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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Can husband and wife be FRIENDS?

Pages: 6, 9, 193, 194


Can husband and wife be FRIENDS?

One of the most important elements in any marriage is simply that husbands and wives be good friends. Yet, there is a prevalent notion that married couples can be anything else but. Mates. Parents. Business partners. Sweethearts. Or even the bitterest enemies. But friends?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Get color today with chrysanthemums

Pages: 10, 11


Get color today with chrysanthemums

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Danger! Ice dams ahead

Pages: 12, 14


Danger! Ice dams ahead

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: FAMILY PROBLEM: What's your solution?

Pages: 16, 17, 232


FAMILY PROBLEM: What's your solution?

Jane Kessel is right in saying that having a husband in the Navy is no reason for Dinah to be a stay-at-home all the time. While social life apart from each other presents problems for married couples like the Wiltons, it is not wholesome for either of them to avoid all social outlets in the mistaken idea that to do otherwise would be disloyal.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Little details make a big difference

Pages: 18, 21


Little details make a big difference

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Have you heard the Latest Garden News?

Pages: 22, 25


Have you heard the Latest Garden News?

Should you prune your grapes this fall, during the winter, or next spring? Wait until spring, advises the New York State Experiment Station.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: How you dress your tables

Pages: 34, 37


How you dress your tables

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: are the schools neglecting the 3-R's?

Pages: 38, 40, 42, 45, 204, 206, 207, 208


are the schools neglecting the 3-R's?

If you want to start a heated discussion any time, any place, with anyone, just ask this question: "What's your impression of the job the schools are doing in teaching the 3 R's?" It's seldom you'll find someone who is neutral on the subject.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Can you make money in real estate?

Pages: 48, 50, 160


Can you make money in real estate?

For ages the traditional method of protecting savings or wealth has been to buy and hoard precious metals and jewels, or to buy and protect land.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: How does your bedroom rate?

Page: 57


How does your bedroom rate?

MAYBE you're the lucky owner of a perfect bedroom. But, more likely, a check-up with this quiz will make you realize you're missing comforts and conveniences you really deserve. On the next six pages, we show the newest ideas, even re-do an old room to prove no bedroom is hopeless

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: It's a second living room, too

Pages: 58, 59


It's a second living room, too

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: We re-do an old bedroom

Pages: 60, 61, 62, 63, 182, 185


We re-do an old bedroom

How did your bedroom rate in the quiz on page 57? Let's hope your bedrooms aren't as inconvenient and unattractive as the "before" photographs shown here. That's the way this 11½x13-foot bedroom looked the first time we saw it. When we checked it against the list of questions, "no" answers were definitely in the majority. The "after" photographs prove that no bedroom is hopeless.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Lung cancer among men

Pages: 64, 65, 301, 302, 305


Lung cancer among men

By 1970, at the present rapidly increasing rate, one of every five cancers in men will be of the lung, and the yearly toll will be 47,000 lives In recent years, the deadliness of lung cancer has multiplied at a rate far outdistancing all other cancers. Between 1938 and 1948, deaths from all cancers mounted by 31 percent. But. in the same period there was a 144-percent increase in the death rate from lung cancer-- more than four times as much as from cancer in general.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: It's easier to live with a good small house

Pages: 66, 67, 230, 231, 232


It's easier to live with a good small house

In planning Five Star Home No. 2310, there was single-purpose dedication. It was planned for people-- not for spectacular design or impersonal falderal.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Next spring can be wonderful!

Pages: 68, 69, 70, 71


Next spring can be wonderful!

You have a big opportunity ahead of you if you own even a few square feet of soil. You have time to plan and plant for some gorgeous garden color next spring. And more than that, you'll have weather to do it in comfortably.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Workbench for a real handyman

Pages: 72, 73, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176


Workbench for a real handyman

How do you rate yourself as a handyman? A little above average? Most readers of Better Homes & Gardens do, as a recent survey proved. And as such, don't you think you're entitled to an above-average workbench?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Vermont and New Hampshire

Pages: 74, 75, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336


Vermont and New Hampshire

How about a vacation where you can throw away the schedule? If on past vacations you've had to sacrifice your best hours to driving, then all of you-- and particularly the driver-- deserve something different. Take the word of thousands of families who have tried it. Different is just about the best way of summing up a Vermont-New Hampshire vacation.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Passers-by say,

Pages: 76, 77, 78, 79, 166, 167, 169


Passers-by say, "That's for me!"

Any house that has combined beauty and practicality is a successful house. In that respect, this home has outdone itself-- because it has an additional quality: imagination!

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Fall tables worth talking about

Pages: 88, 89, 260, 261, 262


Fall tables worth talking about

GIVE THE simplest meal a distinctive setting, and it becomes a lasting memory! For your next party, plan a table decoration so lovely and interesting that it will be an "icebreaker," start your guests chatting.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: CONTEST FOR COOKS

Page: 96



YOU HAVE 21 chances to win a prize in this month's contest. We have $70 waiting for the good cooks who send us the winning recipes for broiler specials or coconut desserts. Cook-of-the-Month will be mailed $10. The 20 other winners will receive $3 each. Eight of the best recipes will be pictured in Better Homes & Gardens Prize Tested Recipes pages next May.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Silver for casual use

Pages: 120, 122, 139


Silver for casual use

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Family dining-kitchen

Page: 132


Family dining-kitchen

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Clever decorating for a problem room

Pages: 145, 146


Clever decorating for a problem room

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Discover your hidden sewing space

Pages: 152, 153, 154, 156, 162


Discover your hidden sewing space

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Make small space pay off

Pages: 158, 159


Make small space pay off

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: You don't need a fancy barbecue

Pages: 178, 181


You don't need a fancy barbecue

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Put the fizz on dirt

Page: 187


Put the fizz on dirt

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: DOLLARS AVERS Do-it-yourself ideas

Pages: 188, 338, 339


DOLLARS AVERS Do-it-yourself ideas

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

Pages: 190, 192


Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

When you're looking for ways to make your home more comfortable and attractive, look for this seal. It identifies the Better Homes & Gardens Home Planning Center, where you can get personal counsel on your own special home-planning problems.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: How to shape and sharpen a cutting edge

Pages: 195, 196


How to shape and sharpen a cutting edge

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Gain storage in waste space

Pages: 200, 202


Gain storage in waste space

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Your pet and mine

Pages: 210, 211, 213


Your pet and mine

Is grass a necessary food for cats? --Mrs. F. K. M., Pennsylvania. Grass is not a food at all, but a corrective for digestion troubles. If your cat eats grass, feed a recognized cat or dog food for balanced diet, plus bulk and roughage.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Decorate to enjoy your hobby more

Pages: 214, 217


Decorate to enjoy your hobby more

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: This small house looks big lives big

Pages: 218, 220, 221, 222


This small house looks big lives big

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Cramped for space? Put your basement to work

Pages: 226, 227


Cramped for space? Put your basement to work

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Three ways to use a slab door

Page: 229


Three ways to use a slab door

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Moving...

Page: 232



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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Make your bathroom complete

Pages: 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 243, 244


Make your bathroom complete

Do you still put arbitrary restrictions on your bathroom planning-- restrictions in storage, materials, placement of fixtures, and color? All too often, it's the most neglected room in the house, the black sheep of the floor plan.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Answers to your decorating questions

Page: 244


Answers to your decorating questions

We have to do our decorating on a very limited budget. How should we distribute our money most sensibly?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: It's built traditionally on a triangle

Pages: 246, 249, 351


It's built traditionally on a triangle

Fitting a Traditional house onto an odd-shaped site can be a knotty problem. Such homes just do not have the plan flexibility of a contemporary design.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Choose gifts you'd love to get

Pages: 250, 253, 327


Choose gifts you'd love to get

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Go away and let them play!

Pages: 266, 267, 268, 290


Go away and let them play!

Dick and Ted Mason were two fine boys. They were sturdy. They ate well. They slept soundly. They grew normally. They did the customary amount of fighting, survived the usual assortment of diseases, mastered their schoolwork after a fashion. In short, they were wholesomely dirty and disgustingly healthy-- there was nothing wrong with them.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Plant a wildflower garden now

Pages: 270, 271, 272, 273


Plant a wildflower garden now

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: THE FAMILY CAR

Pages: 276, 277, 278, 279



You may have the oil in the crankcase of your car changed regularly; have the transmission and differential and cooling system drained and refilled when you make regular spring and fall change-overs; have frequent chassis lubrications-- yet you may be neglecting your car.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: When you buy bedding

Pages: 281, 282, 283


When you buy bedding

Sleep equipment has changed much in the last decade... so don't overlook the new things just because a bed still looks like a bed! There's more emphasis on sleep-inducing, healthful bedding, new techniques in coiling springs, new developments in foam latex, more-roomy bed sizes, new sheets which simplify bedmaking, new ideas in bedcoverings. Here are the answers to your most-frequently asked questions.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: News in bedroom furniture

Pages: 284, 285


News in bedroom furniture

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Decorating

Pages: 286, 289


Decorating "stretches" a small room

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Give the baby room to roam

Pages: 293, 294, 295


Give the baby room to roam

When your baby creeps on all fours across the floor, it may seem more amusing than important. You think of his crawling as a mere stopgap between sitting up and that momentous day when he rises to his feet. And you're right. He's getting around the best way he can at the moment.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: How to use a radial-arm saw

Pages: 296, 298, 299, 300


How to use a radial-arm saw

The widespread interest among handymen in power tools that will do a variety of jobs has given recent rise to the popularity of an old-time industrial stand-by-- the radial-arm saw. Scaled down to size for the handyman's billfold, and adapted as the power center for a whole shop full of tools, the radial-arm type of saw is being shown by more and more power-tool dealers.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: Give it a shellacking!

Pages: 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311


Give it a shellacking!

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: For spots that take wear: Try stone paving

Pages: 312, 316, 317


For spots that take wear: Try stone paving

Stone paving for your garden is durable, good-looking, and easy to keep clean. And you have a wide choice among its warm earthen colors-- buffs, dusty yellows, warm browns, and grays.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: How to plant an evergreen

Pages: 319, 320


How to plant an evergreen

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 322, 323


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Oct. 1 There are blooms as big as peonies on some of the roses today; though total number is less than normal, due to summer heat.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: OCTOBER GARDEN REMINDERS: Now's the time to...

Pages: 324, 325, 326


OCTOBER GARDEN REMINDERS: Now's the time to...

Feed your established lawn, if you haven't done ... this fall. Water immediately afterward. Continue mowing lawn as long as it grows.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1953 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 352



You can almost see Mother Nature mixing her autumn paints, and a little imagination brings out the fall colors. That's how our Rosie's high-school quarterback hero got that gorgeous black eye: he imagined he could sneak a football past that big left tackle.

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