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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: PART 2 HOW TO HOLD DOWN TODAY'S SOARING COSTS

Pages: 6, 86, 88, 90, 97, 98, 100, 101



When you shop for a self-c leaning range (and you shouldn't settle for less), prepare for conflicting sales talks. "Only the electric is really self-cleaning"... "Gas ranges clean as they cook, without that high-heat cycle"...

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: Off-season campers beat the vacation rush

Pages: 8, 13


Off-season campers beat the vacation rush

Camping used to be one of the best ways to "get away from it all." Now, however, there are more people than ever enjoying the nation's wilderness areas, and getting away often means getting to a campground fast in order to beat other families to a choice campsite.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: Could most wives take over the family finances?

Pages: 14, 16, 105


Could most wives take over the family finances?

Evidence indicates that most married women are not adequately prepared to handle family finances. Take this fairly typical family in their mid-thirties with three children-- a girl twelve, one boy nine, and one seven years old.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: Patio furniture that really fits

Page: 18


Patio furniture that really fits

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: Tax deductions: are you getting your fair share?

Pages: 26, 28, 37, 39, 107


Tax deductions: are you getting your fair share?

Too many families think it takes an act of Congress to cut their taxes-- a point of view that overlooks some profitable opportunities for do-it-yourself tax reforming. By applying a tax reformer's zeal to your own return this year, there's a good chance you can realize a far bigger tax cut than you're likely to get from Congress.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: Build these now for summer use

Pages: 32, 33


Build these now for summer use

Why not channel your winter restlessness into some constructive projects? You have time now to do the job right, and when summer comes, you'll be set for relaxed outdoor living. Extras like these are great for family use-- and handy for the informal entertaining so popular during the long summer season.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: It's the extras that make a house

Pages: 34, 35


It's the extras that make a house

After a home is built (often long after), some basic outdoor problems remain to be solved. What to do in back to increase the pleasure of outdoor living? What about extra storage? How should the front yard be finished to set the house off? Can all the jobs be done so only minimum maintenance will be required afterward?

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: At last--an auto shoulder harness that's easy to use

Page: 40


At last--an auto shoulder harness that's easy to use

The facts are now in. All accident research shows that shoulder harnesses, when used, do save lives and prevent serious injury. As reported in our last November issue, shoulder harnesses (in combination with lap belts) can reduce vehicle occupant injuries and deaths somewhere in the vicinity of 80 percent.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL DECORATING?

Pages: 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57



You're hearing a new language in home furnishings. Supergraphics, kinetics, non-form furniture, op, pop, and hard-edge art are some of the mind-blowing expressions. And the big word is environmental-- that magic (but often confusing) definition of a new way to live. Basically the concept involves changing stereotyped interiors to make them more flexible and responsive to a family's personal preferences. Space planning, revolutionary designs, new materials and technology are making it happen.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: Is the social drinker really the worst killer on the road?

Pages: 58, 59


Is the social drinker really the worst killer on the road?

Contrary to popular misconception, the villain is not the moderate, social drinker who drives after a couple of cocktails. It's the abnormal, pathological drinker who regularly drinks to excess. These are the drunks who drive, and they're the largest single group of killers loose on our highways.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: A 1970 workshop & garage...

Pages: 60, 61, 62, 63


A 1970 workshop & garage...

You've probably noticed that the average modern garage isn't really modern at all. Rarely do style, convenience, versatility, and practicality come together in today's garages.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: Stitch a still life

Pages: 92, 100


Stitch a still life

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: 18 favorite resorts for family vacations

Pages: 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114


18 favorite resorts for family vacations

It's not surprising that the places children enjoy most are those where there are lots of other kids. So why not plan your next summer vacation at a family resort? You can make a resort either the site of a one- or two-week respite from the summer scene at home, or a base for side trips to nearby attractions.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: Shopping editor's choice

Pages: 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146


Shopping editor's choice

Discover the fun and convenience of shopping by mail! You can order with complete confidence any of the items shown: each company will refund your money if you're not delighted.

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Better Homes & Gardens February 1970 Magazine Article: The man next door

Page: 148


The man next door

I'm afraid I won't be much help when my son asks my advice about choosing a career. Most of the jobs he mentions didn't exist when I faced the problem.

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