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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: WHAT'S NEW in home furnishings

Pages: 9, 127


WHAT'S NEW in home furnishings

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Can your battery take it this winter?

Pages: 10, 11, 164


Can your battery take it this winter?

During the next 30 days, more than a million Americans will push on automobile starter switches and get no response. Each of these disappointed and probably greatly inconvenienced people will be the owner of a car with a dead battery.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Have you heard? Latest Garden News

Pages: 17, 196


Have you heard? Latest Garden News

What may be one of the big disease-control discoveries of the century comes from the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. There, scientists have made plants resistant to fungus diseases by treating the plants with low doses of radioactivity.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Nearly hit-or safe?

Pages: 18, 20, 161


Nearly hit-or safe?

As soon as your youngster learns to walk, keeping him out of the street is a problem. Here's one mother's solution.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: NEW HOUSE OR OLD?

Pages: 28, 171, 199, 200



"Today's home has conveniences and luxuries the last generation never heard of.". . . "Yes, but you get more for your money in an old house." Which to choose? There's no unerring blueprint to guide everyone. Consider all the angles, then decide which offers the most for your family.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Get a head start on spring--now

Pages: 30, 33, 34


Get a head start on spring--now

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: It's NEWS to me!

Pages: 37, 38, 42


It's NEWS to me!

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: It's time to winterize your home

Pages: 44, 48, 50


It's time to winterize your home

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Christmas-card fold-ups

Pages: 53, 134, 194


Christmas-card fold-ups

No envelopes needed. Make cards from construction paper; fold, seal, mail.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: You can have new rooms from old

Pages: 55, 56, 57


You can have new rooms from old

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: New rooms from old Start by covering up the past

Pages: 58, 59, 166, 167, 168


New rooms from old Start by covering up the past

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: New rooms from old What can you do with an old house?

Pages: 60, 61, 62, 63


New rooms from old What can you do with an old house?

This 50-year-old house was a grim structure in anybody's book, as the "before" photograph shows. Now take a good look at the facing page.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Mums--for a gorgeous windup!

Pages: 64, 65


Mums--for a gorgeous windup!

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Scramble two... bogey at 40,000

Pages: 66, 67, 68, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151


Scramble two... bogey at 40,000

How safe is your home from surprise air attack? Is the situation getting serious? Is this country really threatened by enemy bombers? Family man Harlan Ball must answer those questions at 700 miles per hour, 8 miles up, where a split second may he too long. But the best answers can come from you in your willingness to do your part as a volunteer.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Details make a workshop good

Pages: 69, 157


Details make a workshop good

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Big effects from a few plants

Pages: 70, 71


Big effects from a few plants

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Here's an outstanding four-bedroom value

Pages: 72, 73, 162, 163, 179, 180


Here's an outstanding four-bedroom value

Good design holds cost low. In Seattle, this month's spacious Five Star home was built for well under $10 per square foot.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Kitchens go coppery!

Page: 77


Kitchens go coppery!

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Gift ideas for your family table

Pages: 78, 79, 102, 103, 172, 173, 215


Gift ideas for your family table

Your whole family will thrill with pride to have any one of these wonderful gifts in your home. Here are practical gifts to be used daily-- gifts that will help to enhance every meal, gifts that will "spruce up" your present tableware. Family and friends will enjoy sectioned tables set separately for a cozy supper by the fireside. You and your guests will never forget the fluffy scrambled eggs and crisp bacon cooked in your silver Crêpes Suzette pan for a leisurely Sunday-evening snack.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Big-kitchen ideas in tiny space

Pages: 84, 94, 97, 120, 122


Big-kitchen ideas in tiny space

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Soup for breakfast! Well, why not?

Pages: 105, 113, 114, 191


Soup for breakfast! Well, why not?

Here is a start-the-day-with-soup philosophy by Charlotte Montgomery. It's an eye-opener of an idea. Try it, and we bet you'll be pleasantly surprised

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: The best space in the house was added

Pages: 130, 138


The best space in the house was added

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: When should Baby start to walk?

Pages: 136, 140


When should Baby start to walk?

Little by little, a baby acquires the body control necessary for the complex skill of walking. But one baby may begin to walk months ahead of another his age. Let your baby signal when the time is right.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: How to Choose and use woodworking planes

Pages: 153, 154


How to Choose and use woodworking planes

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Shine up your gourds

Page: 156


Shine up your gourds

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Is your power mower ready for winter?

Pages: 158, 160, 198


Is your power mower ready for winter?

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: How-to for the homemaker-- Slick tricks all through the house

Pages: 174, 201


How-to for the homemaker-- Slick tricks all through the house

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: DEMOCRACY begins at home

Pages: 176, 192, 193, 194


DEMOCRACY begins at home

We want our children to cherish their heritage of democracy. We want the schools to teach it, the churches to preach it, the government to practice it. But the foundations of democracy are laid in the home, and we parents are the chief builders. Here's a check on your family's democracy.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

Pages: 181, 182


Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

When you're looking for ways to make your home more comfortable and attractive, look for this seal. It identifies the Better Homes & Gardens Home Planning Center, where you can get personal counsel on your home-planning problems.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Safe driving

Page: 183


Safe driving

Good drivers continuously look far ahead of their cars in order to anticipate any dangerous situation. Hills impose a barrier to your vision, which should be a warning.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Now's the time to...

Pages: 184, 185, 190


Now's the time to...

Spread layer of compost or other form of organic matter around shrubs. Dig in slightly if soil is stiff.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: How to care for house plants

Pages: 187, 188


How to care for house plants

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener.

Pages: 195, 198


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener.

Nov. 1 "What's that tool you used to plant bulbs?" asked Janet at dinner. "I want to plant ours, and the ground's so hard I can't use a trowel."

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: Gift Shopping by Mail

Pages: 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213


Gift Shopping by Mail

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1954 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 216



As two of the nation's 90-odd million football experts, my Christine and I are among the very few who do not annually pick an ail-American team. But through enthusiastic home conversation, we alreadv know who the top quarterback will be this fall. It's the college lad who has started dating our high-school daughter.

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