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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: Across the Editor's Desk

Page: 4


Across the Editor's Desk

THIS is going to be a confidential chat about some new things for Better Homes& Gardens.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: THE Diary OF A PLAIN DIRT GARDENER

Pages: 5, 49



Jan./ Here beginneth the-- let me see, it's either the twenty-seventh or twenty-eighth year that I have kept the pages of this old diary book. Think of that. And right glad I am that in the years when I was younger and more foolish, I didn't have to pick out and edit extracts of it for Better Homes& Gardens like I've been doing the past few years.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: IT'S News TO ME!

Page: 6


IT'S News TO ME!

"WE CAN'T wait any longer," said Nick's friend Jim. "Polly and I want to build a home!" "Fine," said Nick.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: Gardener Harold L. Ickes

Pages: 9, 10, 11, 50, 51


Gardener Harold L. Ickes

AT THE Department of the Interior, Washington's throbbing nerve- center of the "New Deal," I was shown into a spacious office with tall columns of gleaming walnut woodwork.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: Artist's Home in Connecticut

Pages: 16, 17, 40, 41


Artist's Home in Connecticut

A NARROW lane from the highway straight into the woods took me to the home of Henry Luhrs, Better Homes& Gardens artist at Westport, Connecticut.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: This is the way we Remove Stains

Pages: 18, 32, 33, 34


This is the way we Remove Stains

HOW exasperating spots and stains are to most of us, because we don't know how to go about removing them with any assurance of success.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: and this is the way we Wash Our Clothes

Pages: 19, 34, 35, 37


and this is the way we Wash Our Clothes

THE best of modern washing methods specify that some forethought and attention be given to clothes before wash day. Proper and careful sorting is important; so, too, is stain removal, soaking where and whenever necessary, the right amount of suds, sufficientrinsing, judicious starching.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: MAPS DECORATE AND TEACH!

Pages: 20, 21, 29



ALL of II years old, Muriel Hope Parry, my little girl, has solved the difficulty of geography study by using maps in the decorative scheme of her own room!

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: Exact Cost?

Page: 23


Exact Cost?

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: A Little at a Time

Pages: 22, 23


A Little at a Time

"WE WANT to build a home, a little at a time." This is the theme of a letter we have received from Mrs. O. H. Jameson, of Colfax, Washington.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: SPEECH DIFFICULTIES Can Be Cured

Pages: 24, 38, 39



"GO INTO a store where you are not known," said Doctor Wendell Johnson to me. "Approach a clerk you have never seen before and ask him for some article, stuttering as you do so. See how he looks at you. Do this repeatedly for a week, and you will begin to realize what it means to have a speech defect."

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: 3 Advantages to You

Pages: 30, 31


3 Advantages to You

LIKELY many of you wonder if 1935 isn't going to be a good year in which to build. Building materials have come down in price, lots are dirt cheap, and many things have happened recently to straighten out the home-financing tangle.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: $10 for Unusual Facts About People

Page: 36


$10 for Unusual Facts About People

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1935 Magazine Article: ALONG THE Garden Path

Page: 52


ALONG THE Garden Path

NO OTHER fragrance of roses ever compares with a clump of Cabbage Roses at the corner of the building where I first went to school. .. and back of the school a bank of myrtle. How eagerly I went to it each day early in the springtime ... Weeping Goldenbells cascading over a high shale ledge ... grape-hyacinths on a large private estate by the wayside. I thought they were wild.

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