Our public schools are in deep financial trouble, educators say. They call for up to twice as much money in the years ahead to operate and improve public schools.
We call them the "good old days," when burning leaves perfumed the autumn air, when we burned wastepaper in the backyard and fed garbage to pigs and chickens. Sure, things were simpler then. There weren't 205 million of us, we weren't living so high on the hog and weren't burdened by the monumental waste that is a by-product of our affluence.
Read ArticleSTOCK BUYING: what to look for in industries
When you buy a house, you aren't buying just a dwelling. You're picking a neighborhood, and you want to know all its advantages and disadvantages. The same applies to the purchase of a stock. You aren't buying just a share of a company.
Read ArticleAre real estate trusts a good investment?
If you'd like to invest in real estate, but don't have the capital or know-how to go ahead on your own, a real estate investment trust (REIT) can offer a good opportunity. However, there are over 170 REITs on the market today. You'll need expert advice from your broker and real estate adviser before you buy.
Read ArticleHow to pick an executor for your estate
Whether your estate is large or small, it's important to name an executor in your will. Otherwise, the court will appoint someone when the will is probated, and you can't be sure that your wishes will be carried out.
Read ArticleWhat does the Consumer Price Index mean to you?
It can be a good budget barometer for your household expenditures. Sometimes called the "cost-of-living" index, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures national and regional average price changes of practically everything you buy. It's compiled and published each month by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U. S. Department of Labor, and works like this:
Read ArticleANSWERS to the most commonly asked QUESTIONS about ARTHRITIS
People often speak of arthritis (literally, "inflammation of the joints") as if it were a single disease. But the term really applies to dozens of very different conditions, all characterized by similar symptoms: pain, swelling and stiffness of various joints, sometimes redness of the skin over the affected areas and limitation of normal joint movement.
Read ArticleShould you buy a LEFTOVER new car?
You can save money buying a leftover 1971 car when the 1972 models appear in the dealers' showrooms. How much you save depends upon several factors: how long you intend to keep the car, the model you choose, how the car is equipped and how long the new models have been out.
Read ArticleAre you liable for your child's driving accidents?
The mere relationship of parent and child does not automatically make you liable. In general, you would probably be held responsible if an accident occurred while your minor son or daughter was driving on an errand or on business for you, or if you knew that he or she was an incompetent or dangerous driver.
Read ArticleGOOD NEWS
Update your bathroom with a fiber glass tub enclosure you can install yourself.
Read ArticleHow you can help in the fight against drugs
We've all heard the frightening stories about how drug abuse has spread into even the most unlikely communities, and how dope is making the rounds in every school. No family or neighborhood is immune from the threat. It's hard not to feel helpless about this nationwide menace that most of us understand hardly at all.
Read ArticleHEATING: how to pay less for more comfort
Most homeowners seriously shortchange themselves by thinking of their furnace as only a heating system. But it can, and should, do more than heat. If your furnace is properly equipped for fresh air intake, continuous air circulation, and balanced heat distribution, you can expect constant room temperatures, a cleaner house, a quieter furnace and lower fuel bills. Here are four easy ways to make your furnace deliver what it should.
Read ArticleStorage Ideas for a bigger, better house
On the following pages you'll find some of the best looking, most practical storage ideas you've ever seen. Many of them serve double as fine furniture, room dividers, wall decorations and so on. We'll also tell you how you can build and install the units in your own home.
Short on space? Stretch it with double-purpose furniture, flattering color schemes and space-expanding tricks. First think of all the purposes the room should serve, then plan around them. These six pages will supply all kinds of ideas you can adapt to small rooms in your house.
Read ArticleBulbs: plant now for a spectacular spring
Even if you're looking forward to brisk winter weather, you're going to be ready for a warming burst of color next spring. To make it happen, you must act now. The time to plant spring bulbs is in the fall. With a little planning, you can stretch out the bright welcome of spring for weeks.
Read ArticleSkin care appliances
Of course you want to give your skin the best care possible. These efficient appliances can help you do the job right. Shavers for men and women have improved in recent years to give a closer shave with minimum irritation to the skin. Some people with skin problems have found the electric shaver to be more comfortable. Check with your dermatologist.
Read ArticleBack-to-school breakfasts
However hectic your mornings, don't let your child go to school without eating. Breakfast should supply one-fourth to one-third of his daily food requirements --no exceptions.
Read ArticleKitchen cutups
A pair of all-purpose kitchen hears is practically indispensible. They are designed to cut poultry, heat, fish, vegetables and flowers. They are also ideal for ... marshmallows, candied fruit and parsley; cracking nuts; opening bottles and removing tight ... lids.
Read ArticleThe electronic way to a clean-air house
If you're seriously concerned about keeping the air in your house pure and clean, you're a good prospect for an electrostatic air cleaner. It can filter out airborne dust particles as small as one-millionth of an inch. That's over one hundred times smaller than the smallest dirt particle filtered out by conventional heating/cooling systems. Pure-as-possible air not only contributes to your family's health and comfort, it also reduces maintenance costs and housecleaning chores.
Read ArticleHow to care for your carpet
You can increase your carpet's life by cleaning it regularly and responding quickly to spots and stains. Regular cleaning means both vacuuming and either wet or dry cleaning done by yourself or professionals.
Read ArticleIndoor grills
If you have been enjoying outdoor barbecuing, consider ... an indoor electric, gas ... charcoal grill for all-year barbecuing enjoyment.
You're getting more sunlight through your windows than you were during summer. That's because the sun is moving lower in the sky and shade trees are dropping leaves. Since the sunlight becomes less intense during the fall and winter, you don't have to worry about most plants' being able to take it head on if they're two or three feet from a window.
Read ArticleCan your child cope with an unruly dog?
Even the best dogs may misbehave when out on their own. You can reduce the possibility of a tragic accident involving a child and your dog by obeying leash and confinement laws. Unfortunately, you can't assume that every other dog owner will do the same.
Read ArticleDown-to-earth dining
Ever noticed how, when conversation's good and the group is compatible, guests tend to become floor sitters? You needn't disturb them when it's time to serve snacks or supper. Let your friends keep company with the coffee table if they choose. Or try one of our downright comfortable eating arrangements.
This view of the Appalachian Mountains-- which you can have just by stepping from your car in dozens of spots along the Blue Ridge Parkway --captures for an instant the veiled, brooding intensity of the oldest high country in America.
Read ArticleShopping editor's choice
Discover the fun and convenience of shopping by mail! You can order with complete confidence any of the items shown: each company will refund your money if you're not delighted.
Read ArticleThe man next door
While listening to the radio last night, I played a game in which I imagined myself as the manager of a nameless rock band. Glancing around the room, I quickly came up with some excellent name ideas: The New York Times Encyclopedic Almanac, Sanford's Rubber Cement Dispenser, the Fluorescent Lights and the Yellow Pages.
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