Hot-Weather Care
EVERY owner is faced with a few musts if he wants to do right by his dog in hot weather. These are relatively simple chores, well worth the little trouble and expense entailed
Read ArticleAre We Making Their lives Too Easy?
THE privilege of driving a car he could not possibly buy, at the risk of injury to others which he could not hope to recompense, at an age when he is able to earn little more than the money to pay for the gasoline-- is this of benefit to a boy?
Read ArticleTHE DIARY OF A Plain Dirt Gardener
July 1 Just as twilight changed to darkness, I came driving up to our garage, home from a long business trip of more than two weeks. My, I was glad to get back.
A LATE September sowing won't need to be transplanted this fall. A November sowing won't get up until spring. But it's from the July land August seeds that I get plants surest to winter over and start blooming in April.
Read ArticleI Wish I Had Never Come to America!
I WAS never so glad in my life to get anywhere as to San Francisco that foggy September morning in 1944. Partly because I was sick of two weeks on an overcrowded liner carrying nine or more of us Australian war brides in every bulging cabin designed for two.
Read ArticleOur Daughter May lever Be President
WE BUILT a log cabin for our honeymoon. We intended later to convert it into a beach house. We never intended to live in it permanently.
Read ArticleDon't Let Them Tell You We're All Going Crazy!
ARE we all going quietly mad? Are you neurotic now? And if you are, does it mean that tomorrow you'll be psychotic, schizophrenic, or a victim of senile dementia?
Read ArticleWake Up to a Brighter Bedroom
I'M all out for joyous bedrooms. Rooms that make you want to sing when you wake up and smile at a day full of ordinary household tasks. Rooms that make you want to turn in early with a good book, then stop a minute and admire before you turn out the light.
Read ArticleThey Put Their Walls in Storage
IN THE small homes that are being built this summer, adequate storage space can mean the difference between convenient, leisurely living and day-to-day chaos.
Read ArticleLet's Go Somewhere Cool!
"I LOVE hot weather," says your neighbor, and flexes his muscles while you wilt. Don't hate him. Emotion only makes you hotter.
Read ArticleOpen Planning makes a small home seem larger
BACK in grandpa's day, stiff collars and boned corsets were the thing. Manners were stiff, too. And the stiff formality of homes was but a reflection of the times.
Read ArticleOpen Planning brings the outdoors in
TO MANY families, the most important advantage of open planning is a new intimacy with outdoor areas. We're beginning to escape from imprisonment in our homes, not just occasionally but every day. We're moving outside, both physically and visually.
Read Articlebut look at it now!
IN SHEER desperation the Julian Kramers of Highland Park, Illinois, bought the homely brick house on Sheridan Road. It was the right size-- and besides, they had to have a house. (The one in which they were living had been sold out from under them.)
Read ArticleA New Face--A New Home
PLANNING a remodeling is like window shopping. You see many things you like, it doesn't cost you a cent, and it's fun to dream. Dreams don't have to face the harsh facts of cost. But when it comes to putting cash on the line, you'll need good advice.
I was all dressed up to go to a party. I secretly thought I looked rather nice and even a bit pretty. However, I walked into the kitchen and said to our colored cook, "Did you ever see anyone in such an ugly dress and looking so tacky?" I was fishing for a big compliment.
Read Article$70 Prize Money
New recipe contest awards $70 to cooks with February party-refreshment ideas and hearty meat-pie recipes. Ten dollars goes to you if you send the top winner; $3 if you're one of 20 other winners. Maybe you'll be one of the eight on Cooks' Round Table in February, with your name and recipe minted under a glamorous photograph of your dish.
Read ArticleDon't Take It So Hard!
MANY people living on the east and west coasts have never used hard water. Others, living in the Middle West and Southwest, have never known soft water. If you're in the latter group, there's no reason why you can't have the water in your home softened.
Read ArticleThis Is Duncan Phyfe
DUNCAN PHYFE is the first of the name furniture designers that America can claim as her own. Tho he was born in Scotland (1768), he came to this country when only 15. Within a year he was at work in Albany, New York, as a cabinetmaker. While still a young man, he launched his own business in New York City.
IRIS will have died down by the latter part of the month. If there are borers in the fat "roots," divide the plants and set out only the good pieces. Each division should contain a chunk of the thick "root," and some fine roots. Dust the whole piece with dry arsenate of lead to prevent a new invasion. DDT sprays can be used about once a month for continued control (see May, page 221). Don't plant too deeply: Merely get the fleshy part of the "root" into the soil.
Read ArticleHay Fever Here's How to Breathe Easier This Summer
LIKE people in many another American city, residents of Muskegon, Michigan, each summer had sneezed, grown red-eyed, lost days from their jobs. They had watched the daily pollen count soar, tourist and resort business collapse, be-bore the onslaught of hay fever.
Read ArticleDon't Wait to Start on Your Finishing Touches
IT'S the smart home-builder who makes certain well ahead of time that he won't have to skimp on the finishing touches. Too often, much-wanted and needed plantings are delayed because of extra costs that slip up on first-time builders. Or plantings are done in an inadequate fashion simply because the budget is already drained.
Since her children's teachers kicked up such a rumpus about salaries, our neighbor who used to high-hat 'em a trifle now treats 'em with more respect.
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