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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: ACROSS THE Editor's Desk

Page: 3


ACROSS THE Editor's Desk

THRU the garlanded windows of Christendom the myriad lights of the Christmas trees twinkle like stars-- in memory of the Star that led the Wise Men. The air is harmonious with chimes and carols. There are greetings from near and far, and friendliness simplifies the problems of a care-worn world.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: TATTLE TALES

Page: 4



The Song Writers: William Ramsell (see page 7) hails from Ottumwa, Iowa; up to date has written some 30 or 40 songs-- until now, mostly of a popular nature; spends half his working hours writing irresistible sales letters; is one of those fellows who's been hiding his light under a-- er-- piano; and has just dashed off a new swing tune, "Eliza!

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Christmas Reverie

Page: 7


Christmas Reverie

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: THE DIARY of a Plain Dirt Gardener

Pages: 8, 70, 71


THE DIARY of a Plain Dirt Gardener

Late this afternoon as I worked outdoors at covering the roses, I fell to thinking of how much easier I have it than lots of dirt gardeners. I work hard indoors. Yet my life is a flexible one. When the days grow short and night comes soon, I can shift-- get out to my garden work an hour or so earlier in the afternoon.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: IT'S NEWS TO ME!

Page: 10



1 Slotted base of this Hearth-Kit holds its tools non-clatter and non-slip. No tool disturbs another, soiled ends are hidden, and clinging ashes catch in the base for easy clean-up. No. 1 kit of 4 solid, polished-brass tools, about $18.85 in stores; other kits are as low as $10. L. R. Nelson Mfg. Co., Inc., Peoria, III.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: You Can Work Miracles at Christmastime

Pages: 13, 45, 64, 65, 68, 69


You Can Work Miracles at Christmastime

A FEW Christmases ago Judge M. A. Matsumo, of New York, threatened that he would put anybody in jail who denied there was a Santa Claus.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Presents With Futures

Pages: 14, 15


Presents With Futures

CHRISTMAS GIFTS that will add home comfort to your rooms available on every hand: A love-seat that becomes a bed, Simmons, approximate retail price $50. Throw rug that comes in any size, Bigelow-Sanford, approximate retail price $7, for this size 27 x 54. Side table, Tomlinson, approximate retail price $20. Coffee table, Tomlinson, approximate retail price $55. Floor lamp, three-way lighting, Lightolier, approximate retail price $15.50. Decorative table lamp, Lightolier, approximate retail price $7.95. Mirror, Charles Hall, approximate retail price $25

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Yule Gaieties

Pages: 16, 17


Yule Gaieties

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: To the Whole Family

Pages: 18, 19


To the Whole Family

GOSH, man, don't you realize what a gift a powder room would be to her, to you, and to smooth-sailing family life?

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: For the Indoor Gardener

Pages: 20, 21, 56, 57


For the Indoor Gardener

NO GIFT problems for me this year. I'm giving houseplant containers and vases. They solve my problems easily and make sure my friends will be delighted.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: I For the Outdoor Gardener

Pages: 21, 50, 56


I For the Outdoor Gardener

WE'VE always suspected it, and now we're more positive than ever, that there's something about a good garden tool that makes every home-minded man and woman almost pathetically eager to handle it, to try it out, and finally to possess it.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Old Furnishings Have Charm

Pages: 22, 23, 60, 61


Old Furnishings Have Charm

THE Skipper backed the car and swung into the lane. "Now, remember," he warned. "If you can't use it, don't buy it!"

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Merry Christmas to Your Home

Pages: 24, 25


Merry Christmas to Your Home

What more welcome Christmas present for a house than weather strips on all outside doors? Floor drafts will be a reminiscence, fuel bills less. When summer comes, the protection will be useful because driving rains can't seep under the door. It isn't a difficult job to have done.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Gardening an American Jungle

Pages: 26, 27, 44, 45


Gardening an American Jungle

SAVING and gardening a jungle seems a strange hobby, and few people will believe that such a hobby is possible right here in America. But jungle "collecting" happens to be the chief happiness of two wealthy Floridians, and they have found their jungleland without journeying beyond American shores.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: CHRISTMAS-TREE TOWN

Page: 28



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Hail the Christmas Spirit

Pages: 30, 31, 43, 53


Hail the Christmas Spirit

WE'RE having the jolliest, easiest Christmas party this year! Everything's ready-- the holly and mistletoe ordered, just to make sure. And the big surprise will be the Christmas table. That's planned, too, for it's to be the climax of the day's celebration.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: THESE RING THE BELL

Pages: 32, 33



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: MAKE YOUR OWN Pine-Cone Candelabra

Page: 35


MAKE YOUR OWN Pine-Cone Candelabra

The pine-cone candle-holder, pictured on page 31, forms an effective centerpiece for any yuletide table.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Mr. Turkey Wins by a Nose

Pages: 37, 38


Mr. Turkey Wins by a Nose

AND whatta race! Roast Fowl and Stuffing Experts battling it out with Cranberry Cooks in our culinary contest announced last June! Photofinish winner (see page 39 for proof) is Mrs. C. T. Walker, of Redwood City, California, who jockeyed her Turkey With Oyster Stuffing into position as Dish of the Month, snaring first prize of $5.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article:

Page: 38


"It's Always Cranberry Time"

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: 'Way Down Deep Eatin'

Page: 38


'Way Down Deep Eatin'

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Fun at Home

Pages: 46, 47, 58, 59


Fun at Home

"IT'S my turn to give a party, Mother, but unless I take the kids to a movie, I don't know what on earth we'll do!"

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Wrap Food FOR GAY GIFTS

Page: 48



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: The Man Next Door

Pages: 49, 50


The Man Next Door

This year all of us parents must stand together, look the toyland clerks squarely in the eye, and tell 'em that we expect those toys to last the tots at least from Christmas until New Year's Day. Nothing disillusions a child so much as a toy that goes to pieces in his hand.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: CONFESSIONS OF Good Cooks

Page: 52



Our crowd votes for Cranberry-Pineapple Juice Cocktail as a tart beginning for the Christmas feast. Cook 2 cups cranberries with ½ cup sugar; strain. Add an equal amount of unsweetened pineapple juice and enough lemon juice to give it a tingle.--

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Vitamin B1 NEWS!

Page: 53


Vitamin B1 NEWS!

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 57



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Gardens, Lemons, and Driveways

Page: 59


Gardens, Lemons, and Driveways

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Another Exposé

Page: 61


Another Exposé

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Ready for Your Guests

Pages: 62, 63, 64


Ready for Your Guests

NO MATTER how casual we've become in our family living, it's a healthy sign that we're still eager to do everything possible to make house guests contented and comfortable, whether they're with us one night or one hundred.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Home-Builders!

Page: 68



Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens December 1939 Magazine Article: Want to Grow Your Own Holly?

Pages: 66, 67, 72


Want to Grow Your Own Holly?

WHO will rule your household during next year-- husband or wife? An old omen says that whosoever brings Christmas holly into the house first-- either husband or wife --is the one who will rule the ensuing year.

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