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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: I'll take care of teaching sex!

Pages: 6, 323, 324


I'll take care of teaching sex!

I should like to ask a simple question: I want to know by what authority the present advisers and directors of our public-school systems feel empowered to take upon themselves the education of my children in matters which I consider none of their affair. I am speaking of the so-called "family-living courses" which are now part of the regular schedule of many high schools and, if the educators have their way, will soon be required study for every boy and girl of high-school age in the country.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Look out for the TELEVISION TINKERS!

Pages: 10, 11, 227, 264, 265, 290


Look out for the TELEVISION TINKERS!

If you are not already among the 6,000,000 Americans who own a television receiver, the chances are good that before too long you'll be shopping around for one. When that time comes, you should be forewarned against a pest that has invaded the industry-- the television racketeer.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Watch yourself in lot-line troubles

Pages: 12, 15


Watch yourself in lot-line troubles

When you buy a lot, you also acquire neighbors. And it's possible to let yourself in for a lot of trouble if you forget that both you and the man next door have definite rights and responsibilities in the thin area where lot meets lot.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Here's the TRUTH about preventing tooth decay!

Pages: 16, 17, 298, 299, 300, 301


Here's the TRUTH about preventing tooth decay!

The next thing you know, you'll be fighting tooth decay with penicillin. Under supervised use, penicillin tooth powder has produced startling reduction of tooth decay in Massachusetts school children.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Control plant growth

Pages: 18, 320, 321, 322


Control plant growth

There's a world of promise for the home gardener in the new chemical compound --maleic hydrazide-- which tests hint will profoundly affect man's knowledge of plants and how they grow.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Glamour touches for your kitchen

Pages: 31, 212


Glamour touches for your kitchen

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Latest Garden News?

Pages: 40, 42


Latest Garden News?

The greatest single cause of tulip failure is too-shallow planting. Studies of reports of tulips that failed to flower the first spring showed that 90 percent of them were planted less than 4 inches below the surface.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: The Daniels filled in a shell

Pages: 45, 46, 49


The Daniels filled in a shell

"Compared with building a new house of the same size, we saved about $1,500 by remodeling our barn," W. E. Daniels, Jr., told me.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Doorway--classic!

Page: 50



Why not have decorative doors? They'll add distinction to your rooms. And they don't have to cost a fortune. When the Leon Levys of Tucson added a room at the back of their home, they changed this large window into a doorway.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Your favorite living-room colors

Pages: 53, 54, 55


Your favorite living-room colors

We recently asked you to tell us what color you preferred for a living room. Green was the outstanding choice of both men and women, but gray, red, and yellow were also top favorites. Most men preferred blue.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 56, 57



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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: How the bulbs do bloom in the spring

Pages: 58, 59, 240


How the bulbs do bloom in the spring

Bulbs in the fall are usually dry things. Dry and sometimes a bit dusty. They're completely misleading. For each one offered you now is a package jammed tightly inside with some of the excitement of spring.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Five Star Home

Pages: 60, 61, 250, 251, 252, 253


Five Star Home

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Welcome color to your hall

Pages: 62, 63


Welcome color to your hall

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: The house that lets you take it easy

Pages: 64, 65, 197


The house that lets you take it easy

You may like its easy-going furnishings. You may admire the rustic-Modern look of its stone walls. You may find the kitchen door catches your eye.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: How to get over feeling LOW

Pages: 66, 67, 224, 227


How to get over feeling LOW

DEPRESSION, or melancholia, is one of the commonest and yet strangest diseases to which we poor mortals are susceptible. Medical authorities tell us that, although it is "probably the most unpleasant" anyone can contract, doctors themselves often overlook it. Perhaps its greatest paradox is that it fills you with hopelessness, but actually has one of the most hopeful outlooks of any dangerous illness.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: SLOW--building ahead

Pages: 68, 69, 242, 243, 244


SLOW--building ahead

We wanted a house as badly as anyone else. We wanted to plan it one day and move in the next. But because we took our time, we are now enjoying the right house for us on the right lot for the house.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Water can wreck your house

Pages: 72, 73, 184, 187, 188, 190


Water can wreck your house

Rotting walls... blistered, peeling paint... cracked, water-spotted ceilings! Moisture condensation-- a problem you may never even have heard of-- can bring these disabilities to YOUR house, unless you're protected against it. BEFORE YOU can guard against condensation troubles, though, you must know what condensation is. Here, briefly, is the story:

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Pressed leaves

Pages: 74, 260


Pressed leaves

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Cooks' contest

Page: 86


Cooks' contest

One-Crust Pies and Quick Main Dishes are the moneymaking recipes in this month's contest. There are 21 prizes to try for: a first prize of $10, and 20 prizes of $3.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: 10x10 bedroom--with lots of space

Page: 117


10x10 bedroom--with lots of space

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Is your CAR really SAFE?

Pages: 126, 127, 157, 194


Is your CAR really SAFE?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: How to get your kids to help

Pages: 130, 131, 132, 133, 223


How to get your kids to help

How much should your youngsters help you? Should they be expected to do daily chores, in and around the house? Should they go to the store, make beds, shovel snow, help with the spring cleaning?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Open your door to better living

Pages: 134, 136


Open your door to better living

One hot day in September, 1945, slightly more than one month after V-J Day, three Better Homes & Gardens executives rolled up their shirt sleeves in a storage loft at Jordan Marsh Department Store, Boston. They put the finishing touches on an exhibit of eight model houses.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Many-purpose room

Pages: 143, 145, 146


Many-purpose room

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: How to make your own draperies

Pages: 149, 151, 223


How to make your own draperies

Read what we say about draperies--lined, interlined, and united-- and we believe you will know pretty well what type of draperies you want and how you want to make them. Refer to the detailed instructions at strategic moments, and proceed without a hitch.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Make the most of your picture window

Pages: 152, 153, 155


Make the most of your picture window

Picture windows mean pleasant rooms. They bring both sunshine and view indoors where you can enjoy them. And they are important decorative assets to your home.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: We've had FIVE fires!

Pages: 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 171, 325


We've had FIVE fires!

I have ceased to enjoy fires. Twice, to date, our home has been leveled by flame.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Do you need a place to sew?

Pages: 164, 166


Do you need a place to sew?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Three ways to add living space

Pages: 173, 174, 175


Three ways to add living space

A smart remodeling job not only added space to the Richard I. Daniels home in Plymouth, Michigan, but it improved the looks of the house at the same time.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 176, 177



Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: They can't succeed if they can't READ!

Pages: 178, 179, 180, 181, 237


They can't succeed if they can't READ!

In the year 1950, what are the prospects for a young man or woman who cannot read or write? Such a question, you say, has never entered your head, and-- frankly-- you don't see why it should. All the young people you know-- your own son or daughter and those of your, friends-- know very well how to read and write. Haven't they gone to school for years, even gotten high-school or college diplomas to prove it?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Reorganize space--and get a new house

Pages: 182, 183, 292, 293


Reorganize space--and get a new house

There are more ways than one to improve an old house. A good remodeling doesn't always mean extensive, costly additions.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Tapes that stick to the job

Pages: 198, 199, 200, 202, 203


Tapes that stick to the job

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 214



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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Home-town beauty has small beginnings

Page: 217


Home-town beauty has small beginnings

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: ABCs of bookshelf arrangement

Pages: 218, 219


ABCs of bookshelf arrangement

Whatever books and bric-a-brac you own, you can arrange them artfully and make your bookshelves eye-catchers.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Your dog and mine

Pages: 220, 222


Your dog and mine

I have raised several dogs with no whimpering at night by placing a hot-water bottle under the puppy's pillow in his basket. This apparently seemed like the warmth of his mother.-- M. P., Washington.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: If someone in your family is severely depressed

Page: 227


If someone in your family is severely depressed

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Make better use of spare you have

Pages: 228, 229, 230


Make better use of spare you have

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Where to see Your favorite living-room colors

Page: 245


Where to see Your favorite living-room colors

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: What do you know about nylon?

Pages: 246, 249, 261


What do you know about nylon?

Good looks, long wear, easy cleaning-- you get them with a house full of nylon. This picture shows nylon upholstery, nylon draperies, nylon curtains, a nylon scatter rug. And that's just a sample of the nylon furnishings you can have.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: You can grow House plants in water

Pages: 254, 256


You can grow House plants in water

You can have fun growing plants in water this winter. And you can enjoy their beauty for a long time in your home-- some kinds even years.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Keep supper piping hot

Page: 257


Keep supper piping hot

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Yon can build indoor shutters

Pages: 258, 259, 283


Yon can build indoor shutters

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Simplicity is easy to live with

Page: 262


Simplicity is easy to live with

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Simple way to get a study corner

Pages: 266, 267


Simple way to get a study corner

Why not have a study corner of your own at home? You can if you build bookshelves-- for books, magazines, important papers-- around your desk. Shelves and desk add up to a study corner that's ready to go whenever you want to write letters, balance the budget, or do afterhours office work.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: HOW TO SHARPEN

Pages: 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275



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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: You can get more heat from less fuel

Pages: 276, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282


You can get more heat from less fuel

Will you be wasting fuel dollars every day your heating plant is in operation this winter? You will, unless you know the simple checks and adjustments necessary to get peak performance from your plant.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Should they get them over with?

Pages: 284, 285, 286, 287, 288


Should they get them over with?

"But he isn't even feverish!" Billy's mother protested, trying to rationalize his rash. Billy had been playing in our sandbox, and I had taken him home after noticing some small blisters near his hairline.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Subscription expiring?

Page: 287


Subscription expiring?

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 288



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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 293



Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Make your own flower pictures

Pages: 289, 294


Make your own flower pictures

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Roofing materials

Pages: 296, 297, 318, 319


Roofing materials

Do you know that there are eight types of roofing materials? Or that the type you use may depend on the slope of your roof? Or that cost and durability vary according to quality, within classifications?

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: October Garden Guide

Page: 305


October Garden Guide

Sow hardy annuals everywhere, half-hardy kinds in Lower South only. Sow seed of perennials along the Gulf Coast and in Florida; seldom do they succeed as true perennials in these areas.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Yard care now means a fast spring start

Pages: 306, 307, 308, 309


Yard care now means a fast spring start

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 308



Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: The diary of a plain dirt gardener

Pages: 310, 311, 312, 313


The diary of a plain dirt gardener

Oct. 1 Saturday, and by early afternoon, the jolly old thermometer was up to 80. And not being the owner of a football ticket this fall, I did sally forth to work. After a bit, came back for a drink of water, sat down in the living room, and turned on the radio to hear how the game down at the college was coming on.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Garden clinic

Pages: 314, 316


Garden clinic

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: Fall-plowing means a better garden

Page: 315


Fall-plowing means a better garden

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: One chest works three ways

Page: 317


One chest works three ways

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1950 Magazine Article: The MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 336



"I wondered why so many of my rundown patients were successful businessmen," my doctor remarked. "Then I looked around and discovered that a successful man is one who smokes 50-cent cigars and eats a 35-cent lunch."

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