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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: Break the rules when you shop--and still save

Page: 4


Break the rules when you shop--and still save

Sometimes it pays to ignore the traditional shopping rules, such as following a list, avoiding impulse buying and buying in quantity. If you're on your toes and know what you're doing, you can make shopping more fun-- and a bargain to boot.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: What if you're turned down for life insurance?

Pages: 4, 7


What if you're turned down for life insurance?

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: How safe is your safe deposit box?

Page: 4


How safe is your safe deposit box?

It's probably the safest spot you'll find to keep your securities, valuable jewelry, rare coins, legal documents and other hard-to-replace records. For just a few cents a day, you get this kind of protection: bank vaults built for maximum security against theft, most of them absolutely fireproof. Under ordinary circumstances, no one can get into your box except those whose signatures you have put on record.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: Living through A REMODELING

Page: 8


Living through A REMODELING

You've signed with a reputable contractor and the remodeling work is about to begin. What you --and your contractor-- do next about your working relationship will make the difference between a pleasant experience or an unhappy one.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: A diversified divider

Page: 14


A diversified divider

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: When and how to use furring strips

Pages: 16, 109


When and how to use furring strips

If you're thinking about paneling a room or putting up acoustical tile on a ceiling, you'll soon hear about furring strips. The most important thing to know is when you don't need to bother with them. These days, that's pretty often.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: SEWAGE POLLUTION: WHAT CAN BE DONE AND WHEN?

Pages: 20, 22, 24, 108



Americans traveling in foreign countries are often warned to be careful about the water: it may not be safe to drink. It is only then that many of them reflect-- always proudly and often for the first time-- on the high quality of America's water.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: GOOD NEWS

Pages: 26, 28, 30



Safeguard your child when he's traveling with this car seat. The car's lap belt restrains both child and seat during sudden stops, while the impact pad protects the face and upper part of the body.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: Removing the mystery from tire buying

Pages: 32, 33, 36, 38


Removing the mystery from tire buying

Few buying decisions are more baffling than picking the right kind of tires. Lack of an industry-wide grading standard is responsible for much of this confusion. Each company rates its own tires. As a result, one brand's so-called premium product may be no better than another company's first line or even second line.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: MAKE YOURS A BETTER HOME

Pages: 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57



Make 1971 the year your home gets that something-special look. To help you along, here are 33 ideas designed to brighten, dramatize and update your every room. Next month, look for our ideas on outdoor living-- any way you like it!

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: Urban Orchards

Pages: 58, 59, 112, 114


Urban Orchards

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: Do this if you don't like the View

Pages: 60, 61, 62, 63


Do this if you don't like the View

Do you have a window that faces something you'd rather forget? Here are six ways you can block out that undesirable scene without sacrificing light, and you gain a decorating focal point at the same time. (Right) Transform an ordinary window with stained glass scraps and liquid steel. Your patient work will be rewarded with the interplay of color, texture and luminosity typical of stained glass designs.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: Know your sauces

Page: 84


Know your sauces

Are espagnole, bordelaise, diable and chaud-froid part of your cooking and/or eating-out vocabulary? If not, read on to get acquainted with these and other sauces that can add flair to your meals.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: How to buy and ... chicken

Page: 85


How to buy and ... chicken

BUYMANSHIP ... family prefers either ... or light meat, choose ... parts: drumsticks, wings, ... or breasts. But you'll be ... a premium for these parts ... or the prepackaging. A ... bird costs less than one ... cut up.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: How to order material from the magazine

Page: 98


How to order material from the magazine

Better Homes and Gardens, Dept. 2S1, P.O. Box 374, Des Moines, Iowa 50302. (Canadian and foreign orders, please add 10 percent to cover additional handling charges.)

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: When can a home be used for business?

Page: 100


When can a home be used for business?

Across the street, one of your neighbors starts a dressmaking business that brings several customers to her home each day. If this causes problems-- such as daily "traffic jams"-- do you have any grounds for a legal complaint? In some instances, you do, but it depends on a number of factors.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: The best vacation camping in mid-America

Pages: 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106


The best vacation camping in mid-America

Within the 16 large states that make up the nation's midsection, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of places where you can go camping with your family. Trying to pick one as a vacation spot can be a tough task. To relieve the dilemma, we set out to find ten destinations in the central United States where vacationing campers are likely to have a thoroughly good time. In arriving at our selections, we kept these

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: A guide to household lubrication

Pages: 110, 111


A guide to household lubrication

Your house has dozens of ... parts-- hinges, window motors, doors, drawers, appearances and locks. All request some form of periodic lubrication to keep them working quietly and efficiently. No while your regular maintenance chores are at low tide, is a ... time to take a troubleshooting lubrication tour of the house.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: Getting the ... out your ... air conditioner

Pages: 115, 116


Getting the ... out your ... air conditioner

... hot weather ... ... sure your room air ... ... is in tip-top condition.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: ... choice

Pages: 116, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127


... choice

... of shopping ... confidence ... will ... delighted.

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Better Homes & Gardens May 1971 Magazine Article: The man next door

Page: 128


The man next door

Rev. George Hall said he offered a little prayer the other day while planting his garden. "Lord." he said, "help me not to plant more than I can care for."

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