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One obstacle to buying a home may be the 20- or 25-percent down payment many lenders require-- easily $10,000 or $20,000 or more at today's home prices. FHA- and VA-insured loans aren't always the answer, despite their low down payments.
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Delightful Wines of California
There's no longer any doubt about California's place in the wine world. Within the last 15 years there has been a spectacular development of the Golden State's wine industry. No other state or country can boast so many good wines at every price level-- from the $1.50 bottle of domestic "Burgundy" or "Chablis" to the fine red Cabernet Sauvignon or white Pinot Chardonnay that may cost as much as $10 a bottle.
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How reproduction furniture is "aged"
Many quality reproductions and adaptations of period furniture are deliberately finished to look as if they were made generations ago. This "aged" quality is achieved by two different processes-- antiquing and/or distressing. Signs of everyday use are simulated to transform new furniture pieces into treasured "relics."
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Draw the drapes on heating bills
Chances are you've already upgraded your home's insulation to save energy. But if you ignore your windows, you may miss out on some of the potential savings.
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Back in the early and relatively idyllic days of the Equal Rights Amendment effort (October, 1973), Better Homes and Gardens was one of the first national magazines to endorse this proposed addition to the Constitution. Furthermore, we were the only magazine to lend our support primarily on the basis of the ERA's important relationship to the family.
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How to moisturize plants for winter
Plants get thirsty during winter the same as they do in summer. If Mother Nature doesn't oblige with adequate rains, it's up to you to see that all your perennial plants, including trees and shrubs, have an adequate supply of soil moisture before the ground freezes.
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How to mail food gifts
Why not do your Christmas shopping at the supermarket this year? Buy the makings for your most-requested recipes and mail the finished products to faraway friends.
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How to teach your kids what driver ed can't
If your children are in their early teens, they'll probably soon be piloting "Student Driver" cars around your community. And thousands of other teen-agers will be joining them across the country, all trying to get a safe start on obtaining that all-important document: the driver's license.
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If you've longed for a roomy home office with a desk and storage space all your own, you'll like the results of this attic project. Homeowner Louise Mintz, a primary schoolteacher, uses the work area every day when she plans and prepares student projects.
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A Fabric Dollhouse to Quilt, Embroider, Appliqué, and Paint
In this enchanting dollhouse, there's lots of room for your imagination. Once you've re-created the basic designs from our patterns (or you may order preprinted material, see below), you can begin to "move in" your own personal touches. Our designs include an outside and interior view as shown on the wall hanging/headboard and quilt pictured here and on page 77
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Two houses-- nearly identical on the outside-- can be worlds apart inside. And that difference doesn't have to hinge on decorating budgets. Often what makes a house stand out is its custom features-- those big and little built-ins that add livability and personality.
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Shopping for a sofa bed
Hiding the bed is an idea that's been around for years. The French built the bed into the wall; the Japanese rolled the bed up and tucked it away; a man named Murphy designed it with hinges and springs to fold into a skinny closet; Thomas Jefferson used a pulley to haul his bed up to the ceiling during the day.
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Furniture fix-ups
What can you do about wood furniture that's marred by scratches, dents, and stains? If the damage is serious, you'll probably have to undertake a total overhaul or enlist a professional refinisher. But often you can make minor repairs yourself without refinishing.
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How to install carpet
Don't let the cost of a professional installation keep you from carpeting a needy room. You can do the job yourself, and with less elbow grease than you may think. Just follow these step-by-step instructions.
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Does your kitchen balk you at every turn because it doesn't have enough working surface and/or storage space? If so, it's time to take control, effect some changes, and make that kitchen work for you.
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No place to go but up!
When you need more room but your lot can't yield another square foot of floor space, think vertical. That's what these four families did. In each case, a second-story bedroom/bath area was added to a ranch-style house. The extra room helped solve these owners' space-squeeze problems, with a bonus-- a dramatically new profile for each of the four homes.
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When the activities of your on-the-go family outstrip the available floor space at your house, it's time to call on the "performers": flexible furniture that's designed to play two-- or more-- roles.
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How to braid breads
You can give your favorite kneaded yeast bread or coffee cake an intriguing twist by shaping it into a braid. For picture-perfect results, just follow these simple directions.
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Take-along toys and games
It isn't easy to keep a nine-year-old happy on a long car trip to Grandma's. But help is here in totable packages. Parker Brothers' "Merlin" is a thinking wizard that stores six games in its computer memory from ticktacktoe to difficult feats of deduction. No game is played by the computer the same way twice, so you can't just learn the six and call it quits.
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If your house lacks character, try adding some as this family did. They needed more room for entertaining, so they added a "great hall" with an Irish ambience that expresses their heritage.
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The "live-in" room where today's family spends much of its leisure time can be anywhere in the house-- basement or attic or somewhere in between. No matter where the live-in room is located, you want to make sure it is as comfortable, practical, and attractive as possible.
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Have you ever struggled with a stubborn dog or cat that refused to down medication? If so, the trouble probably lies in your technique. Next time, act quickly and decisively, using one of these practically foolproof tactics.
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Kitchen cut-ups
Cutting foods into the right-size pieces can be essential to a recipe's success. But sometimes the difference between such terms as cubing and chopping, or grating and shredding, can leave you wondering. For "clear-cut" definitions of the terms most often used, take a look at the following list.
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Shopping for an Oriental Rug
For centuries the ancient designs of Oriental rugs have been decorating the western world. Their intricate patterns and rich colors lend beauty and warmth to any furniture style.
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Once your family savings and insurance programs are up to snuff, it's sound financial planning to look for other ways to protect your money against inflation and prepare for the future. Here's the first of a series of articles explaining various types of investments.
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Most of the products shown editorially in Better Homes and Gardens can be obtained in leading local stores. For more information, write the manufacturers listed. Some items are privately owned or custom made-- thus are omitted from the product listing.
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Don't let our skidding dollar stop you from vacationing in Europe. Thanks to an array of new, low air fares, the adventure of a lifetime needn't cost much more than it did a few years ago, especially if you plan carefully and travel off-season when prices are at their lowest.
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Factory-made unfinished furniture has been around since the 1920s, but for years the selection was small and the construction flimsy. The main selling point was low price.
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Shopping editor's choice
Discover the ease and pleasure of shopping by mail. Order from the convenience of your own home with complete confidence. If not delighted, each company will happily refund your money.
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The Man Next Door
Christine doesn't buy the complaint that teen-agers don't communicate these days. She points out that all you have to do is read the fronts and backs of the kids' T-shirts.
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