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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Take-home ideas from historic Williamsburg gardens

Pages: 6, 9, 300, 301


Take-home ideas from historic Williamsburg gardens

Colonial Williamsburg, as restored, is a flash back in good American living. Far better than the movies could do it for us in technicolor and sound, it revises all our thinking about what living was like for families of those days.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Aureomycin it fights germs penicillin won't

Pages: 10, 11, 12, 307


Aureomycin it fights germs penicillin won't

You can take this newest miracle drug by mouth-- without shots and without bad reactions. It may speed your recovery and get you out of the hospital sooner. And it may open prospects for all-out war on viruses like colds and polio

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: What's the home-financing picture today?

Pages: 14, 15, 122, 124, 183


What's the home-financing picture today?

The answer, briefly, is that there is no shortage of money for home-financing. But you can expect interest rates to rise this year, perhaps ½ of 1 percent, and your application for a loan will be inspected more critically than similar requests made a year ago, or two years ago.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: When baby switches to a cup

Pages: 18, 105


When baby switches to a cup

Even if you're ready to throw away his bottles or call it a day with breast-feeding, maybe your baby isn't. Here's how you can help him like it

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Spark up your dressing table

Page: 20


Spark up your dressing table

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Spring hints for the handy man

Pages: 22, 24, 26


Spring hints for the handy man

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: New product deadlier than DDT

Page: 29


New product deadlier than DDT

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Squash resists

Page: 29


Squash resists

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Pelleted seeds suffer in dry soil

Page: 29


Pelleted seeds suffer in dry soil

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Like a florist's spray

Page: 29


Like a florist's spray

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: I hated housework till...

Pages: 31, 174, 175, 176


I hated housework till...

I found the hidden me that wasn't fulfilled by running a home. As a child, I had fun because I hadn't yet become a specialist. I wrote stories, painted, played baseball, did whatever I had an urge to do. When I became a homemaker, I let housework take up most all my time and soon began to hate it. The many-sided child in me, the hidden me, gasped with boredom.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: It's NEWS to Me!

Pages: 33, 34


It's NEWS to Me!

Steam iron and dry iron all in one, the new Steam-O-Matic has a built-in funnel for easy filling. The same thermostat sets the heat for steam and dry ironing; the amount of heat regulates the amount of steam. The iron furnishes a steady flow of steam, even when standing on the heel rest for steaming velvet.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: THAT $300,000,000 GIFT TO OUR SCHOOLS...

Pages: 37, 266, 267, 303, 304, 305, 306, 312, 313


THAT $300,000,000 GIFT TO OUR SCHOOLS...

In April 1948 the United States Senate passed the Federal Aid to Education Bill. That bill-- if it had passed the House-- would have granted $300,000,000 a year to the states to help grade and high schools. Each state was to receive $5 a year for each child between 5 and 17; and the rest-- about $250,000,000-- was to go largely to the below-standard schools of the poorer states.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: The man next door will envy you

Pages: 38, 39


The man next door will envy you

Prove you're a showman. The secret of smash color effects is not in what your flowers cost, but in which stands next to what

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Plant flowering shrubs for Most bloom--least work

Pages: 40, 41, 282, 283


Plant flowering shrubs for Most bloom--least work

Either way you look at it, flowering shrubs give you a plus. The flowers are a bonus if your first need is for a hedge or greenery about the house to soften hard lines. Their foliage and good outlines are a big extra if your main aim is to have a display of flowers held up where they show best.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: When you plan your house, Build into your setting

Pages: 42, 43, 248


When you plan your house, Build into your setting

The best looking house you can build is one that seems to have been designed specifically for its lot. The setting can be a background against which your house will stand out. Or the house can be designed to blend into its setting.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: How to see the Rockies in 2 weeks

Pages: 44, 45, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 241


How to see the Rockies in 2 weeks

Horace Greeley wasn't necessarily thinking of your family when he said, "Go west." But few suggestions offered since will be more helpful when you ask yourselves, "Where shall we spend our vacation this year?" If you have ever visited any part of the vast scenic wonderland of which the Rockies are the backbone, you will want to see more of it. And if the Rockies are new to you, any one of the three trips I'm suggesting will prove as memorable a vacation as your family's ever had.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Here's the house you asked for--a Five Star home that is Low cost and livable

Pages: 46, 47, 205, 206, 207, 208


Here's the house you asked for--a Five Star home that is Low cost and livable

The home you see on these pages was chosen as Better Homes & Gardens Five Star Home No. 1904 not because it's the cheapest house you can build. It isn't. But it gives you as much livability for the price as any you will find.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Heated by the sun

Pages: 48, 49, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263


Heated by the sun

There's a forecast of the future in the way this unusually designed home controls solar heat

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Color Schemes from your carpet

Pages: 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 247


Color Schemes from your carpet

Gone is the false idea that your rug or carpet binds you to one color scheme. We prove to you here that there's new life for that rug or carpet of yours, and a brilliant future for any rug or carpeting you plan to buy.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Ways to use odds and ends of dishes

Pages: 56, 57


Ways to use odds and ends of dishes

Do you have odds and ends of old family dishes you would like to use? Is your best set of china incomplete? Have you broken some cups, can't replace them? Pictures show you what to do.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: More Beautiful America Competition

Pages: 58, 189


More Beautiful America Competition

The fourth More Beautiful America Competition of Better Homes & Gardens has been judged and the winners selected. Although this is the fourth such competition, judging each one has always been a deep and revealing look into the heart of America.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Your kitchen isn't any older than what's in it

Pages: 62, 63, 64, 65


Your kitchen isn't any older than what's in it

New in the kitchen are the cabinets, equipment, bar, tile, paper. No doors or windows were moved, no structural changes made

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Smart cook!

Page: 70


Smart cook!

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Cash in on your best recipes

Page: 80


Cash in on your best recipes

Pies and vegetables are the money-making recipes in this month's contest. There are 21 prizes to try for: first prize of $10, and 20 prizes of $3 each.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: How to wash and iron curtains

Pages: 88, 91, 92, 94


How to wash and iron curtains

Now is the time for spanking-clean curtains at your windows to match the sparkle of the house you've cleaned. Here are some tips which will help you do a professional curtain washing and ironing job, so your curtains will hang straight, and look crisp and bright.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Partitions organize dresser-drawer space

Pages: 96, 97


Partitions organize dresser-drawer space

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Electric night stand

Page: 98


Electric night stand

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Pickle liquor left

Page: 104


Pickle liquor left

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Onion odor on your hands?

Page: 105


Onion odor on your hands?

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: You can improve your home with picture windows

Pages: 112, 117, 118


You can improve your home with picture windows

Like any other innovation, picture window often are misused. Many houses have picture windows, but nothing to see outside; others have picture windows out of proportion to the rest of the house.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Discipline without dithers

Pages: 121, 275


Discipline without dithers

How do schoolteachers keep large classes of youngsters under control when it's hard enough to manage a single boy or girl at home?

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Include your garage in your garden plans

Pages: 126, 127, 129


Include your garage in your garden plans

Don't let your gardening stop this side of the garage. Too many people treat their garages as they once did their woodsheds-- places necessary for hiding things but to be otherwise ignored.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Your paintbrushes

Pages: 133, 134, 137, 138, 140, 142


Your paintbrushes

When you buy good paintbrushes, you are making a sound investment. Bargain brushes are the most expensive, for they cause painting failures.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: We put our wood lot in our house

Pages: 149, 150


We put our wood lot in our house

Eight years ago we bought a run-down farmhouse in the foothills of the Berkshire mountains near .Albany, New York, for $2,000. With it went 45 acres of tillable land, and 15 acres of wood lot.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: How to set your table

Page: 153


How to set your table

You can have a smart table with either elaborate settings or the most inexpensive accessories. The trick is neatness: knives and forks, plates and glasses lined evenly with each other and with the edge of the table.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Room for improvement

Pages: 154, 155, 156, 157, 158


Room for improvement

It's better to have too much room than not enough

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: How to cover a counter with linoleum

Pages: 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 168


How to cover a counter with linoleum

Following this step-by-step guide, you can give your kitchen counters, new or old, a long-lasting surface at low cost

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Flowering hormone found

Page: 171


Flowering hormone found

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Draintile for celery works two ways

Page: 171


Draintile for celery works two ways

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: The secret of 2,4-D has been cracked

Page: 171


The secret of 2,4-D has been cracked

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Plant Logan beans thickly

Page: 171


Plant Logan beans thickly

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Bring your storage space up to date

Page: 172


Bring your storage space up to date

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: How good an amateur architect are you?

Pages: 178, 210


How good an amateur architect are you?

You're pretty good, you amateur architects. From the number of errors you've found in plans the past months, you've proved yourselves adept at planning houses. But how good are you at remodeling?

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: PRESS for sewing perfection

Pages: 180, 181, 182


PRESS for sewing perfection

Your sewing can look professional if you press carefully and often. Here is the simple equipment you will need and how to use it

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: A 12 by 12 room does four jobs

Pages: 184, 186


A 12 by 12 room does four jobs

HERE'S a room 12 feet by 12 feet that gives a four-star performance. It's in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. McIntyre, Palo Alto, California.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Bowls you'll need for flower arranging

Page: 191


Bowls you'll need for flower arranging

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: ARE YOU training YOUR DAUGHTER TO BE A wife?

Pages: 192, 193, 217, 218, 219



In the small town where I grew up, a lumber company issued a series of calendars called "Courtship and the Joys of Marriage." One of the courtship sequence showed a young couple seated at safely distant ends of a canoe. The young man, in white flannels, gazed dreamily toward the young lady, in white organdy, who was trailing her fingers through the water. Throughout the year we watched this same handsome couple exchanging a chaste kiss beneath a wedding bell of roses, being gondolaed through Venetian canals (the honeymoon), clasping hands as they gazed into the fire (baby coming), and ultimately romping with their cherubs through a storybook cottage.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Problem children are passe

Pages: 194, 195, 196, 198


Problem children are passe

If you're saying, "I just don't know what to do with Johnny!" you'll find help here in the advice of Dr. Daniel A. Prescott, who refuses to believe that kids are naturally mean and uncooperative. Because of his crusade, your boy or girl has a better chance of being understood at school and, if you'll read this, at home

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Budget furniture you can buy now

Pages: 200, 203


Budget furniture you can buy now

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: How to make a backache go away

Pages: 212, 214, 215, 216


How to make a backache go away

Four thousand backs aching in unison! Quite an array of twinges and pains, to be sure. But that's just about the typical backache score on the average day in the average community of 100,000 people. And all because prehistoric man insisted on walking on two legs instead of all four.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: The electric drill

Pages: 220, 221, 222, 223, 224


The electric drill

With it you can draft electricity for almost every handy-man job, from drilling a hole to shining a car

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: What you should know about Rugs and carpets

Pages: 226, 227, 264, 265


What you should know about Rugs and carpets

Your rug can set the color scheme and the atmosphere of your room (page 50) so choose the rug with care. You can change the colors in your upholstery, slipcovers, and walls easily, but you'll want to use the same rug for years. A good quality rug is never overspending if you get what you want. If you're in the market for a rug, stop, look, and consider these pointers before you go shopping.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: The story of a house

Pages: 228, 229


The story of a house

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: We made our dream house from a 47-year-old bargain

Pages: 242, 244, 246


We made our dream house from a 47-year-old bargain

John and I were married in depression years, and when the chance came to buy a 47-year-old house on a lot 50 by 150 feet for $1,500, we took it. It was a square house with a high hipped roof, an outside basement entrance, and a basement that was not cemented. Siding and windows were beyond repair; even the glass panes were not square. Roofing and downspouts needed to be replaced.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: How to stop ROT

Pages: 250, 251, 252, 253, 254


How to stop ROT

You can apply new wood preservatives by brush, spray, or dip. You can paint over them. They curb fungi and boring insects

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: How good is panel heating?

Pages: 268, 270, 271, 277


How good is panel heating?

Not very, say skeptics. We like it, say those who have lived with it

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Your dog and mine

Pages: 273, 274


Your dog and mine

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: The cloak of vanity

Page: 275


The cloak of vanity

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: APRIL GARDEN GUIDE

Page: 278



Move house plants to a shady spot outdoors when frost danger is past Repair garden walks

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 284, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294


Diary of a Plain dirt gardener

April 1 No foolin', I surely put in a busy afternoon. My routine affairs having arranged themselves, I took part of the afternoon off and went for a visit to the marts of trade-- garden trade, that is. And the results of my wandering will disclose what is on the mind of this old-fogey gardener.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: See these before you plant

Pages: 286, 287, 288, 289


See these before you plant

Never think that the rules for putting in a good foundation planting are rigid

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Make the most of your spring bulbs

Pages: 295, 302


Make the most of your spring bulbs

One of the charms of spring bulbs is that they are all set to greet you when the first warm sun returns. If you planted well last fall you can neglect them in the spring and still have bloom. Nevertheless, your crocus, tulips, narcissus, and other spring bulbs will give you a much better show if you give them a little extra help.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Evergreens

Pages: 296, 297, 298



How to choose them How to plant them How to care for them

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Your vegetable Garden step by step

Pages: 308, 309, 310, 311


Your vegetable Garden step by step

There's no magic to vegetable growing-- here's how you can do it, too

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: Through the Shops

Pages: 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319


Through the Shops

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1949 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 320



This is the twentieth April in a row when I've vowed to remember to buy a foot scraper shaped like a dachshund for the side door. What's held me back is probably the fear that after I had it I wouldn't like it.

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