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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: YOU, chairman of the board

Page: 6


YOU, chairman of the board

A WRITER named Dorothy Forbes sent us an article the other day. The gist of the article was that in your home you are the boss. You are the chairman of the board, the captain of the ship, the head man.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: You make three cushions, you get new furniture

Pages: 9, 10, 11, 180, 183


You make three cushions, you get new furniture

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Grease job makes your home run easier

Pages: 13, 14, 236, 237, 238


Grease job makes your home run easier

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: 9 ways to get the most from outdoor living

Pages: 16, 17, 262, 263, 266, 267, 268, 269


9 ways to get the most from outdoor living

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Cover lamp shades to match your draperies

Page: 18


Cover lamp shades to match your draperies

GIVE your home a decorator's touch with lamp shades that match your drapery material. Any sun-fast drapery remnant or sturdy curtaining is perfect for a trimly tailored shade like this one by Decorator Peggy Sloan. Stitch your shade to the frame, so it can be washed by simply dunking it into suds.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: A new wall can give yon a new room

Page: 23


A new wall can give yon a new room

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Garden clinic

Pages: 29, 30, 235, 239, 271


Garden clinic

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Built-ins

Pages: 37, 38, 39, 146, 149



FRANKLY, we're sold on built-ins. The families who own them-- we've talked with hundreds-- are nearly all enthusiastic. But this is no guarantee that they'll work miracles for you. Before you give your movable furniture to the junkman, take a good look at your own home, your family, and your way of living.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: How to keep your borders in Continuous bloom

Pages: 40, 41


How to keep your borders in Continuous bloom

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: How to bring the old back yard to life

Pages: 42, 43, 134


How to bring the old back yard to life

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Less time for housework--More time for living

Pages: 44, 45, 46, 47, 170, 173


Less time for housework--More time for living

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Who told YOU you could drive?

Pages: 48, 49, 286, 287, 288, 289


Who told YOU you could drive?

BUT for the grace of God-- and perhaps in spite of it-- you might be Royce Smith. (Anyway, the name is a disguise.) You're 30 (or 35 or 40), personable, energetic, outrageously healthy, the owner of a flourishing new business, it so happens, in a small California city. Married, you have one young son. are buying a home and a '48 sedan.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: 20 ways to be a better driver

Pages: 48, 49, 162, 163, 164, 168, 249


20 ways to be a better driver

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Color schemes for your north, south, east, west rooms

Pages: 50, 51, 52, 53


Color schemes for your north, south, east, west rooms

HAVE you ever noticed how brilliant your blue suit looks in the sunlight? Yet on a cloudy day it turns to a dull gray-blue, and under artificial light it nearly loses its color completely.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Not much ground--But every inch a garden

Pages: 54, 55


Not much ground--But every inch a garden

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: House with an extra room

Pages: 56, 57, 219, 220, 221, 227


House with an extra room

NEARLY everyone who builds a home would like to have a "family room"-- a room planned to stand up under the hard knocks of youngsters or oldsters at play, a room that demands as little housekeeping attention as possible.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Give your living-room furniture a shove

Pages: 58, 59, 174


Give your living-room furniture a shove

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: When you remodel--You don't have to tear up your house

Pages: 60, 192


When you remodel--You don't have to tear up your house

IF YOUR house needs remodeling, think before you act. Extensive alterations call for a lot of tearing down before the building up begins. You can spend a lot of dollars before you have anything to show for them.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Perfect scrambled eggs

Pages: 66, 67, 80, 83


Perfect scrambled eggs

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Help yourself--good food!

Pages: 68, 69


Help yourself--good food!

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Ways to cook and serve asparagus

Pages: 70, 73, 129


Ways to cook and serve asparagus

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Smoked picnic shoulder

Pages: 84, 86


Smoked picnic shoulder

SMOKED picnic shoulder gives you ham flavor at less cost. Have the meatman saw off the hock end. Then bake the rest according to your favorite baked ham recipe. Glazed and clove -studded, it looks like a miniature whole ham (see below).

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: A picture dictionary of Words you use in recipes

Pages: 89, 91


A picture dictionary of Words you use in recipes

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Do you make the most of your toaster?

Pages: 92, 93


Do you make the most of your toaster?

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Cook's contest

Page: 94


Cook's contest

CALLING all cooks! Our November recipe contest opens now. We've $70 waiting for your Stuffed Meats and Cranberry Surprises-- $10 for the best one and $3 each for the 20 close contenders.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: How to use those Great big cups

Pages: 96, 98


How to use those Great big cups

JUMBO cups-- you're seeing them in so many stores these days. What fascinating pieces they are! But how to use them? For a special cup for the man of the house, of course-- for a man-sized cup of coffee at breakfast or any meal. At parties for hot chocolate or for popcorn bowls. You fill 'em up and they stay filled awhile, to save hostess-trotting.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Bring spring into your home

Page: 112


Bring spring into your home

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Quickest food crops you can grow

Pages: 118, 119, 278


Quickest food crops you can grow

IN ANY year, the early gardener pulls the first radish, but in this inflated food-cost year of 1948, you have a bigger incentive than ever to get going-- dollars and cents. The earlier you get started, the sooner you'll be eating green peas, tender beet tops, and succulent leaf lettuce and the like and telling the vegetable man that you'll see him next November

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Four bags you can sew

Pages: 121, 122, 124, 125


Four bags you can sew

Purse is envelope made of two contrasting-color felt strips, each 6 inches wide and 12 inches long. One strip makes the lining. Handle is 22 inches long and 1 inch wide. It's two strips-- one of each color-- stitched together. Fasten handle to purse by stitching ends into side seams as you make envelope. A snap fastener holds purse closed.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Icelandic recipe

Page: 125


Icelandic recipe

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: One-dish meals can bowl them over

Pages: 126, 128


One-dish meals can bowl them over

DO YOU have a tureen? Or a large covered bowl, or a pretty casserole with a cover and matching platter? Then use it the way Fay Miller uses her tureen-- for serving almost everything!

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Party food for teen-agers

Page: 130


Party food for teen-agers

TEEN-AGERS are the most satisfactory folks I know to invite to our house. Entertainment? You don't need any. Everybody knows everybody else. Teen-agers entertain themselves.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: How to make a lantern

Pages: 135, 136, 137, 165


How to make a lantern

DECORATIVE lanterns aren't hard to make. They take little material, and can be as simple or elaborate as your patience will allow.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Inside windows double as walls

Page: 138


Inside windows double as walls

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: You can cover it with FELT

Pages: 140, 141, 142, 144


You can cover it with FELT

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: How to wallpaper

Pages: 150, 153, 155, 156, 158


How to wallpaper

IF YOU'VE never done any wallpapering, you've missed a lot of fun. It's less tiring than painting, goes faster, and is as easy to do. You can do it alone, but it goes three times as fast if you put your wife to work.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Are you doing as much for peace as you did for war?

Pages: 161, 184


Are you doing as much for peace as you did for war?

ONLY two weeks before the great, shy John G. Winant shot himself, he asked us all a question. "Are you," he said, "doing as much today for peace as you did for this country and civilization in the days of war? I'm not."

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Try this with your hard-to hang pictures

Pages: 166, 167


Try this with your hard-to hang pictures

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: That ensemble look

Page: 177


That ensemble look

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Three-in-one room

Page: 178


Three-in-one room

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: To get that comfortable look

Pages: 186, 188


To get that comfortable look

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Sleep one in your living room

Page: 190


Sleep one in your living room

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: NOTES FROM A PSYCHOLOGIST'S SCRAPBOOK

Page: 192



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Just wipe it clean

Page: 194


Just wipe it clean

YOU don't have to worry about muddy feet on your easy chair if it's covered with one of two coated fabrics now in stores.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Garage porch can mean years of fun

Page: 196


Garage porch can mean years of fun

I'VE heard that porches are going out of style. Not with me. In my part of the country-- Melrose, Massachusetts-- a porch is almost a necessity. And if that porch isn't screened, it's no good at all.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: What's in your doorway?

Page: 198


What's in your doorway?

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Don't curtain a picture window

Pages: 200, 201


Don't curtain a picture window

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Scrapbook of well-dressed windows

Pages: 202, 204, 205, 206


Scrapbook of well-dressed windows

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Prescription for baby--love, and more love

Pages: 212, 214, 215


Prescription for baby--love, and more love

ONE of the nicest and wisest things the baby doctors have done in recent years was to tell parents that their babies needed to be loved.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: We cultivate the neighbors' kids!

Pages: 216, 217, 218


We cultivate the neighbors' kids!

WE WERE sitting in the car waiting for the moving van to get started, when up the street came old Mr. Brown, caning his way around puddles left by a cold winter rain. He stopped by our car, glowering at the huge van.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: These repairs are on the house

Pages: 222, 223, 224, 226, 244, 245, 252, 253


These repairs are on the house

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: The handy man

Pages: 228, 229


The handy man

To lubricate hard-to-get-at oil holes on machinery, bend a short length of wire to fit around obstructions. Place wire end in hole and let the oil run down the wire. Jack Zammikiel, Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Growth-regulator Chemicals

Pages: 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 279


Growth-regulator Chemicals

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Oyster derby

Page: 241


Oyster derby

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: A workroom of his own

Pages: 242, 249


A workroom of his own

I AM convinced that no boy (or man either, for that matter) should be without a room of his own.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Having trouble with your dog?

Pages: 246, 248


Having trouble with your dog?

I want to clean my dogs teeth, to remove deposits and particles of food, so will you please tell me how and when it should he done? My friends make fun of me for wanting to do this. Am I wrong?-- E. H. B., Minnesota.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Cure your ailing window shades

Page: 250


Cure your ailing window shades

HAVE you ever pulled down a window shade and had the roller land in your arms? Or have you yanked the cord only to have the shade hang limp and lifeless?

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: Imperial snow shoveler

Page: 253


Imperial snow shoveler

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: How to build a shoe rack

Pages: 254, 255


How to build a shoe rack

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: APRIL GARDEN GUIDE

Page: 256



APRIL is the month in which to finish work with your dormant plants and start on growing things. Hardy annuals and vegetables can be planted as soon as your soil can be worked. Northern gardeners can harden their plants during the last 10 days in the coldframe. Plants then can stand some frost without injury. But don't harden your plants too much. Plants can become so toughened that they don't start growing for weeks after they are set out.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 259, 260, 261


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

April 3 Business matters brought be to Muncie, Indiana, this bright April morning. I stopped at the courthhouse to howdy with my old ... M. E. Cromer, the county agricultural extension agent. He avited me to attend the annual extension garden school being held. So I just up and went.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: How to build a picnic table

Pages: 264, 265


How to build a picnic table

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: The Bride's Groom

Page: 265


The Bride's Groom

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: This city dump sprouted wings!

Pages: 276, 277


This city dump sprouted wings!

EACH year more than 100,000 people make a pilgrimage to Sumter, South Carolina, to a wonderland of beauty that, just a generation ago, was a community dump.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1948 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 290



Egad, it seems only three or four months ago that I was teaching my red-haired daughter of 16 how to drive the family car.

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