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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: What's new in home furnishings

Page: 8


What's new in home furnishings

Hang-it-yourself wallpaper is so neat and easy to apply that demonstrators at one of the big shows wore evening clothes and stayed spotless. It's ready-trimmed and readypasted so all you do is cut off a length, dip it in water until the paste becomes gooey, then smooth it on the wall.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Breaking in a new car

Pages: 10, 11, 12


Breaking in a new car

There are almost as many notions about breaking in a new car as there are drivers. By far the most widely held theory is that keeping the speed below 30 or 35 miles per hour, for 500 or 1,000 miles, will start the car off to a long, trouble-free life.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Calk it to keep out

Pages: 14, 15, 194, 195, 197


Calk it to keep out

Cracks and crevices are an inevitable part of every house-- no matter how new and well built. Each joint in its construction is an opening which is an invitation to moisture that causes rot ...drafts that boost heating bills... insects that make room and board of your house... dust and dirt.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Your draperies are showing!

Pages: 18, 21, 23


Your draperies are showing!

Draperies can be dramatic backgrounds and wonderful finishing touches for every room. Let your furnishings decide color and style. If there is a lot of pattern in your carpet or upholstery, pick a good color from one of the patterns for the draperies. Or, match the fabric to the wall color for a flattering, unconfused background.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Have you heard the Latest Garden News?

Pages: 24, 256


Have you heard the Latest Garden News?

In November of last year came the first report on a remarkable compound, PR-51. A detergent or "wetting agent," compound PR-51 has no effect on the soil structure. It merely "lubricates the pipes" so water enters the soil more easily. It doesn't need to be worked in, because rain carries it down through the soil.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: No more polio after '54?

Pages: 38, 40, 43, 220, 257


No more polio after '54?

In a little Southern town, a curly-haired 7-year-old in overalls headed the apprehensive line of second-grade pupils at the emergency vaccine clinic. Sidewise, he studied the doctor and the smiling lady beside him, then closed his eyes and shot out a bared arm. Deftly, using a sterile, disposable syringe, the doctor injected one c.c. of a watery-looking stuff into the boy's deltoid muscle near the shoulder.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Three polio reminders for '54

Page: 38


Three polio reminders for '54

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Five home-planning ideas

Pages: 44, 46, 49


Five home-planning ideas

After Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Boskey talked over their ideas about the home they wanted, they came to these conclusions:

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Garden clinic

Page: 50


Garden clinic

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Three ways with TV

Pages: 55, 56


Three ways with TV

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: What's your paycheck doing to your marriage?

Pages: 65, 272


What's your paycheck doing to your marriage?

While marriage isn't essentially an economic partnership, money is definitely one of its major cornerstones. And since the Bible calls the love of money the root of all evil, it is no wonder that so many couples quarrel about finances. Or that, according to all available statistics, our booming divorce rates (one to every four marriages) get more impetus from reasons rooted in economics than all other causes combined. It's sad, and it's a shame, but it should be no surprise. Even the most astute businessmen, working under welldefined arrangements which include auditors and a staff of secretaries, often fight and sue each other and break up over money.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Success story of a delinquent lot

Pages: 66, 67, 68, 69


Success story of a delinquent lot

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Petunias to be proud of...

Pages: 70, 71


Petunias to be proud of...

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: FIRST REPORT ON HIGH-SCHOOL DRINKING

Pages: 72, 73, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142



The grim headlines keep cropping up in newspapers the country over: "Boy, 14, found intoxicated"

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Nothing could be finer than to be in CAROLINA

Pages: 74, 75, 149, 150, 151


Nothing could be finer than to be in CAROLINA

On the east, the Atlantic surf spends itself on the sunbaked beaches near Kitty Hawk. On the west, the land hunches up into the Great Smoky Mountains. In-between, the Carolinas lie outspread like the pages of a colorful historical novel.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: There's exciting glamour underfoot!

Pages: 76, 77, 78, 79


There's exciting glamour underfoot!

THE CLOSE-UPS show just a few of varied textures carpet designers are creating with combinations of springy loops, velvety cut pile, even deliberately skipped stitches for a carved effect.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Good planning yields more value

Pages: 80, 81, 162, 163, 164, 166, 168, 169


Good planning yields more value

What makes a house, any house, important? What earns your acceptance and gives it a place in the Better Homes & Gardens Five Star Home Plan Service?

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: This garden could be yours

Pages: 82, 83, 261


This garden could be yours

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: How to live in a small house and like it

Pages: 84, 85


How to live in a small house and like it

To get more space, you don't have to wait until you build or remodel. Let the magic of decorating give you more room to live in, more spacious-looking rooms, now!

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Color-scheme your table, too

Pages: 96, 97, 98


Color-scheme your table, too

ON THE LOVELY, rich wood of this table, you see a repetition of room colors-- gold napkins, smoky chartreuse tumblers, and deep reds, sage green, gold in the fruit centerpiece, Mesa dinnerware.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Get the most from decorative lighting

Pages: 134, 136


Get the most from decorative lighting

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Estate, wills, and trusts

Pages: 144, 146, 148, 217


Estate, wills, and trusts

Have you made a will? If you have a will, have you reviewed it lately, and is it up to date? Or perhaps you don't think a will is necessary,

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Keep track of that train Make this lamp and table

Pages: 154, 157


Keep track of that train Make this lamp and table

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: THE BEST SIDE TRIP WE EVER TOOK

Page: 170



A tip from a garageman at Tupelo, Mississippi, led to our discovery of Columbus. We were traveling Highway 78 from Memphis to Birmingham, when he said: "You ought to take a side trip down to Columbus. It's the only big city in the South that didn't get raided during the war between the states."

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Give Coffee a break!

Pages: 177, 178, 213


Give Coffee a break!

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Good watchdogs need training

Pages: 180, 181, 220


Good watchdogs need training

Your pet's case is not uncommon. Some cats won't accept egg yolk, pablum, fish oil, and other things on which cats are supposed to thrive. Best authorities say to go along with manifested likes and dislikes, to refrain from including items which may set up troublesome allergies.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: The right wrench speeds the job

Pages: 183, 184


The right wrench speeds the job

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: This year: Canada!

Page: 186


This year: Canada!

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Are you making the most of tables?

Pages: 188, 189, 202


Are you making the most of tables?

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Problem-too many doors and windows

Page: 199


Problem-too many doors and windows

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Canny ways with cans and trays

Pages: 208, 209, 210, 241


Canny ways with cans and trays

Ever think of transforming ordinary tin cans, metal trays, or piepans into attractive home accessories? It's worth trying-- easy, too! You can do it with a smidgen of paint.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: What yon should know about rug pads

Pages: 214, 215, 216


What yon should know about rug pads

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article:

Pages: 218, 219


"Everyone told us to tear it down"

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Got a faucet with the sniffles?

Pages: 222, 223, 224


Got a faucet with the sniffles?

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Before four baby sitter comes

Pages: 228, 239, 240


Before four baby sitter comes

You arrive home at midnight, and your sitter tells you that 3-year-old Susan just would not go to sleep. You find Susan sitting bolt upright, feverish and tense-- unwilling to sleep, but barely able to keep awake.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Look what you can do with a quarter-inch drill!

Pages: 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238


Look what you can do with a quarter-inch drill!

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Start seeds indoors now

Pages: 242, 243


Start seeds indoors now

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

Pages: 247, 251, 277


Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

When you're looking for ways to make your home more comfortable and attractive, look for this seal. It identifies the Better Homes & Gardens Home Planning Center, where you can get personal counsel on your own special home-planning problems.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Spring Pruning of shrubs and Vines

Pages: 253, 254


Spring Pruning of shrubs and Vines

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 258, 260


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

I can actually see signs of color on the crocus plants that are up across the back side of the back lawn, along the edge of the little pool we have there.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Sitting pretty on a busy corner

Pages: 262, 263, 285


Sitting pretty on a busy corner

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Now's the time to. . .

Pages: 264, 265, 268


Now's the time to. . .

Scratch winter covering from your strawberries-- -just enough to let light reach leaves during first warm days. Remove mulch from spring-flowering-bulb beds before tops are up far enough to grow bleached and crooked or to be injured by raking.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Answers to your Decorating questions

Pages: 267, 269


Answers to your Decorating questions

Our old rug is much too small for the living-dining room in our new home. Is there some way we can use it so that its small size is not too obvious?-- Mrs. C. W. K., Florida.

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Give a new kitchen a good start

Pages: 270, 271


Give a new kitchen a good start

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 273, 274, 275, 276, 277



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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: Where to get it

Page: 277


Where to get it

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Better Homes & Gardens March 1954 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 286



March is like a lot of men-- much blow and bluster, but not really dangerous, and sure to calm down under some softening feminine influence such as April.

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