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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: An expansion attic--downstairs!

Pages: 11, 12


An expansion attic--downstairs!

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: Good sense for SWIMMERS

Page: 14


Good sense for SWIMMERS

Anesthetic drowning. Swimmers who learn how to hold their breath under water for a considerable time may unwittingly be inviting death by drowning. Two drownings from a little-known type of accident have been reported by Dr. J. H. Davis, of Miami, Florida. Both involved expert swimmers in calm and shallow water. The victims were trying to prolong the time of underwater swimming. When you hold your breath, carbon dioxide accumulates in the lungs and makes you gasp for air.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: 50 IMPROVEMENT IDEAS UNDER $50

Pages: 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: Long live geraniums!

Pages: 46, 47


Long live geraniums!

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: Very BIG little rooms!

Pages: 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53


Very BIG little rooms!

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: CAREERS that will need PEOPLE

Pages: 54, 55, 96, 97


CAREERS that will need PEOPLE

How can you look ahead and make sure your son or daughter-- or you yourself-- won't be missing the best job opportunities in the next 10 or 15 years?

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: These are masterful Flower arrangements!

Pages: 56, 57, 58, 59


These are masterful Flower arrangements!

YOU'VE probably seen many great flower paintings-- or reproductions of them-- at one time or another. But have you ever looked at them through the eyes of a flower arranger? Once you do, you'll discover an interesting and fresh approach, and learn an exciting new lesson in the art of handling flowers!

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: Sodas and Shakes

Pages: 75, 76


Sodas and Shakes

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: Meat, Sea-food Salads

Pages: 75, 76


Meat, Sea-food Salads

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: How to get your baby through the summer

Page: 80


How to get your baby through the summer

Keep clothing to a minimum, of course. The few items Baby does wear should be loose and absorbent. Cotton muslins and thin, cotton knits are coolest.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: SMART COOK ...

Page: 83



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: How to get plans for FIVE STAR homes

Page: 84


How to get plans for FIVE STAR homes

Five Star Home 3107, shown on page 11, is one of a monthly series for which you can buy complete plans with the following features:

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: JULY GARDENING WHERE YOU LIVE!

Pages: 86, 87



THE well-tended garden has about it a touch of paradise-- roses and spring flowers are still putting out sporadic blooms; summer annuals and perennials are reaching their height of display. It is imperative that we give the garden the same good care and enthusiasm that we gave it last spring. The rewards will be a colorful summer garden and a vigorous and beautiful one this fall.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: Doesn't everybody love a MOTHER-IN-LAW?

Page: 90


Doesn't everybody love a MOTHER-IN-LAW?

Let's face it. The reason for the happy relationship I have with my husband's mother is probably partly sheer luck. But I also think a lot of it can be traced to our attitudes from the start. Thank goodness, I've never had the typical comic strip idea of a mother-in-law as someone to fear and dread. And Bill's mother certainly showed no symptoms of being one of those Moms who regards every female as a rival for the affections of her precious son as some of my friends report of their mothers-in-law.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: Money for your recipes

Page: 91


Money for your recipes

DO YOU have a good sandwich idea up your sleeve? One that would be popular with men? If so, tell us about it. Send in a favorite cherry recipe, too. Two Cooks-of-the-Month will receive $20 each. Nineteen other winners will receive $5 each. Selected winning recipes will be pictured in the Prize Tested Recipes pages next February. The winners of these 21 prizes will receive a framed Better Homes & Gardens Certificate of Endorsement and six copies of the endorsed recipe.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: Roll out the RED CARPET

Page: 93


Roll out the RED CARPET

Just what is the red carpet? For one thing, it's a lot of small details-- some as inconspicuous as a firm handshake at the door, the cigarette box filled and invitingly open, the lacetrimmed guest towels crisply straight in the bathroom; others as eye-catching as a bright display of flowers, a centerpiece created with skill and thoughtfulness for this special occasion. Every family creates its own aura of hospitality, its individual version of the red carpet.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: They conquered a slope and rescued privacy

Page: 94


They conquered a slope and rescued privacy

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1961 Magazine Article: the man next door

Page: 102


the man next door

"Now I get the picture!" my uninhibited son exclaimed on the last day of school. "You want me to have all the good things you never had as a boy. Like A's on my report card!"

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