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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: 1956 Home Improvement Contest

Pages: 6, 8


1956 Home Improvement Contest

THIS CONTEST covers any improvement to your home and surrounding property. And you have 128 chances to win in the four divisions-- Exteriors, Interiors, Additions, and Kitchen-Utility areas-- explained in detail further on. You are officially entered in the contest when we receive a Preliminary Entry Form from you.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: IT'S NEW for the handyman

Pages: 10, 11


IT'S NEW for the handyman

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: How to gain control of an injured dog

Pages: 12, 13


How to gain control of an injured dog

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: For your back-yard barbecues

Page: 14


For your back-yard barbecues

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: How they live on $5,000 a year

Pages: 17, 18, 20, 90, 91


How they live on $5,000 a year

A rather short, broad-shouldered man in his 30's with the deeply bronzed face of an outdoor worker, Jack W. earns what he once would have considered a princely income.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: They had a room for improvement

Pages: 23, 24


They had a room for improvement

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: A shelf will do the trick

Page: 30


A shelf will do the trick

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Latest Garden News

Page: 32


Latest Garden News

If your clematis doesn't flower, it could be that the days aren't long enough says Dr. Judd Haney of Michigan State University.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Striking new notes in color

Pages: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47


Striking new notes in color

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: A new way to plan a house

Pages: 48, 49, 50, 51, 149


A new way to plan a house

Center core, post-and-beam construction, modular plan are terms that may not be immediately friendly to you, but they can mean a very great-- and good-- deal to you in any future building plans.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Exciting trends in today's kitchens

Pages: 52, 53, 54, 55, 128


Exciting trends in today's kitchens

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Back in fashion with the Oriental look

Pages: 56, 57


Back in fashion with the Oriental look

You don't need a new house to enjoy the beauty and simplicity of furnishings in the new Oriental trend. Proof is the older home of the Dr. Chester Howards of Berkeley, California.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Five happy people did this...

Pages: 58, 59, 60, 61, 112, 113, 114


Five happy people did this...

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Posts panels, planks, and beams

Pages: 62, 63, 141


Posts panels, planks, and beams

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Melon jubilee

Pages: 64, 65, 81


Melon jubilee

A whole parade of melons is traveling cross-country. Even cranshaws (delicate as hothouse flowers) go far from their Western home these days. So look to your neighborhood market for new and old-time treats like the juicy wonders you see in our picture.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: ABC's of flower arrangement

Pages: 70, 71, 72, 99, 109


ABC's of flower arrangement

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: New table furnishings and accessories

Pages: 76, 77, 82, 83


New table furnishings and accessories

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Frosty desserts

Pages: 85, 86


Frosty desserts

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: New kitchen units--with walls and all!

Pages: 94, 124, 148, 149, 154


New kitchen units--with walls and all!

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Right and wrong accessory arrangements

Page: 96


Right and wrong accessory arrangements

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

Page: 100


Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

When you're looking for ways to make your home more comfortable and attractive, look for this seal. It identifies the Better Homes & Gardens Home Planning Center, where you can get personal counsel on your home-planning problems.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: New ways with familiar wall materials

Pages: 102, 104, 106, 145


New ways with familiar wall materials

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: When your child objects to naps

Pages: 107, 108, 154


When your child objects to naps

Afternoons were so peaceful a short time ago, and such a shambles now! This is the way it often seems to mothers at that fateful moment when Tommy or Janey goes off naps.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Workshop planning

Pages: 117, 118


Workshop planning

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: NEW wiring devices...

Pages: 120, 125, 155


NEW wiring devices...

Variable light control, like one above, lets you choose preferred degree of illumination from brilliant to blackout. Up to 360 watts of room light can be dialed bright for reading or sewing. Then silent, easy twist dims bulbs to a candlelike glow for formal dining or TV (on separate circuit so it won't dim, too). Fine for a night light in bath, hall, nursery.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Does your bedroom speak your language?

Pages: 122, 123


Does your bedroom speak your language?

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: More space under an old roof

Pages: 126, 150, 151


More space under an old roof

If an old house is solidly built and not squeezed too much by a narrow lot, it can become an up-to-date home that takes full advantage of its site.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Storage details you'll want to try

Page: 131


Storage details you'll want to try

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: How to save when you water

Pages: 133, 134


How to save when you water

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: AUGUST GARDEN REMINDERS

Pages: 136, 137, 138



Annuals, perennials, bulbs: Keep chrysanthemums watered-- give them a light feeding in mid-August to increase size of blooms. ... Plant colchicums and Autumn crocus as soon as the bulbs are available. There is still time to plant iris, Oriental poppies, and Madonna lilies.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Sew these zip-together pillows

Pages: 142, 143


Sew these zip-together pillows

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 144, 148


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Aug. 1 There are a lot of purty posies all around, outdoors, in spite of the heat. Glads and dahlias are beginning to perform. Plenty of bloom on petunias, marigolds, and other annuals.

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: The story back of your china

Page: 149


The story back of your china

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: Shopping by Mail

Pages: 152, 153


Shopping by Mail

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Better Homes & Gardens August 1956 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 156



Don't try to prove to your wife that you've always been right about everything. Remember, when you proposed, you told her you knew you weren't good enough for her.

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