How to Season Green Lumber
ALMOST before the cry of "Timber!" has died away, the lumber cut from the tree is being installed in someone's house.
Read ArticleWe Wouldn't Go Back If We Could
A NOSTALGIC friend sighed out the wish the other day that the world were still where it was 50 or 100 years ago.
Read ArticleNew Under the Sun
More weed killers patented. Numerous American chemical companies are racing to patent a host of new weed killers claimed to be better than 2,4-D. Patents have been granted already for nearly two dozen such chemicals.
Read ArticleBetter a Late Vacation Than Never
LABOR DAY is a dividing line. In some families all vacations end when the children go back to school. In others, the opening of school is the signal for Dad and Mother to begin plans for a twosome trip. And in all families, the old-gold and purple of late summer brings again the old urges: to smell wood smoke, while wieners sizzle in the pan and the sun glitters on gold and scarlet leaves; to week-end at haunts especially favored in asters, goldenrod, and fall- struck foliage.
Read ArticleShould Yon Own or Rent?
AH YES. Own, and you are free of moving day, of movers, of looking for a place to live. You can't be ordered to vacate; the landlord can't pound the pipes or remove the bathtub to force you out. You have security; a fit neighborhood for your children; a good investment to tide you over in bad times; the right to fix up and paint up and drive a nail when you want.
Read ArticleCompact--but Uncrowded
UNDER a gnarled oak tree in San Mateo, California, is a compact, friendly home, with just the right touch of tradition to give it a quiet grace and dignity.
Read ArticleNew Life for a Centenarian
LONG before we first saw them, Pennsylvania stone houses of pre-Revolutionary vintage stirred our imaginations. Think of actually living in a house more than 100 years old! We had considered them rare museum pieces, "open to the public Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays."
Read ArticleSnap Out of It With Color
PSYCHOLOGICALLY right colors can be made a part of your home just as easily as the wrong ones, and at no greater cost. Favorable psychological effects should follow when colors are used with intelligent regard for their emotional influence.
Read ArticleWhen You Buy That Lot
IF YOUR postwar home-building project is still stymied by shortages of materials and labor, you can turn the waiting period to good advantage. Use it to select a homesite with the utmost care-- it will play a key role in your life for years to come.
Read ArticleTomorrow's Traveler Can Take It Easy!
SWAP stories with any of your fellow vacationers this summer, and you'll amass a variety of travel experience seldom duplicated since man first left home.
Read ArticleWhy Not Rehearse Your Retirement?
EVEN if you're a lush 30 or 35, the thought of retiring some day has probably flitted thru your mind; doesn't your Social Security card promise to pay at least your grocery bills after you're 65?
Read ArticleAll American Hamburgers and Hot Dogs
JUICY hamburgers in toasted jumbo buns, to your left! Built to Dagwood proportions with slices of tomato, onion, and pickle. Mmmmmm. Will it be mustard or catsup for you?
Read ArticleNew Kitchens
LOOK what's happening in the kitchen! New ideas converted to the reality of steel, aluminum, glass, and plastic.
Read ArticleYour Chance to Cook a Winner
$70 is waiting for the 21 cooks sending in the best appetizer array and potato variety dishes! You can be one of them if you send your idea for fixing and serving a winner. If you're Cook-of-the-Month, a $10 check for you, a photograph of your star dish, and a "thank-you note" in our column. $3 and Honor Roll listing if you are one of the other 20 good cooks in our contest.
Read ArticleSend for Prize Recipe News!
Cooks' Round Table News reprints, punched for your Better Homes & Gardens Cook Book or a notebook, are available in limited amounts for 4 cents each. These winning recipes will help you plan hot-weather meals. Write your request to the Home Service Bureau, Better Homes & Gardens, Des Moines 3, Iowa.
Read ArticleThe Truth About Rabies
MUCH has been said about rabies, a great deal by those who know least about it. A "rabies scare" will frequently occur in a community, whereupon the local press will rush into print with blatant headlines over a wild and distorted account of how "dozens of infected dogs are running at large" and calling for drastic action to "curb this frightening menace in our midst."
Read ArticleINSURANCE Life Income Pays MORE!
THE big swing to life income as the best way of delivering life-insurance proceeds rests on common sense and human experience. We're better managers of income than of large and unexpected cash legacies. But there's another good reason for income payments. When income is spread over many years the balance to your credit goes right on accumulating interest which swells the total you receive.
Read ArticleYoung Mothers' Exchange
HELPING your boy or girl to form good habits can't be started too early. If you excuse your child by saying, "He's too young to know better," you're only piling up more trouble for yourself in the future.
Read ArticleWhen My Wife Paints
As A long-suffering husband, who has massaged the walls of our nest ad nauseum, I object! That touching little article in Better Homes & Gardens, "When My Husband Paints," is decidedly unfair!
Read ArticleTHE DIARY of a Plain Dirt Gardener
Aug. 1 Well, this month opened outdoors by David's mowing weeds and my digging some more amid the roses. Downtown on errands and home by way of monthly meeting of our men's rose club.
Read ArticleAugust Garden Guide
AUGUST is a good month to get a lot of chores done in the garden. It is still planting time for the vegetable growers. Turnips, carrots, beets, radishes, and lettuce will mature a fall crop in many areas if sown early in August. Green beans are a pretty sure fall crop if frost doesn't come ahead of schedule. Choose a quick-maturing variety. Even peas are a good gamble. They can stand a little frost.
Read ArticleHome Canning and Freezing Helps for You
A canning primer including canning terms, jars and lids, preservation methods, timetables, and easy-to-follow instructions, is the carefully illustrated 56-page "Ball Blue Book." Tucked inside is an emergency bulletin for "Canning With Less Sugar."
A man realizes who's in full control around the house, if there's someone who always pushes his bedroom slippers clear under his bed, and he never knows exactly how to bring the matter up in a tactful way.
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