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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Stone platform adds a stage setting for patio parties

Page: 12


Stone platform adds a stage setting for patio parties

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: These classrooms are trucked to school!

Page: 14


These classrooms are trucked to school!

Portable classrooms, built on an assembly-line basis, may soon ease some of the pressure on our overcrowded schools.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: How one community handled the report card dilemma

Page: 22


How one community handled the report card dilemma

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Airy but rugged bench rail increases deck space

Page: 24


Airy but rugged bench rail increases deck space

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Wrecking companies--new source for home decorations

Page: 26


Wrecking companies--new source for home decorations

Antique shops aren't alone in providing a happy hunting ground for families seeking individuality and a change-of-pace in the decoration of their homes. Wrecking companies are another source.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Would you like to increase your reading speed?

Page: 30


Would you like to increase your reading speed?

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Swing-away kitchen table is a problem solver

Page: 35


Swing-away kitchen table is a problem solver

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: How to find a good doctor in a strange town

Page: 35


How to find a good doctor in a strange town

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: SMART COOK...

Page: 36



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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: At-home gallery for choosing works of original art

Page: 41


At-home gallery for choosing works of original art

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: We don't know everything about people, but we try...

Page: 43


We don't know everything about people, but we try...

One of our aims at Better Homes & Gardens is to be the magazine that knows the most about people and their homes. We have several ways of going about this-- and always are looking for others. We have regular get-togethers with people in what we call Housing Forums. These two-day sessions are co-sponsored with successful, forward-looking builders, and we have found them to be a valuable pulse-taking tool.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Distinction at its smartest

Pages: 44, 45, 46, 47


Distinction at its smartest

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: The freshness of up-to-date Traditional

Pages: 48, 49, 50, 51, 52


The freshness of up-to-date Traditional

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 55, 56, 57



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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Smartness turned broadside

Pages: 58, 59


Smartness turned broadside

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: VISIT ONE OF THE 1961 IDEA HOMES!

Pages: 60, 61



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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: MUMS--the word for color

Pages: 62, 63


MUMS--the word for color

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Don't let your youngster learn about Communism the hard way!

Pages: 64, 65, 102, 104, 106


Don't let your youngster learn about Communism the hard way!

This might be the most important article your family has ever read. We are in a fight for survival-- and free people must know what they are fighting for.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: The ever-ready ROSE

Pages: 66, 67


The ever-ready ROSE

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Money for your recipes

Page: 83


Money for your recipes

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: What it's like to move to ARIZONA

Pages: 90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98


What it's like to move to ARIZONA

Somewhere in Ohio, or Vermont, or Minnesota, a man shovels snow off his driveway, drawing freezing air into his lungs. He wakes up in a hospital under treatment for a heart attack. He lies there in enforced quiet and thinks and yearns, his life suddenly a measurable span. He gets up, pale, shaky, determined.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Do most babies come in 9 months?

Page: 101


Do most babies come in 9 months?

The gestation period of an elephant is between 22 and 24 months. The normal pregnancy of a woman is something less, thankfully-- somewhere between 8 and 10 months.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Are you a good borrower?

Page: 107


Are you a good borrower?

If an article you borrowed was damaged through wear or accident, would you have it perfectly repaired, or failing this, replace it with an exact duplicate?

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: How to cope with the high cost of putting youngsters through college

Pages: 108, 111, 112, 114, 115


How to cope with the high cost of putting youngsters through college

For three of the ten years the Hafners will have children in college, two will be attending at the same time. They already have one girl about to start her second year. A boy will be ready to go in two years, another girl in four. To snare those three high-priced sheepskins, the Hafners have (1) an income of $120 a week from Fred's job as an insurance claimsman, (2) a twelve-year-old Cape Cod house with reasonable carrying charges of $85 a month and a half-paid mortgage, (3) lifetime savings of $4,500, including a few shares of stock, and (4) the carefully-conceived plan that will be outlined in this article.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: NATIONAL GYPSUM COMPANY

Page: 116



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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Tips on fall planting of just about anything

Pages: 118, 120, 121


Tips on fall planting of just about anything

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: How to cope with KITTENS

Page: 123


How to cope with KITTENS

Cats are very self-sufficient, but there are a few things that you can do to make having kittens easier for your cat and less trouble for you.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: Not one thing unnecessary

Pages: 124, 126


Not one thing unnecessary

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1961 Magazine Article: the man next door

Page: 130


the man next door

Judy tells us there is a new boy in her class-- quiet, polite, studious. What do the kids call him? "Kookie," she says. "What else?"

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