Editor At Large
Shirley Van Zante, our furnishings and design editor, recently received a Dallas Market Center award for distinguished editorial contributions in her field. That's the trophy you see in the picture-- a bronze sculpture called "Sea Tree." Included in the formal award presentation was the comment that "Of all women's and service magazines, the one that still emphasizes home furnishings and provides in-depth coverage in the field is BH&G."
Read ArticleNEW Houses from OLD
Chalk it up to a rebirth of community spirit, a rekindled love for old homes, or the ever-present quest for affordable housing. Whatever the reasons, there's a broad movement afoot to rescue and revitalize our neglected neighborhoods. Things are happening everywhere, from hamlets to cities, and all points in between.
Read ArticleWhat You Should Know About Students' Rights/Parents' Rights
Your youngster gets paddled by a teacher, receives a failing grade in a course he deserved to pass, or is required to read a book you consider obscene. What are your rights? In many situations, the answer is fuzzy at best; it could depend entirely on what state and school district you live in.
Read ArticleObedience Training
Obedience training can improve your dog's deportment, no matter what his age. But the training requires persistence and dedication on your part. Here's a look at various obedience training options and the type of results you can expect.
Read ArticleHow to Pick A Healthy Kitten
Acquiring a kitten is too important to be done on a whim. Here are tips to help assure that the kitten you select is healthy from the start.
Read ArticleEnlisting The Aid of An Architect
Commissioning an architect to design your new home may be the best way to get exactly the kind of house you want. Although an architect's fee raises the overall cost of your project, it's likely to be money well spent. A qualified architect can help you get the most for your building dollar by supplying you with professional design expertise and representing your interests in all phases of the project.
Read ArticleWhere's the Best Place To Put Your Savings?
cushion against possible emergencies, or you think that the economy will provide higher yielding products soon, put at least some of your money in an easily accessible account that does not trigger a penalty when you withdraw funds. A retirement several years away can be financed with less-liquid savings.
Read ArticleDRIVING Twelve Updated Rules
Even the most reliable drivers sometimes operate under misleading ideas about safe driving, both in normal traffic and when faced with emergencies requiring quick action. Mistakes can stem from bad habits or a lack of practice in steering clear of problems. Here are 12 rules of the road that you unknowingly may be ignoring.
Read ArticleGardener's Log
O suns and skies and clouds of June, And flowers of June together, Ye cannot rival for one hour October's bright blue weather.
Read ArticleLandscaping with Shade Trees: 10 BEST CHOICES
Now's the best time to top off your landscape with a well-placed shade tree. The cool, moist fall weather will promote a healthy root system to give your tree a head start next spring. Also, with last summer's heat wave still fresh in your mind, you'll have no trouble remembering your landscape's hot spots.
Read ArticleA NEW LOOK FOR Traditional Furniture
Traditional 18th-century furnishings never go out of style. Their unmistakable details-- the curve of a cabriole leg, the hand-carved shell motif on a highboy, the inlaid wood adorning a Hepplewhite sideboard-- are comforting symbols of our elegant past.
Read ArticleHow to Order Material from the Magazine
Harb Kits. Our herbs are easy to grow and fully guaranteed. They do best in good light in a warm setting. Complete instructions with each kit. Kits include everything you need: herb seed, plant vitamin. magic planter planting medium. Harvest fresh herbs in 4-8 weeks. (See page 128.) Makes a wonderful gift idea, too!
Seeking the ultimate island in the sun has long been a pleasant preoccupation of vacationers. To shed some of the mystery from this delightful quest for paradise lost, we've selected two splendid vacation isles, Jamaica and Maui, that are perfect for getaways for two.
Read ArticleShopping editor's choice
Discover the ease and pleasure of shopping by mail. Order from the convenience of your own home with complete confidence. If not delighted, each company will happily refund your money.
Read ArticleThe Man Next Door
My friend Lee Bayless has invented a new calendar that's a surefire winner. There are more days before Christmas, winter is much shorter, and April 15 comes at the end of the year.
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