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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: What Are Children Being Taught?

Page: 7


What Are Children Being Taught?

THE little fellow was only three, and he had lost his mother in a department-store crowd. If you had seen his expression when he found her again, you would have laughed at the relief written upon his face. Unhappiness to him consisted in having no one to depend upon, to make decisions for him, and to fend of! the world. Since we are all like that when we are little, is it any wonder that many of us spend our lives unconsciously looking for a substitute for our lost mothers, drifting from one leader to another, desperately avoiding decisions and determined courses of action in the crises of life?

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Your Emotions Can Make You Sick

Pages: 8, 90, 91, 95, 96


Your Emotions Can Make You Sick

ILLNESSES caused or intensified by nervous and mental tensions-- worry, fear, guilt, hate, frustration, aggression, anxiety-- are on the march. Even in peacetime their toll is staggering. Doctors estimate that about half the cases seen in their ordinary practice spring from emotional conflicts or are aggravated immeasurably by them.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Gardens on Buttons

Page: 10


Gardens on Buttons

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Wartime Worries Dept.

Page: 12


Wartime Worries Dept.

Q Why is it that everyone is telling the families of us furloughed or discharged servicemen how they ought, to "treat" us when we come home? Some of us are getting pretty fed up. Does everyone think we're all sad sacks?

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: NEW USES FOR YOUR DINING ROOM

Pages: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20



OF ALL the rooms in your home, the most maligned is the dining room. No one condemns the kitchen, the living room, bedrooms, or bathrooms as useless or easily dispensable. And yet, in thousands of homes recently built or remodeled, the dining room has been scorned completely or admitted only as a characterless nook in the living room or a space in the kitchen. NO USE trying to force it-- you can't fit Yesterday's dining room gracefully into Tomorrow's house. Why this sudden condemnation of the good old dining room?

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Do Modern Children Need Modern Discipline?

Pages: 21, 58, 59, 64, 65


Do Modern Children Need Modern Discipline?

HAVE modern theories of discipline broken down? Is that why there's so much delinquency-- because American parents have been relying upon "reason" and "understanding" instead of spanking? Must we return to the Biblical rod to save our children, and to prepare them for the stern realities it now appears they will have to face?

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: The Men Come Out of It in the Garden

Pages: 22, 23, 24, 25, 71, 72


The Men Come Out of It in the Garden

THERE wasn't any glory to it-- we didn't even have uniforms-- we wore pants and just a jacket, but I'm very happy to be able to tell you that gardening therapy has done something for our boys.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: HOME FROM AMERICA

Pages: 25, 73, 80, 81, 82



DURING the German air assault on Britain in 1940 and 1941, the parents of some 5,000 British children sent them to the safety of friendly American homes. Recently several hundred of the youngsters returned to their families-- and there were many surprises on both sides.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Gardening With Pots

Pages: 26, 27


Gardening With Pots

WHEN we garden with pots we're after concentrated color and immediate effects. So we use stocky plants already in bloom, or close to it. The color of the pots, kegs, and boxes counts in the picture, too, and here's where a little paint can do wonders.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: FRESH PAINT for Porch and Outdoor Jobs

Pages: 28, 29


FRESH PAINT for Porch and Outdoor Jobs

PAINT is more than a brightener-upper these days. It's a veritable lifeguard to your irreplaceable possessions. Take that metal porch furniture you'll be toting up from the basement, those wooden garden chairs you can trundle out into the sun, your awnings, terrace umbrella, and fiber porch rugs. They're now treasures to be cared for lovingly, to be protected against rust and rot with their own special brand of life insurance paint.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Here's an Idea!

Pages: 30, 31


Here's an Idea!

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: More Apples for City Gardens

Pages: 32, 97, 98


More Apples for City Gardens

IF YOU'RE a city gardener, you no longer need to confine your fruit growing to bushes and a few grapes. You can grow apples-- plenty of them!

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: What to Do About Sugar

Pages: 36, 37


What to Do About Sugar

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Hints for liny Travelers

Pages: 40, 98, 99


Hints for liny Travelers

YOUNG MOTHERS don't have to be told, I'm sure, not to take any unnecessary trips with their babies. Those of you whom we see on the trains and buses aren't traveling just to see the country, but to join a dad who is so hungry for his family he can't stand it any longer. Or to see one who is shoving off, or to meet one who has a brief furlough. Such trips are necessary for the morale of our fighting men and to build a family Spirit that will last thru long separations.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Freezing Refresher Course for Vegetables and Fruits

Page: 42


Freezing Refresher Course for Vegetables and Fruits

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Your Window Shades

Page: 49


Your Window Shades

IT'S high time more of us got better acquainted with our window shades. They're a lot' more than something to buy, hang, and forget. Give them the care and attention they deserve and they'll repay you handsomely with more comfort and beauty for your home.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Try These Pot and Pan Preservers

Page: 50


Try These Pot and Pan Preservers

Proper Pan Handling is a gentle art. Avoid dents and breakage-- spare knobs and handles by washing one pan at a time, storing in such a way as to avoid collisions-- lids in a file, pans well arranged on shelves, not loose in crowded drawers.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: The Diary of a Plain Dirt Gardener

Pages: 54, 55, 83, 84, 85


The Diary of a Plain Dirt Gardener

June 1 Bright and early, I was up and in the attic. We're making it into a usable room for David's radio experiments and an emergency bedroom, too.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Add a Blackboard to the Family

Pages: 60, 61, 78


Add a Blackboard to the Family

HANG a blackboard in the kitchen or the hallway and leave half your "no's" and "don'ts" unspoken. Use it to put your "do's" into action without a ruckus. Stop today and count the negatives that punctuate your daily admonitions to the children.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Cut Flowers Last Longer When You...

Page: 62


Cut Flowers Last Longer When You...

DO: Carry a bucket of water to the garden when cutting flowers, particularly roses. Much of the vitality of a flower is lost the first few minutes after cutting, especially during abnormally hot days, if it isn't plunged into water immediately.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: The Best Trees for Your Street

Pages: 66, 86, 87


The Best Trees for Your Street

A STREET lined with shapely trees is a thing to be proud of. With planning, and care in selection and planting, this street can be yours.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Cash In on Flavor

Page: 75


Cash In on Flavor

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Have You a Leaky Window Well?

Pages: 76, 77


Have You a Leaky Window Well?

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 78



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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: June Gardening Guide

Pages: 92, 94


June Gardening Guide

JUNE brings early vegetables and loads of color from perennials and the very early annuals. A home gardener can really enjoy himself this month. The peak planting period is past and downright hot weather hasn't brought the need for heavy watering and bug fighting. By the first of June, the main crop of tomatoes may be set. Marglobe, Rutgers, Pritchard, and Stone are good varieties to choose.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1945 Magazine Article: It's NEWS to Me!

Pages: 57, 100


It's NEWS to Me!

Jumbo-sizrd shrimp seined off the shore of Louisiana now come packed fresh-cooked and refrigerated. They're as if just cooked in your own kitchen-- you must keep them refrigerated. Their lush, pink markings, slightly salty sea tang, will give cool freshness to summer meals with little effort.

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