How Stocks are Valued
Before you can do your best in the stock market, you need to know how the pros value stocks-- and where they get their information. If nothing else, it will help you know what questions to ask your broker, and how to judge for yourself whether a certain stock suits your temperament and investment goals.
Read ArticleHow liable are you for your child's misdeeds?
Generally, a child is liable for the harm he does to others by his wrongful acts. If his liability turns on his being negligent, the standard of care usually required of him is whatever reasonably can be expected of a child of his age and experience.
The new Interstate Commerce Commission rules for movers will take much of the frustration out of your next move. With these revisions and the think-ahead tips included below, you may even keep your temper on moving day.
Read ArticleThink twice about that sore throat
When you say that your throat hurts, you're really talking about a symptom and not a disease. That sore throat can be a valuable clue to a wide variety of ailments, ranging in seriousness all the way from the common cold to scarlet fever.
Read ArticleWhich camper fits your family?
Every year more and more people realize that a recreation vehicle-- vacation trailer, motor home, pickup camper, converted van, or camping trailer-- offers maximum vacationing freedom comfort, and economy. This might be the year you'll join their ranks.
Read ArticleHow to help your son face the draft
Should a young man fulfill, avoid, or evade his military requirement? That question is troubling millions of families today. New considerations such as the lottery, a possible "all volunteer" Army, and a tightening up on deferments do not make the difficult decision any easier.
Read ArticleGOOD NEWS
Tuck this central vacuum cleaner into an existing wall, cabinet, or closet. No extensive-- and expensive-- ductwork is required.
Read ArticleCan an intelligence test be wrong?
Yes-- in fact, intelligence tests are wrong often enough, sometimes with disastrous results, to warrant your probing the reasons why.
Read ArticleIs there any way out of our health care mess?
There is a way out, provided we come to grips with what is really wrong: Namely that our outmoded ways of delivering and paying for health care simply are no match for the heavy demands we place on them. The painful, rapid rise in the cost of health care is merely a symptom of deeper trouble in our medical system. Granted, we ask a lot.
If a five- or ten-thousand-dollar room addition is beyond your budget, how about one for $600? Unlikely as the price seems, there is such an addition available now-- it's also permanent, attractive, and highly versatile. We call this budget addition the "room stretcher", a compact do-it-yourself project that can be attached most anywhere to your house.
WHAT KIND OF a gardener are you-- novice or expert? It doesn't really matter, if you want to grow any of the numerous plants now commonly available-- in supermarkets, variety stores, garden centers, and florist shops.
Get a head start on the holiday season by sewing some of these distinctive gifts, all designed especially for Better Homes and Gardens readers. How-to instructions begin on page 96.
Read ArticleIridescent settings
Uncluttered, understated-- that's today's spatial look in table settings. Note the lack of color in china and pottery, the brilliant explosion of faceted crystal and iridescent plastics, the subtle gradations in silver flatware. All these keep pace with and complement today's way of living. They're not only apt companions for the contemporary-- but they'll blend and highlight traditional furnishings as well.
Read ArticleHow to roast the holiday turkey
turkey is unstuffed, less ... time may be required.
Read ArticleAre you an unconscious driver?
We all tend to develop unconscious driving habits. The monotony and lack of challenge inherent in routine driving --to and from work, to the store-- spawn most of our thoughtless driving errors. These typical situations have lots of accident-producing potential. Review all of them; then the next time you're driving, try a little self-analysis to see how many basic errors have crept into your driving technique.
Read ArticleHow to handle the holidays
As the holiday season approaches, you wonder how you are going to get everything done. The days ahead loom large, bringing with them the Thanksgiving dinner for the entire family, a clutch of pre-Christmas parties, school festivities that demand cookies, shopping for gifts, buying and addressing cards, and on and on and on.
Read ArticleFitting a pup into the family
One of the most memorable events of childhood is the day a new puppy comes into the family. But, before you decide to bring home a new pup you'd better face one fact. Although the dog will probably become one of your children's best friends, he's really going to be your responsibility. Some planning before you actually acquire a dog will help smooth the way.
The focus is on family fun at these seven preserved waterfronts
Read ArticleShopping editor's choice
Discover the fun and convenience of shopping by mail! You can order with complete confidence any of the items shown: each company will refund your money if you're not delighted.
Read ArticleThe man next door
November is the time of year when you discover that the tree which gave only scanty shade during those hot summer days suddenly has produced enough leaves to rate an "extra charge" on the trash-hauling bill.
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