Why pamper poor drivers?
When Margaret Mitchell, the famous author of Gone With the Wind, was killed in a traffic accident last year, newspapers all over the country erupted in vehement editorials about it. Such a senseless, needless killing! Magazine articles were written about it. The young taxi driver who killed her was publicly damned in a hundred places-- and then let off with a light sentence.
Read ArticleGet rid of rain water for good
You can't beat a roof for keeping rain and snow out of your house. But unless you help that roof shed its load, you may end up with water in your house anyway.
Read ArticleHow to get a home at half-price
In Carle Place, Long Island, live two people who have found out how to beat the high cost of building.
Read ArticleWHAT'S NEW in home furnishings
Your home town may be hundreds of miles from Chicago where the big Home Furnishings Markets are held twice yearly, but the things shown there last summer will definitely affect your buying plans this winter:
Read ArticleLatest Garden News
It has been long known that coal ashes will loosen a heavy soil, but unfortunately, ashes sometimes contain chemicals harmful to plants. At last some research has been done on the subject-- the value of coal ashes for improving the soil has been checked by the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research.
Read ArticleLive without pretense
THE singsong of the square-dance caller is a sign of our times-- a good sign. And the revival of square-dancing-- like the growing popularity of family rooms-- is indicative of a widespread trend toward a wholesome, informal kind of living.
Read ArticleStepsaver with eye appeal
When you talk of "convenience" in a home, what does the word mean to you? Do you think of a kitchen with lots of counter and storage space?
Read ArticleUnfinished furniture
THEN you'll want to look twice at unfinished furniture. Unfinished means you choose the color or stain that suits your scheme best. And because YOU finish the furniture,. you save money on every piece.
Read ArticleShould you tear 'em away from TV?
"Of course we'd love to own a television set," Ellen said seriously, "but we're a little afraid because of the children. It's hard to know just what to do-- you hear so many stories."
Read ArticleGeraniums are in--again
Geraniums go with today's bleached and silver-gray wood finishes as tangy cheese goes with crackers and piping-hot coffee. Look at the picture on the left-- cheerful at breakfast and lunch, glowing by candlelight, this indoor box of geraniums is a hearty dash of color all during the day when the table doubles as desk.
Read ArticleOne material, inside and out
You can build a beautiful home of imported hardwoods. And you can build a beautiful home of inexpensive, everyday materials. Either way, everything depends on how you put them together.
Read ArticleContest for good cooks
This month's contest pays $70 for angel, sponge, or chiffon cake recipes and spring vegetable fixups. If you send us the best recipe, you'll receive $10. If you win 1 of the 20 other prizes, you'll receive $3.
Read ArticleEconomy with comfort
You can build a small home that will give you the convenience and compactness of an apartment-- without the drawbacks of an apartment.
Read ArticleI enjoy my children--with my 3-shift system!
I found a newborn baby and a 14-month-old one easy enough to take care of. I even thought a 9-month-old and a 2-year-old were a cinch. But all at once, that littler one was a toddler, and the angelic 2-year-old was 2-and-a-half. I found myself with two, under 3, underfoot.
Read ArticleWhen yon should talk to the teacher
"Betty's mother had to see the teacher!" Poor Betty. She wonders what she's done wrong. Her mother's visit must mean that she's in trouble. Why else would her mother come to see the teacher?
Read ArticleHomework--how to keep it from being a headache
School homework doesn't mean that your evenings have to be academic nightmares. Most boys and girls respond quickly when you show a desire to help them.
Read ArticleWhat a band saw can do for you
For cutting graceful and intricate curves in a thick piece of wood, no home-workshop power tool can surpass the band saw. Without it, your mechanized workshop will be strictly limited in its capacity.
Read ArticleHow tough is an unborn baby?
Henry Jones had two sons, 7 and 10, and every time he looked at them, he was torn with guilt. Even after 7 years, he couldn't shake, off the memory of that terrible morning his wife Betty had tripped on the cellar step he had forgotten to fix. The doctor had kept telling them not to worry, that the baby would be all right.
Read ArticleR.F.D. To us it means good living. Can it mean the same to you?
After three years of living in the country, I would not trade our eroded acres for any town house in the most luxurious city district. In spite of bad roads, a telephone shared by 12 neighbors, and repeated crises with the plumbing, we like it here.
Read ArticleSmall home walls must work
One sure way to get maximum living out of small space is to build everything into the walls.
Read ArticleHow to hush a noisy house
Your own house probably never gets as racket-ridden as the unfortunate one above. But in most homes, controlling some unwanted sound is a real problem. You don't have to put up with those bangs, splashes, and roars, though-- and you can do something besides yelling, "Quiet, please!"
Read ArticleNighty-night--without a fight
"Why, it seems to me that getting the children to bed is the easiest thing that I do all day," said pretty Betty Farraday, while she was briskly setting out the cards for the neighborhood canasta game. She was so convincing that I made a date to call on her the next day in the hopes of learning her secret of stashing three children away every night without any fuss and without being recalled a dozen times the way that most of us know that we will be.
Read Articlehow-to helps
What to Do in the Fall Garden--There's plenty you can do right now to improve the looks of your fall garden and condition it for the frosty winter ahead. Order number GC 6, just 6c.
Read ArticlePenny-wise picture frames and how to make them
Family photographs. Christmas cards and Valentines. Your son's or daughter's crayon drawings. Low-cost art reproductions. You can make handsome pictures of them all with passe partout frames.
Read ArticleGlue it together. . . this time for keeps
Do you really know how to use glue? There's more to it than smearing on glue and letting it set. With the right adhesive, you can get a joint stronger than the material being joined. You can speed and simplify dozens of repair jobs. You can get joints that will withstand outdoor exposure, cold or boiling water, acids, or any solvent. but you have to do the job right.
Read ArticleCarpet that stairway yourself
Carpeting level floors usually demands professional skill. But any handyman can carpet a stairway. And that's a job you are likely to face sooner or later, for stairway carpeting seems to wear out unreasonably fast.
Read ArticleI cut painting costs 83 percent
Last May I trailed a painter around outside our house, picked at the peeling paint when he picked, squinted at the eaves when he squinted.
Read ArticleYour dog and mine
The word "watchdog" is much abused and misunderstood. All any dog should be expected to do is to sound an alarm. Small breeds, seeming to realize their physical limitations, can seldom be taught to attack. Boxers, Doberman Pin-schers, German Shepherds can be made "vicious" through training. With
Read ArticleSeptember Garden Guide
Plant peonies and spring-flowering bulbs as soon as possible. Buds on peony division should be close to surface of soil-- about one inch.
Read ArticleFall is lawn-care time
Spread peat, leafmold, or other well-rotted plant material on area before plowing. Such humus loosens a clay soil, or makes a sandy soil better able to hold moisture. The poorer the soil, the more humus it needs. Don't use undecayed plant material; it robs soil of needed nitrogen.
Read ArticleGarden clinic
Dutch elm disease. The fungus causing Dutch elm disease is spread from tree to tree by elm beetles. The adult beetles emerge from beneath the bark of the tree and bring disease spores along with them. The spores rub off on healthy trees when the beetles feed in the crotches of young twigs.
Read ArticleThe diary of a plain dirt gardener
Sept. I Back home this afternoon, after 2,800 miles and two weeks of vacation in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan for Maggie, along with more than divers business matters transacted by me as we traveled. It was raining, but Donald and David came running out to meet us as though they were glad to see us.
Read ArticleThe 10 most common skin diseases
Not long ago, after a study of over a million cases, a report to the American Medical Association listed the 10 most common skin diseases that can hit you or members of your family.
Read ArticleThe MAN NEXT DOOR
The pleasures of owning a home after many years of renting can be compared only with those of marriage after a long engagement.
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