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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Is it sate to blow Your top?

Pages: 10, 11, 12, 306, 307, 308, 309


Is it sate to blow Your top?

YOUNG DOCTOR BROWN took his new son, his wife, and his mother-in-law home from the hospital in a taxicab. All the way home his wife's mother insisted on holding the baby, even tho both Doctor and Mrs. Brown asked to take it. As soon as they were in the house, the older woman started issuing orders.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: When Junior mustn't touch

Page: 14


When Junior mustn't touch

"IF ALICE ever speaks to me again," said Jane, "I'm going to be very much surprised. When Dickie and I visited her, he smashed her best ash tray to tiny bits. He scribbled all over her new wallpaper. Then he pulled all the leaves off her pet geraniums.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Record cabinets you can make

Pages: 16, 17, 170


Record cabinets you can make

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Furniture news

Pages: 18, 20, 22, 25, 104


Furniture news

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Cabinet partition

Page: 26


Cabinet partition

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Garden clinic

Pages: 30, 134, 237, 292


Garden clinic

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Parting needn't start a scene

Pages: 36, 283


Parting needn't start a scene

PARTING can be such sweet sorrow when you play fair with little Jimmy. But try to trick him by sneaking out and he'll scream for justice.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Designed for Family X

Page: 39


Designed for Family X

TAKE a good look at Family X. At what they're doing, at the way they're dressed, at their ages. At the crisp, clean dress, the plaid shirts and jeans, the bag of groceries, the bicycle and roller skates, the new car.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44



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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Quick landscape tricks for this or any new house

Pages: 45, 190, 192, 193, 195


Quick landscape tricks for this or any new house

AS YOU saw in the plan on page 41, one thing that makes this Five Star such a smooth-running house is the way you can get from anywhere to anywhere so easily, without intruding on any other room.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Are heat thieves stealing half your fuel?

Pages: 46, 47, 196, 197, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301


Are heat thieves stealing half your fuel?

ALMOST everyone who buys fuel is throwing money away. Today, in almost every home, heat thieves are stealing as much as $50 from every $100 spent for fuel!

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Three generation on a 50-foot lot

Pages: 48, 49, 262, 263, 264, 265


Three generation on a 50-foot lot

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: The worst sins in gardening

Pages: 50, 51


The worst sins in gardening

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Why not kitchens yon can live in?

Pages: 52, 53, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260


Why not kitchens yon can live in?

SOMETIMES we get so carried away with our modern ideas of house planning that we forget how really good old-fashioned living was. Grandma didn't have a breakfast nook or an electric egg beater, but her big kitchen was one of the happiest spots in the house. Her formula was simple: good food and a comfortable room to live in. Maybe you can remember.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Fix your bedroom as you like it

Pages: 54, 55, 206, 208, 209, 210, 212


Fix your bedroom as you like it

IN DECORATING your hall, living room, and dining room, you've had to plan schemes that would please everyone. In your bedroom it's different.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Move four fall border indoors

Pages: 56, 57


Move four fall border indoors

UNLESS you're tired of summer, don't let early frosts rob you of weeks of color. Shift stocky young plants from your borders now to containers good-looking enough to move right into your living room.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Use the colors decorators use

Pages: 58, 59


Use the colors decorators use

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How to keep from getting diabetes

Pages: 60, 274, 275


How to keep from getting diabetes

YOUNG Arthur F. hurried out of the law office in which he worked and down the corridor to the drinking fountain. There he took long gulps of water. "Third time I've seen you here this morning," grinned the elevator boy. "Someday you're just going to float away."

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: What you should know about silverplate

Page: 77


What you should know about silverplate

WHETHER you're shopping for your first-- or your third-- set of silver, modern silverplate may be your best bet. The wide variety of patterns and the top-rate craftsmanship make silverplate more popular today than ever before. Here, in question and answer form, are facts you should know about silverplate so you will be able to buy it wisely.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How to doll up a doughnut

Pages: 94, 97


How to doll up a doughnut

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Can your living room do three jobs?

Pages: 98, 99, 101


Can your living room do three jobs?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Did you attend parents' night?

Pages: 102, 103, 104


Did you attend parents' night?

AROUND the campfire 32 girls sat in hushed silence. Each in turn rose and approached the fire. There she added a stick of wood, made her own special wish and returned to her place. Just outside the circle on a row of folding chairs a small group of mothers and fathers with a sprinkling of younger brothers and sisters sat watching the ceremony.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Scalloped edges are easy

Pages: 118, 119


Scalloped edges are easy

MAKE your own scallop patter from a strip of plain brown ... folded in sections as wide as you ... your scallops. Then draw around ... edge of a plate (dinner, luncheon, ... even bread-and-butter size ... on size and depth of scallop you ... with a crayon, and cut out the ... edge.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How to put on lacquer

Pages: 127, 128, 130, 132, 134


How to put on lacquer

IF YOU'VE been shopping around for just the right paint to finish some furniture in your home, you've probably already met the prima donna: brushing lacquer. Coat on coat-- transparent or pigmented-- lacquer can be rubbed down to a velvetlike surface without the delay met when using ordinary paints. And without any final rubbing down, it has a high gloss. The furniture in the Price home (page 38, Better Homes & Gardens for August) shows how good lacquer looks.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How long will your subscription continue?

Page: 134


How long will your subscription continue?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Let your child play with something big

Pages: 136, 163


Let your child play with something big

DON'T limit your youngster to pygmy-sized playthings. He has king-sized notions. A neighbor of mine reported in amazement the large toys she saw the first time she took Tommy to nursery school.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: What you can make with Pinking shears

Pages: 139, 141


What you can make with Pinking shears

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Distinctive finishes for Modern furniture

Pages: 142, 143


Distinctive finishes for Modern furniture

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Can you afford a loss like this?

Page: 146


Can you afford a loss like this?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Need a retreat of your own?

Pages: 148, 149, 150, 152, 155


Need a retreat of your own?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: You can slipcover modern furniture

Pages: 160, 162


You can slipcover modern furniture

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: how-to helps for better family living--more family enjoyment

Pages: 162, 163


how-to helps for better family living--more family enjoyment

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How to live on what yon make

Pages: 164, 166


How to live on what yon make

IF YOUR income won't keep up with rising prices, if you've never had any luck with a budget and hate even the idea of one, if you get downright mean when the monthly bills roll in, don't feel guilty. You're normal. About 95 percent of your fellow Americans go thru the same experience.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: We went back to remodel

Pages: 172, 175


We went back to remodel

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Calk that crack!

Pages: 186, 187


Calk that crack!

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How to install a closet rod

Page: 188


How to install a closet rod

MOST closets are poorly designed for the job they should do-- the job of storing as many clothes as possible in an orderly way.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Decorator lamps for small budgets

Pages: 198, 199


Decorator lamps for small budgets

WE'RE not of the school that goes in for wiring merrygo-round horses, dressmakers' dummies, and such. But we do like lamps with a personality of their own-- the big kind sometimes called decorator lamps and priced out of range of many of us.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How to revive an old parchment shade

Page: 199


How to revive an old parchment shade

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: $70 for layer cakes and vegetables

Page: 200


$70 for layer cakes and vegetables

FOR your layer-cake recipe or spring vegetable fix-up, you may become Cook-of-the-Month and win if 10 or be one of 20 others who receive $3 each. Names of winning cooks and their prize recipes will be published next May.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Like a lot of pictures?

Pages: 202, 203, 204


Like a lot of pictures?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Prints frame door chimes

Page: 205


Prints frame door chimes

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Spacesaving bedroom chests

Pages: 215, 216


Spacesaving bedroom chests

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Three ways to make an old house younger It may need a general rejuvenation

Pages: 218, 219, 220, 222, 223


Three ways to make an old house younger It may need a general rejuvenation

THE home of the H. L. Colemans of Marshall, Michigan (top) had survived one remodeling, but it needed another to make it more livable. Two changes did the job-- removing a front porch to let more light into the living room, and adding a second floor over the one-story dining wing to provide more sleeping space.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: NOTES FORM A PSYCHOLOGIST'S SCRAPBOOK

Pages: 222, 223



Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Double-purpose Traditional

Pages: 224, 226, 227


Double-purpose Traditional

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: A house divided...

Pages: 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 268


A house divided...

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Four steps in the right direction

Pages: 234, 235


Four steps in the right direction

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How to make a little house a better house-I

Pages: 240, 242, 243, 244


How to make a little house a better house-I

NOTHING is cheap these days, but prices of old, outdated, and run-down houses have gone up as little as anything. You can still buy them at tax sales and in some cases almost take them for the asking.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Easy-to-make gifts

Pages: 246, 247


Easy-to-make gifts

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How to ventilate your kitchen

Pages: 248, 250, 251


How to ventilate your kitchen

NO MATTER how clean your kitchen looks, every time food is cooked, grease, heat, steam, and odors pour into the air. If your kitchen isn't effectively ventilated, the greasy fumes circulate thru your house, settling on ceilings, walls, curtains, and upholstery.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Your family albums for October

Pages: 252, 253


Your family albums for October

This early Debussy masterpiece is a kind of tonal painting, combining orchestra, chorus, text, and soloist. Miss Sayao's singing is warm and colorful.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: It protects you without a loophole

Pages: 254, 290


It protects you without a loophole

IF SOMEONE stole your daughter's bicycle outside the high school and it wasn't recovered, who'd buy her a new one? If vandals (yes; that's the word for them) broke into your summer cottage and took away the plumbing, who'd pay for new? If you lost your engagement ring or valuable watch in a taxi, train, or over the side of a cruise ship in the Bay of Bengal, how would your loss be made good?

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Home furnishings answers

Page: 265


Home furnishings answers

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Make the most of your slipcovers

Pages: 267, 269


Make the most of your slipcovers

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: News in needlework

Pages: 270, 271, 272


News in needlework

ARE cooler days and longer evenings rousing your ambition to start a piece of needlework? I'm knitting like mad again, and on the chance that you have the same urge, here are some things to speed up your work and make it even more fun.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How good an amateur architect are you?

Pages: 273, 276, 277


How good an amateur architect are you?

IF YOU'VE ever planned your own home and built it, you know how hard it is to make a plan work properly. Even if you never build from your own plans, you can have a lot of fun doodling.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Weatherstrip for winter

Pages: 278, 279, 280, 281


Weatherstrip for winter

SAVING fuel and guarding your winter comfort is a three-way job of insulating, calking, and weatherstripping. Nothing adds more comfort and economy per dollar spent than weatherstripping.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Your dog and mine

Pages: 284, 285, 287


Your dog and mine

Advertise them in the classified columns of your local newspaper-- tell how cute they are, their pretty markings, what fine pets they'll make, etc. Put a sign "Puppies for Sale" in your window or on your lawn, or go to a pet shop and offer the whole gang at a price-- the pet-shop owner will sell them one by one at a fair price, which means they'll get appreciative masters who have an investment at stake.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: That's your money going up in smoke

Pages: 288, 289


That's your money going up in smoke

JUST because your trees and your grass don't immediately curl up and die as a result of your misdeeds is no reason for seeing how long you can get away with your bonfires. You are mining the soil. Sooner or later you'll see how your trees and your lawn are suffering.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: How to plant four big window

Pages: 291, 292


How to plant four big window

YOU want the outdoors to be a real part of the room. You don't want to feel you live in a goldfish bowl or a show window. How you place your plants makes the difference. Here's what to do:

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: The diary of a plain dirt gardener

Pages: 294, 295, 296


The diary of a plain dirt gardener

Oct. 1 That old sinner, Jack Frost, was on the job last night. Tonight I was so late getting back from work that all I could do was walk about and size up the work that is ahead of me here.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: You don't need a green thumb to grow lilies

Pages: 302, 303, 304, 305


You don't need a green thumb to grow lilies

IF YOU can grow petunias and roses, you can grow lilies October is the time to plant the bulbs. You can have lilie in bloom next year from early June until hard frost in the fall. In early July you can have a dozen kinds in bloom a once. You can grow them in shady spots (right) or out in the hot sun (below). Your soil can be acid or sweet.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 310



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Better Homes & Gardens October 1948 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 318



Since our seventeenth remodeling of the old homestead we have more places than ever to stow things away. Now we not only forget where we've hidden certain essentials, we even forget where to look.

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