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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: Is your health insurance program good enough?

Pages: 6, 122, 135


Is your health insurance program good enough?

Jim Walker didn't worry on the way to the hospital. His doctor said he'd be fine, and Jim had an abundance of health insurance.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: My most memorable CHILDHOOD BOOK

Pages: 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18


My most memorable CHILDHOOD BOOK

White House Press Secretary, James C. Hagerty, tells us: "The President liked many books, particularly those on history. During his school years, he was an avid student of the history of Greece and Rome. He could recite the names and dates of reign of the Roman emperors with greater ease than most American boys could give similar data on the Presidents of the United States.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: A beauty for a narrow lot!

Pages: 20, 24, 38


A beauty for a narrow lot!

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: The gifts men want most

Pages: 26, 29, 30


The gifts men want most

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: Bold retelling of the story

Pages: 43, 44, 45


Bold retelling of the story

TO KEEP PACE with church architecture, stained glass designers are turning from ornate "picture" windows to simpler and more colorful forms of expression. Mixing modern design with techniques of the Twelfth Century, they are producing some of the most original windows ever seen in this country.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: For a colorful Christmas!

Pages: 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 128, 129, 136, 138, 140, 141, 149


For a colorful Christmas!

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: Tiny table make busy benches

Pages: 54, 55, 106


Tiny table make busy benches

I Wrought iron table-bench in gay yellow might be used in a bath or dinette. With cushion removed, perforated metal top could hold a supper tray out on the lawn. Including cushion, the price is about $21.50, depending on fabric.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: . . .The Christmas when the good world came to two lonely children

Pages: 56, 57, 114, 120


. . .The Christmas when the good world came to two lonely children

Jailers, making their rounds in the silent corridors, sneaked from cell to cell, peeping and listening through the "Judas" on each door.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: The new look in traditional decoration

Pages: 58, 59, 60, 61, 120


The new look in traditional decoration

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: See how much handsomer a group can be!

Pages: 62, 63


See how much handsomer a group can be!

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: Gift-Wrapping Helpers

Page: 105


Gift-Wrapping Helpers

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: Brighter light for bathroom beauty

Page: 111


Brighter light for bathroom beauty

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: You're handier with WORKSHOP JIGS

Pages: 117, 118


You're handier with WORKSHOP JIGS

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: Personal help in planning, decorating and furnishing YOUR home

Pages: 127, 148


Personal help in planning, decorating and furnishing YOUR home

Look for this Better Homes & Gardens "Home Planning Center" seal when you're looking for ideas to help make your home more comfortable and attractive. It identifies leading stores who feature personal counsel on home planning, decorating, and furnishings problems.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: CHRISTMAS TREES: Care and safety

Pages: 131, 132


CHRISTMAS TREES: Care and safety

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 142, 143, 148


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Dec. 1 I awakened late this a.m. It was getting light enough for me to see something peculiar on the Washington hawthorn just outside the bedroom window.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1957 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 150



"Wish I could live my life over," said neighbor Pat O'Leary. "Bet I could make the same mistakes better."

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