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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Shall We Throw Christmas Away?

Page: 7


Shall We Throw Christmas Away?

ALL of us like to think that we are stouthearted fellows who would never submit meekly to robbery. Perhaps we are; it is good to endow ourselves with tenacity and courage. It gives us something to live up to when the test comes.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: LATE TIPS ON Wartime Living

Page: 8


LATE TIPS ON Wartime Living

War correspondents noted the trim figures of Parisians after several years of war-enforced bicycling. Now that U. S. factories can build more and sturdier models of bicycles, it might be re-emphasized as a fashion idea here. Our new models, unrationed, will have chain guards, skirt guards, and stands, tho not all the shiny gadgets of prewar models.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Designers of Bedrooms for Children Christmas in the Workshop

Pages: 10, 13, 65


Designers of Bedrooms for Children Christmas in the Workshop

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Will He Be Changed?

Pages: 15, 53, 54, 55, 56


Will He Be Changed?

"DO YOU suppose he'll be changed much?" Thousands of mothers, fathers, wives, and friends are saying it. With hearts swelling to the bursting point, they are waiting to welcome Bill home. The nights of dread and uncertainty are almost done with, and nine out of 10 of our boys will be back home without scars, the way they were when we delivered them into the service of our country.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Bedrooms for Children

Pages: 16, 17, 18, 19


Bedrooms for Children

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Decorations You Can Make or Buy

Pages: 20, 21


Decorations You Can Make or Buy

IT'S Christmas time! Time to dust off that box of ornaments and take inventory. Likely as not, the contents are sadly depleted and definitely the worse for wear. Budgets may be limited-- replacements scarce-- but not ideas and ingenuity. Even tho familiar doodads may be missing, this Christmas can be a festive, gay, and happy one the young fry will always remember.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: How to Approach Your Remodeling

Pages: 22, 23


How to Approach Your Remodeling

HALF the fun of remodeling is in the planning you do before calling in an architect. These pages are to assist you in those first planning stages, when a faltering step or a plunge in the wrong direction may cost you, and painfully.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: It Started From Scratch

Pages: 24, 25


It Started From Scratch

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Ideas From Tennessee Gardens

Pages: 26, 27, 28


Ideas From Tennessee Gardens

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: A House That Blinks at Decorating Rules

Page: 29


A House That Blinks at Decorating Rules

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Trim Ideas

Pages: 30, 31


Trim Ideas

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Two Rooms Pretend They're Five

Page: 32


Two Rooms Pretend They're Five

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Mrs. Shultz Visits the Stork Club--of York, Nebraska

Pages: 40, 58, 59


Mrs. Shultz Visits the Stork Club--of York, Nebraska

A "SUITCASE WIFE," also referred to as a "tagalong," is a girl who follows her serviceman-husband wherever in this country Uncle Sam decides to send him.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Make Your Own French Bread

Page: 49


Make Your Own French Bread

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Christmas Gifts That Grow

Page: 60


Christmas Gifts That Grow

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Holiday Whirl Rolls Win

Pages: 62, 63


Holiday Whirl Rolls Win

HOLIDAY greetings, congratulations, and 5510 to Mrs. A. R. Olson of St. Louis Park, Minnesota! She's Queen of Cooks and top winner in our battle for Christmas Breads and Nutty Confections waged last July. Those festive, feather-light Holiday Whirl Rolls of hers on page 45 won the hearts of our judges.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Young Mothers' Exchange

Pages: 66, 67


Young Mothers' Exchange

My scouts tell me Santa Claus is going to need considerable help this year in his toymaking, what with manpower shortages. We certainly don't want to omit Baby from the Christmas lists! Therefore, we're highlighting gifts for Baby that you can make. There are some mighty clever ones, I think.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: The Man Next Door

Pages: 68, 69


The Man Next Door

It's strange how naturally one learns, while looking at the tracer bullets lacing a foreign sky with red sprays and arches, to think of the Christmas tree lights at home.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: The Diary of a Plain Dirt Gardener

Pages: 70, 71, 76, 77


The Diary of a Plain Dirt Gardener

What a supper we had at home tonight. There was a big, baked meat pie-- remnants of last night's savory OPA stew-- plus some additional vegetables and covered with a pastry top and baked. And then, some of that superlatively delectable dried corn that Maggie worked so hard to dry in the oven of the electric stove last summer.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Get the Best in Small Trees

Pages: 73, 74


Get the Best in Small Trees

DWARF TREES fill interesting niches in landscape planting. In small, town-lot gardens, where an elm, oak, or maple would be out of proportion to the available space, the dwarf tree fits perfectly. Also in large open areas, where trees and larger shrubs do not give sufficient mass, dwarf trees serve admirably.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 75



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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: New Wraps for Christmas Gifts

Page: 78


New Wraps for Christmas Gifts

FOR those extra Christmas packages-- the little ones that come after you've planned your War Bond gifts-- you'll find wrappings right in your own home. No need to ask the stationer for more than your fair share.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1944 Magazine Article: It's NEWS to Me!

Page: 80


It's NEWS to Me!

He-man gift kit. Concentrated fuel tablets and the stove, too, tuck in a fellow's pocket on hunting or fishing trips. A medium-sized tablet heats about a cup of food or starts a camp-fire. At home, have a few for grate fires, to warm milk in the baby's room, or for the sickroom.

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