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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: One question for the candidates

Pages: 6, 7


One question for the candidates

POLITICAL conventions, like Army-Navy football games and the World Series, usually find us close to a television set, deep in nervous enjoyment. We derive from these contests and the pageantry that surrounds them-- the boisterous rooters, the flags unfurled, the brassy, off-key music-- a peculiarly American exhilaration, part glee, part reassurance.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: Practice aids for little leaguers

Pages: 28, 31


Practice aids for little leaguers

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 49



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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: Good news for the hurry-up gardener

Pages: 50, 51, 52, 53


Good news for the hurry-up gardener

You'll always find started plants growing in soil in some kind of container. Container will vary with size and type of the plants.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: A house that likes people

Pages: 58, 59, 153


A house that likes people

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: DEATH BY DRIVING

Pages: 60, 61, 138, 139, 144, 145, 146, 147



THE SHORT-WAVE RADIO in Alfred Moseley's blue station wagon crackled urgently as we raced along the throughway outside of Boston at three in the morning. It was Sergeant Bellevue at State Police Headquarters calling, "Cruiser 916, Cruiser 916!"

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: The most buildable cabin yet

Pages: 62, 63, 64, 136


The most buildable cabin yet

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: Build yourself some SUMMER COMFORT

Pages: 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70


Build yourself some SUMMER COMFORT

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: MONEY

Page: 77



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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 77



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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: GEAR of the year!

Pages: 80, 82, 89


GEAR of the year!

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: What does central air conditioning cost?

Page: 110


What does central air conditioning cost?

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: Get personal help at a Home Planning Center in furnishing and decorating your home

Page: 114


Get personal help at a Home Planning Center in furnishing and decorating your home

Look for this Better Homes & Gardens "Home Planning Center" seal when you're looking for ideas to help make your home more comfortable and attractive. It identifies leading stores which feature personal counsel in furnishing and decorating your home.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: Barbecue KP

Page: 115


Barbecue KP

Spray rods with fat-free cooking aid or oven protector spray; or brush with salad oil before cooking --helps avoid sticking of food, saves cleanup.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: Try a new outlook for summer

Page: 122


Try a new outlook for summer

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: My family's FAVORITE FISHING spots!

Pages: 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 132, 133


My family's FAVORITE FISHING spots!

RECENTLY, I was recalling with nostalgia a woods-scented summer morning in northern Michigan, an ice-blue gem of lake, and trout rising as we drove past. I remember how quickly I stopped the car, got out my fly rod, and soon had four silvery-pink rainbows caught, cleaned, and broiling over coals on green sticks whittled by my young son, Mike.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: How to grow TREES in TERRACES

Pages: 141, 142


How to grow TREES in TERRACES

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: JUNE GARDEN REMINDERS

Pages: 150, 151



Chrysanthemums: Cut or pinch off tips of mum plants to cause branching, compact plants, and increased bloom. If more plants of a variety are wanted, root some of the tips in flat of moist sand. Weeds: Warm weather spurs growth of weeds in the garden and lawn. Cultivate the garden faithfully once a week to prevent weeds from getting a foothold. Use lawn weed chemicals as directed by the manufacturer's label.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: How to get plans

Page: 153


How to get plans

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1960 Magazine Article: the man next door

Page: 156


the man next door

"It isn't the temptation that is so hard to resist," Judy said with 10-year-old insight, "it's the candy."

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