Pages: 6, 9
They added a room that everyone enjoys
The David Hemricks of Atlanta, Georgia, felt they were through building when they moved in their new three-bedroom house. (We published it in March, 1953). Then their two girls grew into teen-agers. Each wanted her own bedroom, to keep belongings separate.
Read ArticlePages: 10, 11, 12
What can you do about your schools?
Don Ross was excited about the new job in Boston. His wife Harriet had found a house with space enough for their three boys-- plus a guest room. But the Rosses didn't take the job or buy the house until they were sure that schools in the new suburban location would measure up to the ones they knew back home in Whippany, New Jersey.
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Pages: 20, 22
When you choose your preschooler's clothes
Check these points so your child's movement isn't hampered or his skin chafed: Sleeves-- preferably raglan or kimono-type. If "set-in," armhole should be roomy.
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Pages: 26, 29
Pages: 30, 32
Pages: 34, 37
You can start a good home library on a budget
A recent cartoon shows a young bride in a bookstore. She is holding two bookends about 20 inches apart and saying to a startled clerk, "Just this many."
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Pages: 44, 183
They give away millions of miles
During the next few months, the nation's richest annual giveaway show will be in full swing. The winners will be the 30,000,000 Americans who take to the road every summer. The prizes will be de luxe road maps, detailed routings, descriptive folders, and a host of varied information to make their vacations more interesting and enjoyable.
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Pages: 57, 122, 123, 125, 140
A father talks to his son
Like most fathers, I have hoarded a vast sum of advice which I am constantly trying to transfer to my teen-age son's account, and which he-- like most children-- insists be retained in my name. Yet, there are many times when my son wants to talk to me about himself and his world and actively seeks my opinion and advice.
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Pages: 66, 67, 160, 202, 209
A house with space and style
Can the popular single-level house, in simple, rectangular shape, offer the same advantages as a two-story or splitlevel? These advantages are, chiefly, more space for less money and effective separation of active and quiet areas.
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Pages: 72, 73, 148, 163, 167, 168, 169
MEXICO-Three ways
If you'd enjoy hooking a sailfish in the Gulf of Mexico; if you'd like to shop the fabulous silver bazaars of Taxco or the colorful native marketplaces of Toluca and Oaxaca; if you've always wanted to swim among the thousands of floating gardenias of the luxurious hotel pool at Fortin de las Flores; if, in short, you're looking for a spot where modern comforts and ancient cultures are joined in a setting of snow-capped volcanoes, tropical jungles, and mile after mile of palm-lined beaches-- then your vacation dreams are probably focused on Mexico.
Read ArticlePages: 74, 75
There's MAGIC in the new carpets
See what's new under foot this season-- fibers that let you tread softly on their resilient tufted finishes, yet take spills in their stride, whisk clean in a flash. There are new textures, contrasting colors, a return to patterns-- sometimes coordinated with solid shades. Area and accent rugs have taken on new decorative importance, fill a definite need in many homes.
Read ArticlePages: 76, 77, 78, 79
Let's go to the Flower Show!
When we're looking for sparkling new ideas, inspiration, and beauty, we hie ourselves off to a flower show. We suggest you do the same. You can study, you can learn, you can plan great things for a summer in the garden-- or, you can just look. In these days of anxieties, pressures, and threats to our way of life, it is more than reassuring to view and contemplate the undaunted persistence and imperishable perfections of Nature.
Read ArticlePages: 80, 81, 106
Pages: 126, 128, 129
Let's have WAFFLES!
FOLKS ARE DELIGHTED with hot, golden-brown waffles for breakfast, but remember how tempting waffles can be for lunch or supper, too. Even for dessert! Try one of our good recipes, or you can start with a packaged mixwaffle, pancake, or biscuit mix
Read ArticlePages: 132, 169
Treat four windows to low-cost flattery
Heading for ribbon and tassel trimmed curtain is made by extending ribbon into loops, and sewing on loops of curtain fabric.
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Pages: 136, 145, 150
How to have a dry basement
If rain water or water from melting snow trickles into your basement, don't be too quick to blame the foundation. Chances are your home's drainage system is inadequate or faulty.
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If you need a new carpet, here's help
On page 74 you read about the new magic in carpets-- fibers that resist soil and wear, exciting textures and colors, new sizes that are easy on the budget. Here are additional buying tips:
Read ArticlePages: 147, 182
The youngster who cries and cries
An infant's cry is part of his language. It tells us that he needs something. Tending to his physical wants will make the baby content again, if his crying was a sign of a specific discomfort.
Read ArticlePages: 152, 155
It's a mobile storage rack!
What is the greatest shortcoming in your house? We can almost hear the cry: "Too little storage!"
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Page: 162
Personal help in planning, decorating and furnishing YOUR home
Look for this Better Homes & Gardens "Home Planning Center" seal when you're looking for ideas to help make your home more comfortable and attractive. It identifies leading stores who feature personal counsel on home planning, decorating, and furnishings problems.
Read ArticlePages: 164, 203
A greener, thicker, tougher lawn
No really good lawn got that way all by itself. With few exceptions, the quality of established lawns is in direct proportion to the effort put into their maintenance.
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Pages: 171, 172
Pages: 175, 176
Do you know about Low-voltage switching?
One of the outstanding advances in electrical systems is low-voltage switching. You may have heard of it as "remote control," "1-v" (for low voltage), or "multicontrol switching." All of these labels fit the product.
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Pages: 192, 198, 199
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Pages: 195, 196
Pages: 200, 201
The diary of a Plain dirt gardener
March 1 "My, what a plant!" said David as he paused on his way to breakfast. He was gazing at the huge red blooms, mebbe nine inches across, on his mother's hybrid amaryllis in the south window. It was lit up by the morning sun shining through the cold outside.
Read ArticlePages: 204, 205
Feed: Shrubs, trees, and lawns. Use the same balanced plant food on all three, and water it in well for quickest effect.
Read ArticlePage: 210
Son Burton, Jr., wanted to know what Ides are, and why they threaten only in March. "They are parents who penalize kids that neglect studies for early spring baseball," said his mother. Fair enough.
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