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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 7



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Pages: 8, 73



These open windows make the neighbors' family arguments just a touch embarrassing. As I walked around the block I could hear my stiff-collared friend tell his wife that at least he knows what's in the icebox without asking the maid.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Victory Personal on the Home Front

Page: 11


Victory Personal on the Home Front

All OF us are agreed that victory in this war will be won most easily and at least cost of life and money if, here and now, we throw ourselves into the struggle for all we are worth, holding nothing back. If we are half-hearted or dilatory in doing the duty that lies nearest at hand-- whatever it be-- if we hesitate over sacrifices which we know to be inevitable, we may be sure that we-- and others-- will pay a double penalty in days to come.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Do Your Own Attic Insulating

Pages: 12, 13


Do Your Own Attic Insulating

IS YOUR home hotheaded? It is if the attic is heavy with uncontrolled sun heat in summer and expensive furnace heat in winter.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: THE DIARY OF a Plain Dirt Gardener

Pages: 14, 15, 77


THE DIARY OF a Plain Dirt Gardener

Note-- I have come to California on business matters. It is no pleasure trip and I am working hard and fast to get my work done. The whole family is helping. Donald does much of the driving, looks after the car, sees that the tires are inflated and rotated, that greasing and oiling are taken care of, and he takes part of my pictures.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: BEES CAN MAKE YOUR SUGAR

Pages: 17, 56, 57, 80, 81



A SPOT no bigger than your kitchen table will be the best and busiest in your garden if it has a beehive. There is fun in back-yard beekeeping, and as for honey-- well, one good hive can provide 40 to 60 pounds, which helps a lot with any family's sugar problem.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Listen, Son . . .

Pages: 18, 19, 64, 65


Listen, Son . . .

--You were only three then-- an irrepressible, curly-haired little chunk of a kid who trotted along between your mother and me, swinging from our hands and dragging your heels and jabbering.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Eat from your garden YEAR AROUND

Pages: 20, 21, 76


Eat from your garden YEAR AROUND

COME frost will your vegetable garden suddenly give up the ghost and leave you dependent once more on the grocer, your own canned food, and capsuled vitamins?

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: They'll Grow on You These Hedqes

Pages: 22, 23


They'll Grow on You These Hedqes

NATURALLY you want privacy in your yard, and a nice hedge of living green is the way to achieve it. Some peculiar neighbors might consider any fence you build a "spite" fence; but a newly planted hedge looks so innocent, not at all the real barrier it's sure to grow into eventually.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: HOMES FROM

Pages: 24, 25, 74, 75



COLLEGE TOWNS are known as idea towns. Not all the ideas are confined to the campus, tho. As an example, notice the thrifty way college-town home-owners turn unused space into rentable rooms and apartments to accommodate the annual population boom when college opens. That's an idea that can be profitably copied by homeowners everywhere!

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: THAT'S MY GRANDFATHER

Pages: 26, 27, 81



HUMANS are funny about their ancestors. Some say, with a satisfied little smirk, "My great-great-great-great (etc.) grandfather came over on the Mayflower he steered, you know."

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: INDOOR GARDENING GUIDE

Page: 28



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: JULY OUTDOOR GARDENING GUIDE

Page: 29



IN JULY annuals begin to prove their worth. The lush colorful blooming of June has slowed down a bit, but the bright blossoms of petunias, annual phlox, and nasturtiums cheerfully fill in.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: THE BEST OF Yesterday--A DASH OF Today

Pages: 30, 31, 32, 33


THE BEST OF Yesterday--A DASH OF Today

WELCOME HOME spells out the antique cross-stitch sampler over the fireplace in the Collier Youngs' inviting study. And that bit of embroidered sentiment is eloquent of the whole spirit of their delightful home. You catch the feeling the moment you enter the white Dutch door and come into the friendly hallway with its New England bird-print wallpaper and oldfashioned hooked rugs that splash the tavern plank floor with color.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Make Yours a Summer Home

Pages: 34, 35


Make Yours a Summer Home

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Every Inch Goes to Work

Pages: 36, 72


Every Inch Goes to Work

OUTSIDE it's a demure little Colonial cottage-- inside, a delightful union of Mexican and Modern, with every inch so skillfully used that the rooms look positively spacious! (See our frontispiece.)

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: They'll Gobble Their Vegetables

Pages: 48, 78, 79


They'll Gobble Their Vegetables

IT'S funny about babies. You start yours off as you should upon his Vitamin-D oil, his Vitamin-C juices, and his strained solid foods. By the time he's a year old, he's taking in stride the bland, mild fruits and vegetables, cereal, meats, and egg. He gulps his orange juice and loves his cod-liver oil.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Let's Go ANTIQUING

Pages: 50, 51, 70, 71, 72



A VAST, me hearties! By now, your antiquing expeditions should be paying real dividends in unique and charming old domestic accessories. But just finding something old isn't enough ... it must be old and pood, furniture especially Have you always yearned for a

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Smoky Ribs Tickle the Judges

Page: 52


Smoky Ribs Tickle the Judges

YOU can spike your own homebarbecued pork ribs with a grand outdoorsy, hickory smoke flavor! Did you know? Five-dollar topwinner in our cooks' contest for Barbecued Meats and Cold Tinkling Drinks announced last December says you sprinkle on "liquid smoke" (buy it by the bottle) or leave it out --swell either way. She's Mrs. T. R. Harrington of Des Moines, Iowa, and her delectable Barbecued Pork Ribs spread on the next page.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Develop Your Pool Nature's Way

Pages: 66, 67, 78, 79


Develop Your Pool Nature's Way

IN THE last 30 years I've visited literally thousands of home gardeners, and invariably it is their pool and its surroundings to which they point with the greatest pride. Lily pools are probably the dream and ambition of more gardeners than any other horticultural attainment.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: How to Lick Summer Drouth and Bugs

Pages: 68, 69, 80


How to Lick Summer Drouth and Bugs

WATER constitutes more than 90 percent of the weight of nearly all vegetables. Obviously, water is most essential for the steady, rapid growth necessary for top-quality vegetables. Even where summer rainfall is high, rain can't be depended upon to furnish water whenever it's needed.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 74, 75



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: CHINTZ

Page: 76



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: Have You Tried--?

Page: 81


Have You Tried--?

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1942 Magazine Article: it's NEWS to Me!

Page: 82


it's NEWS to Me!

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