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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: DIGGING A HOLE IS NOT ENOUGH

Pages: 6, 8, 14, 17, 18



The next best thing to eternal salvation is temporal salvation, and you can't blame a man in the prime of life, or a little past, for wondering what he might do for himself in case of nuclear war. I'd spent some time wondering lately, until I saw a headline in the local paper: "County Man Builds A-Bomb Shelter."

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: What it's like to move to HAWAII

Pages: 20, 24, 27, 96, 97, 98, 99


What it's like to move to HAWAII

For a small state, Hawaii has an almost embarrassing amount of pride. Not only do its residents feel sorry for unfortunates who have to live someplace else, but they continually argue among themselves about which part of their paradise is best.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: Could houses cost LESS?

Pages: 28, 29


Could houses cost LESS?

In our search for the reasons behind the seemingly unreasonable cost of houses, we at Better Homes and Gardens went looking for an outstanding builder to tell us his side of the story. Ed Ryan represents the builders of this country who are dedicated to giving the home buyer his money's worth. Here's what Mr. Ryan has to say about the problems he faces in his everyday struggle to keep costs down.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: It's NEWS to me!

Pages: 30, 32


It's NEWS to me!

Attachment that fits 8mm projector is designed for home viewing and editing. Resembling a television picture tube, Projector Scope may be viewed from all angles without darkening room. No screen needed-- just remove projector lens, insert Projector Scope, and it's ready for viewing.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: ANNOUNCING the 1962 Better Homes and Gardens home improvement contest

Pages: 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47


ANNOUNCING the 1962 Better Homes and Gardens home improvement contest

Everywhere you go today you see exciting new ideas in home remodeling! People are spending more time in their homes, doing more things to them, expecting more out of them. And home improvement can pay off, too ... Remember, when you enter the contest, your entry will compete only will others of equal size. A modest project will have the same chance to win as a large one.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: A room is what you make it

Pages: 48, 49


A room is what you make it

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: Want to renew an old house?

Pages: 50, 51


Want to renew an old house?

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: Fixed over for family fun

Pages: 52, 53


Fixed over for family fun

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: OLD favorites are NEW!

Pages: 54, 63


OLD favorites are NEW!

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: A guide to LANDSCAPE PLANNING

Pages: 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62



Many new garden catalogues are yours for the asking-- and to help you make better use of them, we've compiled these 8 pages of ideas. With this guide in one hand and the catalogues in the other, you're on your way to the best garden ever.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: HOBBIES YOU CAN MASTER IN A WEEKEND

Pages: 64, 65, 66, 67



A QUIET evening or an idle weekend is all the time you need to experiment with any of the crafts shown on these pages. You'll get results you can be proud of and the satisfaction that comes from creating something completely your own. The materials are all easy to find and quite inexpensive, so you won't have to worry about wasting them while you're just experimenting with the processes.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: Its big SURPRISE is SPACE

Pages: 68, 69, 104



This house has space ... lots of it. It's an eight-room, four-bed-room two-story with a shop and laundry to boot-- lots of easy-access halls and lots of storage, too. Where do they put 3,065 square feet of space? Take a look at the back!

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: 10 Parties the kids will never forget

Pages: 72, 73, 90, 91


10 Parties the kids will never forget

NO, never forget! For they're the stuff that marvelous childhood memories are made of. These first parties-- and the ones you'll give through the years-- are a continued introduction to the social world of give and take ... "you frost the cake, and I'll lick the spoon." But remember a party needn't be elaborate. Any time three children get together with paper hats, balloons, and cookies, it's a party!

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: HOW TO SAVE MONEY AT THE FOOD STORE

Pages: 80, 82, 83



Food bills just don't pinch now and then. They hang on and squeeze in a way that can have you hurting always. Sure, you have to eat regularly-- there's no way out of that. But there's more to keeping your standing as a good cook and hostess than simply paying off big at the food store. Too many women go right on buying the same foods each week, cooking and dishing them up in the same ways --never bringing to this most tasty of all activities the relish and change of pace it can so easily have.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: Garden tool storage

Page: 95


Garden tool storage

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: Two ways to handle MUSIC

Page: 100


Two ways to handle MUSIC

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: COLLEGE for every deserving youngster at a DOLLAR a year

Pages: 102, 103


COLLEGE for every deserving youngster at a DOLLAR a year

Any boy or girl in the United States who deserves to go to college will have the chance, if a Massachusetts optometrist's dream comes true.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: If Baby's eyes cross ...

Page: 105


If Baby's eyes cross ...

During Baby's early months, there may be times when his eyes momentarily turn in or out too much. An inexperienced mother may worry that her baby is going to be cross-eyed.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: Treatment for a temper tantrum

Page: 106


Treatment for a temper tantrum

You may smile understandingly at the sight and sound of someone else's youngster in a screaming, stamping rage. But there's very little funny about it if the child happens to be yours. If guests are present, or you're out in public, embarrassment adds to the tension.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: SHOPPING BY MAIL with Better Homes & Gardens

Pages: 108, 109


SHOPPING BY MAIL with Better Homes & Gardens

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1962 Magazine Article: the man next door

Page: 110


the man next door

I look at our familiar streets with new respect these days. The Chamber of Commerce has just put out a brochure which shows, by means of concentric circles on a map, that our town is at the exact center of the entire world.

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