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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: LET'S BRING CHRISTMAS TO ALL THE CHILDREN

Page: 15



A Child's Christmas is the theme of this December issue, epitomized by the beautiful, golden-haired children in the photo above and on our cover. They are the vision of everything we want for the children in our lives-- lovely and healthy, happily trimming the tree in a warm and cozy home.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: Houseplants in the Holiday Spirit

Pages: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28


Houseplants in the Holiday Spirit

Visit a local florist's shop or greenhouse to see what festive plants are available in your area.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: KIDS IN PUBLIC

Page: 34



In the hurried pace of holiday shopping, when department stores are crowded with people and eyecatching displays, it's easy to lose your cool with misbehaving children.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: YEAR-ROUND SCHOOLS

Page: 36



Children going to school all year-round? If the idea hasn't come to your town yet, it soon will. More than a million students nationwide have already waved goodbye to the traditional school year with its summer-long break.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: WHAT WE ARE DOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE

Pages: 39, 40



"If it hadn't been for the clinic and Liz, I couldn't have stayed in school," says Sharon (above), who has just completed her studies in Worcester, Massachusetts, to become a legal secretary.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: Celebrate! ...

Pages: 46, 47, 48, 53, 54, 56


Celebrate! ...

HO, HO... OH, NO! The holiday guests are all but knocking at the door and you're not ready? 'Tis the time to shop this story for last-minute gifts, quick decorating ideas, and other ways of spreading cheer.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: Color it Christmas

Pages: 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80


Color it Christmas

Magenta, orange, turquoise, and purple. These are the hues that color Christmas at the Hutchison house. Folk-artist Sarah Grant-Hutchison and her family fill their clean-cut home with laughter, crafts, art, and love throughout the year, then pull out all the stops at the holidays with a rainbow celebration.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: To Grandmother's House we go

Pages: 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 99, 100, 101, 102


To Grandmother's House we go

Thomas Wolfe wasn't exactly right when he said we can't go home again. We CAN go home at Christmastime, by way of the heart. That's the way to holiday activities at Ron and Susan McBroom's little house in the Iowa woods. Parents of four and grandparents of seven, Susan and Ron have a knack for celebrating with the heartfelt and the handmade. And, when the McBroom clan gathers several times during the holidays, you'll hear the sounds of laughter, singing, and rowdy play.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: Christmas in a Twinkling

Pages: 107, 109, 110


Christmas in a Twinkling

Make your house a heavenly host to this season's festivities Reaching skyward for inspiration, we gathered a handful of stars and-- what else?-- angels to put your place in a glorious mood and still leave you time for ho-ho-ho-ing.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: NUTRITION INFORMATION

Page: 124



With each recipe, we give important nutrition information. The calorie count of each serving and the amount, in grams, of fat, cholesterol, protein, carbohydrate, fiber, and sodium help you keep tabs on what you eat. We also include the percent of calories coming from fat.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: Green Gift Ideas for the Holidays

Page: 160


Green Gift Ideas for the Holidays

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: HOLIDAY TABLETOP TIPS

Page: 162



Simple, caring touches let your dinner table say "happy holidays" as clearly as the special food. These fun, festive looks will get your family and friends in the mood to celebrate:

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: Hassle-free holiday travel

Pages: 169, 170


Hassle-free holiday travel

Afraid you'll get stuck at the airport? Or booked into a hotel that busts your budget? These timely tips will take the hassles out of your holiday travels.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: STAYING SAFE

Page: 174



Almost 150,000 assaults, robberies, and rapes were committed in parking lots and garages in 1989, according to the latest data available at presstime. Some 335,900 robberies occurred on streets and highways in 1990. Such statistics make it shockingly obvious that personal security in and around a car is serious business.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: Shopping editor's choice

Pages: 176, 177, 178, 179, 180


Shopping editor's choice

Discover the ease and pleasure of shopping by mail. Order from the convenience of your own home with complete confidence.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: SHOPPING HOW TO ORDER

Page: 181



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1991 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 182



While watching kids sit on Santa's lap at the mall the other day, I overheard one concerned youngster ask, "Santa, I hope your sled comes with a driver's side air bag."

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