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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: You May Catch a Murderer

Page: 7


You May Catch a Murderer

IGNAZ SEMMELWEISS worked among the sick of Vienna a century ago. He lacked, of course, our modern knowledge of the processes of germ infection; nevertheless, simple observation so convinced him that uncleanliness caused the frightful mortality in childbed that ravaged the hospitals of his day, that he gave his life and his reason to the fight against dirt.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: LATE TIPS ON Wartime living

Page: 8


LATE TIPS ON Wartime living

The present fuel-oil year ends August 31 and the new year will begin September 1, 30 days before it was originally scheduled.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: One Spraying Rills Poison Ivy

Page: 10


One Spraying Rills Poison Ivy

NOW you can spray your poison ivy away, permanently.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Let's Frame Our Dining-Room Bay

Pages: 12, 76


Let's Frame Our Dining-Room Bay

"NOW here's a home with possibilities!" said Mrs. Swaine. So we bought it. At the time I didn't realize just what she meant. But now I know-- she meant remodeling possibilities.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Move Into Your Walls

Pages: 15, 16, 17


Move Into Your Walls

WE'RE often shortsighted in the homes we build, but we're not wall-eyed. Too bad.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: You can take it with you!

Pages: 18, 19


You can take it with you!

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: A Little Planting Can Do a Lot

Pages: 20, 21


A Little Planting Can Do a Lot

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: I'm fed up!

Pages: 22, 23


I'm fed up!

WITH a bedtime snack between us in front of the fire, the Skipper-- my husband --and I were at our favorite pastime: planning our new home.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Expanded to Fit the Family

Pages: 24, 25, 75


Expanded to Fit the Family

MRS. C. W. Dalton, writes from Yakima, Washington: There was a real housing shortage in this fast-growing city in 1933. The house we'd been renting was sold and we had to get out. After many visits to real-estate dealers, searching of newspapers, and scouring the city, we finally found this old house.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Same Size Outside Larger Inside

Pages: 24, 25


Same Size Outside Larger Inside

SAYS Mrs. Crawford C. Ferguson, of Palenville, New York: In the beginning we didn't own the old house near Palenville, New York, but we visited there often. It was fun to loll back in our easy chairs on the front porch, planning how we'd modernize it if it were ours.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Cabin for a Hill and furniture that fits

Pages: 26, 27, 78, 79


Cabin for a Hill and furniture that fits

HE WANTED a view. Not just a view of the lake, either. "You can sit in an office in Chicago's Loop and see the lake," he says. "But I wanted some shore line in my view."

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Be Your Own Weatherman

Pages: 28, 29, 71, 75


Be Your Own Weatherman

UNLIKE the old gardener who outdid himself when praying for rain and asked for "an extra shower of good strong manure water every 10 days," most of us will settle for good, plain rains. We'd prefer them well spaced to keep our tomatoes, strawberries, beans, corn, beets and cabbage growing steadily.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Bildcost Banishes 3 Pet Peeves

Pages: 30, 71


Bildcost Banishes 3 Pet Peeves

IS YOURS a house of frustration? Do you spend idle moments dreaming up places to hide those trunks that mildew in your basement? When guests drop in, do you toss their coats on your bed because your closets are crammed?

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: How Good a Canner Are You?

Page: 34


How Good a Canner Are You?

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 49, 50



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: We Moved Our Own Trees

Page: 53


We Moved Our Own Trees

THE neighborhood skeptics had a field day when we first talked of moving two 20-foot elms into the yard without any special tree-moving equipment. They just wouldn't believe a couple of amateurs capable of the job. Now, two years later, skepticism has yielded to admiration, for those fine young elms are giving needed shade to our back porch and terrace.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: EMERSON

Page: 55



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 56



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 56



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: THE DIARY of a Plain Dirt Gardener

Pages: 58, 61


THE DIARY of a Plain Dirt Gardener

Out on the chilliest July 1 morning hereabouts since 1892 and did some spading before breakfast, at some ground to be made ready for transplanting perennial divisions.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: The Man Next Door

Pages: 64, 65


The Man Next Door

Sometimes my thoughts concentrate so hard on home and family that I almost forget I'm 5,000 miles away, instead of in my den behind the kitchen, and I almost call out to the b. w., "Come get the baby out of here!"

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Lost--One Radiator! Found--One Dressing Table!

Page: 68


Lost--One Radiator! Found--One Dressing Table!

"YOU darned old radiator!" I glared at the ugly thing sitting stupidly before three fine windows in our otherwise pretty nice bedroom. "I've a notion to yank you out by the roots!"

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: July Outdoor Gardening Guide

Pages: 72, 74


July Outdoor Gardening Guide

JULY is an important month in the gardener's calendar. Early vegetable harvest begins, crops of vegetables, for fall harvest and storage are still to be planted. The care of the long-season crops yet to be harvested continues.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 76, 77



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1944 Magazine Article: It's NEWS to Me!

Page: 80


It's NEWS to Me!

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