The ultimate family
I KNOW a man, who, as a boy, lived for a while in Mexico. Too young to excite the prejudices of the people among whom he was living, but old enough to form valid judgments, he lived-- not with the charming, cultivated classes of that misunderstood country --but with illiterate Indians.
Read ArticleHow to Shape their habits
GOOD habits are like tomatoes. They're a fine thing but don't just happen. It's up to you to plant and cultivate them. Here's how.
Read ArticleDesigned for air conditioning
HOME air conditioning is here. It's no longer a dream, but something you should consider when remodeling or building, just as you do indoor plumbing and central heating.
Read ArticlePlanned around an entrance hall
ALL too often these days, cost becomes a more important factor in building a house than does comfort. In looking for a place to cut costs, one of the best seems to be a hallway. Halls take up costly space that could be put to better use in other rooms.
Read ArticleYou can grow fruit on a 50-foot lot
WHAT could be more fun than picking fruit from your own trees? Flavor-filled fruit that's not been picked while still hard so it will ship well, but perfect fruit that's ripened on your trees getting sweeter and sweeter.
Read ArticleWe enclose space
WHEN my husband and I decided to build a house with our own, then uncallused hands, people said we couldn't do it. They were wrong, because here it is, only about a year later, and we expect to get the last of the windows in any day now. Then, as soon as we finish slamming the wall board up, we can get the stove and refrigerator out of storage.
Read ArticleWe chose a farmhouse
BEFORE Philip left for the army, we bought a small farm outside Salem, Oregon --a beautiful wooded tract with a house and barn we considered liabilities, to be torn down when we built our permanent home.
Read ArticleWe chose a barn
OUR housing problem was the same as that of many other people-- dreams well beyond our pocketbook.
Read ArticleHigh blood pressure
THEY took Henry to the hospital last week. Henry was always the first man off the 5:25 from Grand Central. By the time the rest of us commuters had trudged up on the station steps to the suburban bus, there was Henry triumphantly occupying his favorite corner seat. One evening Henry wasn't there. His next-door neighbor told us why.
Read ArticleVoted the dozen favorite roses of American men
IF YOU want to plant a dozen roses this spring, you can't do better than consider this list of hybrid teas. Here are the top 12, the favorites named by members of the Men's Garden Clubs of America, Inc., in a recent Better Homes & Gardens poll.
Read ArticleGrow roses where you want them
JUST name the spot where you want to grow it, and there's a rose for the place. Unless the spot is shaded. Roses need sun for at least four hours a day. More is better. But for lamppost, garage wall, fence, or a bank too steep to mow, and to loop over a wall that's bare and unneighborly, there's a wide choice in climbing roses.
Read ArticleHow to beat the high cost of family vacations
HOW would you like to own an 11-million-acre estate, practically tax-free? Well, you do.
Read ArticleYour garage
A RECENT cartoon showed a man putting his car away. He had no trouble. He simply folded back the sides of his garage.
Read ArticleSo good meat pies
SAVORY meat pie, an old-fashioned dish that satisfies even the biggest appetites, is a perfect supper on a blustery day.
Read ArticleHawaiian sunshine for winter meals
YOU'VE had the idea that food from the Islands is much too exotic for your own table? We'll agree that it's out of this world in flavor but not out of this world when it comes to your being able to cook it.
DRYERS are energy-and timesavers. With a dryer there need be no more waiting for a clear day to dry the family wash; no more toting and hanging of heavy wet clothes. You can slip clothes from washer directly into dryer beside. It's so convenient to use a dryer that with one you'll wash oftener, need fewer clothes and linens. Here are questions you'll have about dryers, and the answers to the questions.
Read ArticleContest for good cooks
RECIPE contest this month pays $70 for Pressure-Pan Specials and Rolled Cookies. If you send us the best recipe, you'll receive $10; if you are one of 20 others sending prize recipes you'll get $3. All you do is mail your recipe to us. Here are some tips:
Read ArticleAre you helping your daughter to be popular?
JINNY is a pretty girl of 17. Jinny has a nice home, nice family, and nice clothes, but surprisingly few friends. "Jinny likes Mother and Daddy best," her mother eagerly explains. "Aren't we lucky? She isn't always running around with boy friends and girl friends, and we don't have to worry about her."
Read ArticlePopularity
BEAUTY isn't everything; but to feel attractive gives a girl that self-confidence so necessary to social balance. Teach her the principles of beauty care. Equip her with the proper beauty aids. Until she has established the habit, see that she uses them. Give her some of the excellent girls' magazines abounding in beauty advice-- they will help to inspire her, and will save you considerable nagging.
Read ArticleIt's easy to grow African-violets
THERE'S a good reason for the amazing popularity of the African-violet or saintpaulia. It gives you a wealth of delicate bloom over a long period, it doesn't need a sunny window, and it gives you a wide choice of varieties whose colors range from plum red through purple to blue, pink, and white.
Read ArticleCooking secrets
To make crumbs stick to chops or croquettes, first roll the chops or croquettes in flour, then dip them into beaten egg, then into crumbs. Let stand a little while if possible. This lets coating dry slightly so fat won't spatter during frying.
Read ArticleA weather-proof barbecue
HERE is one of the best barbecue shelters we have seen. It was included as part of the Peter Henderson & Co. exhibit at the International Flower Show in New York last year, and will do everything you want and more too. You'll find it just as effective in a shady spot as a sunny one because it provides not only sun shade but also shelter against rain and protection from wind on three sides.
Read ArticleBerries to eat from your hedges
NO ONE has yet discovered a way to stretch the size of a yard or garden, but here is one way to stretch the returns from a small space. Make your hedges grow berries by planting raspberries or blueberries instead of the traditional hedging shrubs.
Read ArticleWays to cook and serve onions
INSTEAD of reaching in the onion sack for one onion to season a salad or chop into the stew or into a casserole, get out enough onions to fill the vegetable dish for dinner tonight.
Read ArticleYour dog and mine
What is the best way to train our 6-months-old pup to be a good watchdog?-- E. R. L., California.
Read ArticleIndoor travel
I ALWAYS used to dread the coming of bad weather that confined the children to the house. Then one morning I brought out an armful of old magazines, several pairs of scissors, and an inexpensive scrapbook.
Feed roses heavily-- at least 5 pounds of plant food for each 100 square feet of bed. Dust or spray roses at the first sign of new growth.
Read ArticleNew beauty for your yard
YOU don't need special equipment or skill to build yourself a good garden path. Attention to these simple know-hows will make you a successful path maker. But first, ask these questions:
Read ArticleDiary of a Plain dirt gardener
Feb. 1 Ground covered with snow. Thermometer hunting for the zero mark. Birds eating their heads off at my high-priced feed.
Read Articlehow-to helps
HOW many times have you just missed a bad fall, over toys left scattered around by your youngest? You'll find it easy fun to teach him to pick up and put away his playthings if he has this gaily painted Toy Chest on Wheels. He can push it around himself, making a game of pickup time; yet it's big enough to hold all his blocks, balls, and animals. Using Pattern 3.465, Dad can make the chest in a jiffy, with only basic tools. Price, 25 cents.
One of our flossier friends vows she'd rather have a maid than be a two-car family.
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