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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: New weapons against RHEUMATIC FEVER

Pages: 6, 9, 25


New weapons against RHEUMATIC FEVER

It was easy to see that Judy was a sick little girl as she lay there, restless and flushed against the white hospital pillow, a small figure in the large rheumatic-fever ward.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: What's wrong with this family?

Pages: 12, 13, 94


What's wrong with this family?

Mr. and Mrs. James are equally desirous of helping Ginger develop graces and skills which will make social relationships easier for her.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: Should mothers have outside jobs?

Pages: 16, 17, 105


Should mothers have outside jobs?

When a mother has to go to work outside her home, as so many now are doing, she's apt to feel guilty and worry about the effect her absences will have on her children.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: A new lease on life

Page: 18


A new lease on life

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: Have you heard the Latest Garden News?

Pages: 20, 23


Have you heard the Latest Garden News?

Someday home gardeners may lick the problem of wet soil by adding about a tenth of 1 percent of a new chemical now known only by code number 186.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: How to multiply African-violets

Pages: 27, 28, 30, 31


How to multiply African-violets

If it's a challenge you want-- and the thrill of seeing plants you've raised from "babies" grow into lush-blooming beauties to set off" your rooms --grow America's most popular house plant.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: We pick the best for '52 gardens

Pages: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 101


We pick the best for '52 gardens

You get a fresh start-- your neighbor does-- everybody's even-- the excitement starts all over again at the beginning of the new year. That's part of the fun of gardening, why it's America's No. 1 outdoor hobby.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: There's no substitute for quality

Pages: 46, 47


There's no substitute for quality

They wanted a little more subtle color scheme than the average, but they were afraid they might botch the job with muddy colors. Above all, they wanted good-quality furnishings, no matter how few furniture pieces their budget might allow. They wanted to enlist the aid of a decorator, but they doubted that anyone would be interested in their problems when they began by saying:

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: Yes, you can get more house per spare foot

Pages: 48, 49, 108, 109, 110


Yes, you can get more house per spare foot

Large-house features in small-house space-- that's a capsule description of Better Home & Gardens Five Star Home No. 2201.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: Grow bigger, handsomer African-violets

Pages: 50, 51


Grow bigger, handsomer African-violets

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: How well does it take the winter?

Pages: 52, 53, 54, 120


How well does it take the winter?

"It isn't fair," a querulous reader occasionally writes us. "You take your 'after' pictures when summer is at its loveliest. But you take your 'befores' in dead of winter!"

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: The best way to choose your dishes

Page: 55


The best way to choose your dishes

Choose your good set and everyday set of dishes to harmonize beautifully and blend in color and style with your dining room. Then all kinds of interesting table settings are yours to enjoy. And with a minimum of expense and storage space.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: How to salvage an old house

Pages: 56, 57, 58


How to salvage an old house

Painesville, Ohio, east of Cleveland a piece, is an old town. And in old towns you find old houses-- both good old houses and bad old houses. Occasionally (depending on many factors, especially including you) you can rebuild and remodel a bad one into a good one.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: Is a big, old house the best buy for you?

Pages: 59, 111


Is a big, old house the best buy for you?

"Should we buy a big, old house?" Thousands of families are facing that problem today, especially families dreaming of really satisfying space and individual privacy on a tight housing budget.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: What does it cost to redecorate a room?

Pages: 60, 61, 88, 89, 90


What does it cost to redecorate a room?

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: Use crystal new ways

Pages: 62, 119


Use crystal new ways

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: Your favorite kitchen colors

Pages: 72, 73


Your favorite kitchen colors

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: A dryer does big things for you and your clothes

Pages: 86, 87, 97


A dryer does big things for you and your clothes

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: Your pet and mine

Pages: 92, 93, 94


Your pet and mine

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: The Family Car

Page: 96


The Family Car

Rotating tires assures even wear, full use of the mileage they can give. Tires should be rotated approximately every 3,000 miles, using the original plan throughout the life of the tires. Many owners find it a good idea to make a sketch of the plan they are using and carry it in the glove compartment. Each time the tires are rotated, the date and the speedometer mileage should be entered. This assures even rotation.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: Now's the time to...

Pages: 102, 103, 104


Now's the time to...

CUT a few branches from your early-flowering azaleas and put them in water to force bloom indoors. Lift droopy dwarf azaleas-- plant them in pots, water, and spot in a room where they'll get good light.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 106, 107


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Jan. 1 As this new year drifts upon us, instead of making my own resolutions, I'll start off by writing a set for the rest of the household. I'll begin with Mrs. Maggie, to wit:

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: How to judge an old house

Pages: 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118


How to judge an old house

Few items on the market can fool you so thoroughly as an old house. In outlying areas, vandals may make an unoccupied house look hopeless at first glance, yet repairs may cost less than those on a handsome home that has been invaded by termites.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1952 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 128



Went out to the workshop to sharpen skates, and got so interested I also sharpened my lawn mower, hedge clippers, weed cutter, and hoe. I plan to double our flower garden this coming spring. And put in a heavy set of vegetables. Maybe go in for mushrooms in the basement.

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