used between the house and the garage, the rate is lessened. One of the many advantages is that less material is used.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: The Diary of a Plain Dirt Gardener

Pages: 22, 35


The Diary of a Plain Dirt Gardener

NOVEMBER 2. The boys and I planted the quince bush we bought last Friday. Then the box of new peonies I had sent for arrived and I went to work.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: Celebrating Our Garden Harvest

Pages: 24, 46


Celebrating Our Garden Harvest

WHAT fun it will be for our Junior Gardeners to plan a Garden Harvest Dinner Party! Then let's plan to invite the boys and girls right away and go ahead with it.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: Autumn Trail

Page: 28


Autumn Trail

INTERESTING secrets of the woodland will be revealed to you if you have a seeing eye and an understanding heart, and if you will follow an autumn trail. You will see how beautifully the leaves grow old. Full of life and color, they seem to give back the light of the summer sun.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: Thanksgiving

Page: 29



DID you know that it was a woman, Sarah Josepha Hale, who is really responsible for Thanksgiving as we know it today? She was the editor of Godey's Lady's Book, and for years she campaigned for a national observance of the day. Not until Abraham Lincoln became president did she win her campaign.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: Your Home Service Bureau

Page: 40


Your Home Service Bureau

IF YOU are not already familiar with the really valuable and helpful information in Better Homes and Gardens' Service Leaflets, this month is a good time to begin using them.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1932 Magazine Article: ALONG THE GARDEN PATH

Page: 48



DEAR Gardened-Home Friends: Several months ago I suggested that you take your pen in hand to tell me about your garden, but I never dreamed that so many of you would be good enough to write me such delightful letters; in fact, I have been kept busy for the last two months reading and answering them.

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