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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Live Christmas tree can be planted outdoors after the holidays

Page: 10


Live Christmas tree can be planted outdoors after the holidays

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Your kitchen door says

Page: 13


Your kitchen door says "Welcome" with wreath and broom decor

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: SMART COOK ...

Page: 13



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: How even grandparents can emerge victorious over grandchildren!

Page: 15


How even grandparents can emerge victorious over grandchildren!

One cagey grandmother confided, "I treat the news of my grandchildren's arrival in the same way as our ancestors did 'The British are coming!' I stash away all valuable knickknacks and easily breakable objects; and of course, we put up every barricade against power tools, knives, guns, anything dangerous.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: If you have too many guests for your supply of china, silver, glasses ...

Page: 15


If you have too many guests for your supply of china, silver, glasses ...

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: IDEAS IN ACTION

Page: 16



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: For those who will be alone on Christmas Day ...

Page: 20


For those who will be alone on Christmas Day ...

Every holiday season, for reasons of fate, ill-fortune, or thoughtlessness by others, thousands of people spend Christmas Day alone. Families, complete and contented themselves, tend to overlook solitary individuals-- let even a good friend go it alone at a time when friendship means so much.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: They'll have fun creating their own designs from low-cost materials

Page: 25


They'll have fun creating their own designs from low-cost materials

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Flower styles for her home

Page: 25


Flower styles for her home

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Eagle Brand HOLIDAY FRUITCAKE

Page: 25



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Here are some electrifying ideas for Christmas decorations

Page: 25


Here are some electrifying ideas for Christmas decorations

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Candle ends turn into sparkling Cinderella gifts!

Page: 26


Candle ends turn into sparkling Cinderella gifts!

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Shooting script for Christmas time home movies

Page: 26


Shooting script for Christmas time home movies

Make a movie record of this year's Christmas that will reflect all the spontaneous gaiety of the occasion and still be a well constructed and interesting bit of film to see again and again in years to come.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Ivy tree is decorative at Christmas and all through the year

Page: 28


Ivy tree is decorative at Christmas and all through the year

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: How to tell a child that Santa is really a member of the family

Page: 28


How to tell a child that Santa is really a member of the family

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: The legend of the first ...

Pages: 31, 32, 33, 34


The legend of the first ...

MORE than seven hundred years ago in the little village of Greccio in Italy there lived a man who was at war with God. This was strange, because it was an age of burning faith. All over Europe great Gothic cathedrals were rising, and men were banding together to go on crusades. But to the wood-carver of Greccio, cathedrals were a mockery and crusaders were deluded men.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: WHAT'S ON THE TREE?

Pages: 35, 36, 37



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: WHAT RINGS A WREATH?

Pages: 38, 39



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: WHAT'S IN THE PACKAGE? What? What? What?

Pages: 40, 41


WHAT'S IN THE PACKAGE? What? What? What?

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: WHAT GOES HERE AND THERE?

Pages: 44, 45



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: WHAT TOPS THESE TABLES?

Pages: 46, 47



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Handmade PUPPETS for your own Christmas show

Pages: 48, 49, 69, 71


Handmade PUPPETS for your own Christmas show

Use your imagination as to what Santa and the reindeer are doing as the show starts. Either one can write with a big pencil. As Santa's helper, the reindeer can pick things up with his mouth, help tie a package, put things in Santa's bag, and even use a saw and hammer.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Sunshine vacations

Pages: 50, 51, 91, 92


Sunshine vacations

A SIX-BEDROOM, four-bathroom cottage on St. Lucia in the Caribbean, shaded by rustling palms within a few feet of a sugar- white beach and turquoise water, is available for $60 a week. A maid? $4.50 a week more. How about a cottage at Manzanillo on Mexico's spectacular Pacific Coast? With all the trimmings-- star-peppered sky, distant guitars, surf-- it's $11 a night for two, American Plan.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Wouldn't you like a painting for Christmas?

Pages: 52, 53, 98


Wouldn't you like a painting for Christmas?

Original art no longer is limited to millionaires' mansions, Bohemians' flats, and a few public galleries. Secretaries, school teachers, salesmen, farm families-- average Americans of all kinds are starting collections with increasing enthusiasm.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: LOOK AND COOK

Page: 65



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Build a crèche

Page: 80


Build a crèche

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: The Marshmallow Men

Page: 83


The Marshmallow Men

Head and hat: Turn large soft marshmallow so the dome side is down (if ends are flat, round one gently). With scissors, cut diagonally from center almost to top (see drawing of head). Use the bottom piece only. Round the cut edge and cover with red paper hat, gluing it on at a jaunty angle. For hat, cut out pattern (below)-- it's the exact size!-- and trace around it on red paper.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: One good house leads to another

Pages: 84, 88


One good house leads to another

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: How to get plans for Five Star homes

Page: 88


How to get plans for Five Star homes

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Tips on picking out men's gifts

Page: 96


Tips on picking out men's gifts

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: Christmas gifts for that MAN

Pages: 96, 97


Christmas gifts for that MAN

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1960 Magazine Article: the man next door

Page: 102


the man next door

What with all the entertaining at this time of year, Christine has given up meals between snacks.

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