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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: I'm for Santa Claus

Pages: 6, 135


I'm for Santa Claus

We modern have come to expect everything to be a problem. And to make a problem when none really exists.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: For winter fun, garden under lights

Page: 8


For winter fun, garden under lights

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Christmas gifts for the handyman

Pages: 14, 15, 16, 130, 131


Christmas gifts for the handyman

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: How to pick The right books for a child

Pages: 18, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 177, 178


How to pick The right books for a child

When you take your book dollars to buy a book for your boy or girl, if you're like most parents you're bewildered by the thousands of book titles from which to select!

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Latest garden news

Page: 25


Latest garden news

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Recipe for a family kitchen

Pages: 26, 28


Recipe for a family kitchen

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Fill your home with Christmas radiance

Pages: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 103, 104, 132, 134


Fill your home with Christmas radiance

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Color, comfort, and cheer

Pages: 48, 49, 108


Color, comfort, and cheer

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Take time for Christmas memories

Pages: 50, 51, 144, 145, 146, 148


Take time for Christmas memories

It is the day before Christmas. The cookies are crisp in the kitchen and the last late cards are mailed.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Don't overlook these Gifts that grow

Pages: 52, 53, 54, 55


Don't overlook these Gifts that grow

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: More music for your money

Pages: 56, 57, 158, 159, 160, 161


More music for your money

Your own ears will have to do the judging. There is no way to put into words the startling splendor of music now possible, at moderate cost, in any living room.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Give your home a present

Pages: 58, 59, 162, 166, 167, 168


Give your home a present

Christmastime is gift time, and a gift for the home will make it a better place to live for the entire family. But what gift? Well, we've been asking folks to tell us their favorite home Christmas gifts. Most of the popular winners are included in the two photographs you see here.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: It's serene on the outside and smart inside

Pages: 60, 61, 136, 137, 138, 141, 143


It's serene on the outside and smart inside

Exciting things happen within the restful and balanced beauty that shows outside Five Star Home No. 2212. It wins your eye in a most unassuming way.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Build them a place for toys

Pages: 62, 164, 165


Build them a place for toys

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Gifts for women who sew

Page: 107


Gifts for women who sew

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: How to give gifts graciously

Pages: 112, 113


How to give gifts graciously

It's gift-giving season! That delightful remembering time when you package surprises for your loved ones and friends. As you make out your list, it gets longer and longer-- Dad, Mother, the children, favorite relatives and friends. And, of course, you want to show just how much you appreciate them all.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Furnished for an active family

Page: 125


Furnished for an active family

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Watch for January!

Page: 128


Watch for January!

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: How to buy and care for . . . Your Christmas tree

Pages: 129, 161


How to buy and care for . . . Your Christmas tree

Yesterday's Santa (who looked a lot like Grandfather) could get the kind of Christmas tree he wanted just by hiking to the woods and chopping one down. This fresh-cut evergreen was bound to be fragrant, long-lasting, and beautifully proportioned.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: A new accessory that pays its way

Pages: 155, 156


A new accessory that pays its way

In a large section of the country, body and fender shops are doing a brisk business in repairing dented grills and bashed fenders at this season of the year. And for the usual reason: after alternate thawing and freezing, streets and intersections ambush unsuspecting drivers.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: The Mirror of Youth

Pages: 170, 171


The Mirror of Youth

Christmas today has lost much of its original meaning. Pre-Christmas days are viewed as commercial bonanzas. At present, Christmas could be compared to the money changers' Sabbath business Jesus condemned and drove out of the temple. Surely we don't want to celebrate the birth of a man in a way that so contradicts the principles He so firmly believed in.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: you'll be way ahead next spring

Pages: 172, 173


you'll be way ahead next spring

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Now's the time to...

Page: 175


Now's the time to...

Spread 2 or 3 inches of peat or oak-leaf humus around your azalea, camellia, and rhododendron plants.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Page: 176


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Dec. 3 "Here is a present for you," says I to Maggie as I came in the back door, home from work.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: Your pet and mine

Pages: 179, 180, 181


Your pet and mine

If your dog is 6 months old or more, the garage will be adequate protection. But if the floor is concrete, spread a thick layer of straw over it. Cut a hole in the side of the garage and cover it with a heavy piece of discarded carpet, as a flap. Provide a bed up off the floor, with straw at least 12 inches deep.

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Better Homes & Gardens December 1952 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 192



Maybe you didn't invent electric lights or develop atomic flashes, but you can give the world something better-- the light that shines in a little kid's eyes on Christmas morning.

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