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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Don't be a neutral parent

Pages: 10, 11, 14, 182, 183, 184, 187


Don't be a neutral parent

The average high-school senior does a lot more and a lot deeper thinking than his temperamental ways and his fractured English would suggest. One problem is bound to be with him: "What kind of work should I go into?" Sooner or later, if his home is well regulated, he raises this matter at the family dinner table. And what happens?

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: What's in the future for America?

Pages: 16, 17


What's in the future for America?

This is a month of new beginnings. The air is filled with commencement oratory, wedding bells, and the hopeful scent of newly turned soil.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: How to keep fit in hot weather

Pages: 18, 20, 180, 181


How to keep fit in hot weather

Long, lazy weekends, gardening, country vacations, and sunny days that lure us outdoors help to make summer the healthiest time of year. But, the hot months bring some seasonal discomforts and ailments of their own. Don't let kill-joy hot-weather hazards sneak up like poison ivy at a picnic to spoil the family's fun.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Have you heard the Latest Garden News?

Pages: 22, 24


Have you heard the Latest Garden News?

Until this year, one of the best mildew controls was denied home rose growers by the size of the package. The smallest sack on the market would last the average gardener a lifetime.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Room air conditioners

Pages: 36, 39


Room air conditioners

That's the big story behind these window and console models that "condition" a single room. But the whole traffic in refrigerated and revitalized air (including the big-brother central systems) is booming as never before. Why? The industry began its growth from the very moment it turned to home comfort. Manufacturers of room conditioners have tripled in number the past two years, and this is your best proof that "luxury" taboos-- especially in price-- are off for good.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: How to beat the blues

Pages: 57, 152, 155, 158


How to beat the blues

Yesterday you felt wonderful. You had a sense of well-being; the sitting-on-top-of-the-world feeling that makes a man glad just to be alive. Today, for no apparent reason, you feel low. The world seems drab and cheerless. Nothing seems particularly worthwhile. And you're at a loss to account for this fact. You're happily married, financially solvent, and in good health. Everything is rosy-- except the way you feel.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: A three-in-one vacation: Glacier, Banff, and Jasper

Pages: 62, 63, 175, 197, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216


A three-in-one vacation: Glacier, Banff, and Jasper

From the southern edge of Glacier National Park in Montana to Canada's alpine village of Jasper, 100,000 years of sculpturing has built a vacationland you can't afford to miss. In its cluster of six national parks, there are more than 150 peaks with crests above 10,000 feet, most of them snow-crowned all year. Glaciers, bulldozing many centuries before the dawn of history, carved these turrets and citadels from the backbone of the continent. Then Nature did a mammoth landscaping job by adding countless lakes, hundreds of waterfalls, and great patches of color that are alpine meadows ablaze with flowers.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Battle plan for weight watchers

Pages: 68, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 217


Battle plan for weight watchers

So you're trying to lose weight... One of the big hazards to your progress is eating away from home. Perhaps your job calls for lunching downtown, or for business dinners and banquets. Or perhaps you're caught in the social whirl of buffet parties.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Slim down with salad

Pages: 68, 69


Slim down with salad

The beautiful greens to your right are your calorie pals. Even men dieters relish a hefty serving of salad if it's crisp and cool. Now for salad tips:

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: An experiment with floor space

Pages: 70, 71, 72, 164, 166


An experiment with floor space

A somewhat immodest rule of house planning says that you should start with the thought of using every foot of floor space better than it has ever been used before. Every important house reflects this rule, reflects the experimentation it calls forth.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Another good, low-cost house

Pages: 74, 75, 208, 209, 210


Another good, low-cost house

Better Homes and Gardens has long championed the kind of house that's well planned but still within average means. Here, to put it mildly, is quite an example.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: You can be a timesaving expert, too!

Pages: 78, 79, 80, 81


You can be a timesaving expert, too!

The home sends the family into business, industry, volunteer jobs, and schools rested and able to do a day's work, or tired and discouraged. If housekeeping is efficient and family relations are good, the home, industry, and school all profit.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Summery Salads

Page: 99


Summery Salads

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Pressure-pan meats

Page: 100


Pressure-pan meats

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Thank-you notes

Pages: 104, 179


Thank-you notes

There's no easier way to lose friends than to forget to write thank-you notes-- or to delay writing them until the job becomes one of increasing difficulty and distaste, merely because you are stuck with the problem of apologizing for your delinquency.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 108, 129



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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Decorating makes it different

Page: 117


Decorating makes it different

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Home Hints ON CARE AND REPAIR

Page: 132



Have your floors lost their sparkle? Are you bothered with caked-up wax and dirt on your kitchen linoleum, your asphalt or rubber tile? Let me tell you how I solve my floor problems with Schalk's Waxoff and Liquid Waxoff.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: More mileage from your tires

Pages: 134, 135, 136


More mileage from your tires

"Why do I get only 20,000 miles out of a set of tires when some of my neighbors get better than 50,000?" How many times have you heard this complaint? Perhaps you've said it yourself. Actually, you, and not the tires, can be at fault.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Plan a room for the way you liveĀ­

Page: 144


Plan a room for the way you liveĀ­

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Looking for a good summer home?

Pages: 146, 153, 158, 159, 197


Looking for a good summer home?

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: The story back of your dishes

Pages: 156, 157


The story back of your dishes

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Lubricants for your home

Pages: 161, 162


Lubricants for your home

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Safe driving

Page: 168


Safe driving

Traffic signals offer you no guarantee that other drivers will automatically obey them! This is especially true at traffic signals located at rural intersections and at city side streets, where the speed limits are normally more than in business districts or shopping centers.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 173, 174


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

June 1 This has been "Howdy Day." As I went out to work, the main first job was to say "howdy" to my old friends that are back. They were all through the rose beds-- back again and coming out in bloom-- World's Fair, Golden Dawn, Crimson Glory, Fred Edmunds, Helen Traubel, Peace, and Fashion.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Now's the time to...

Pages: 176, 177, 178


Now's the time to...

Feed lilacs and remove old flower heads right after they bloom, to encourage good flowers next spring. Stake delphiniums and other tall-growing flowers as protection against wind damage.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 185, 186



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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Children are at home in this garden

Pages: 188, 189


Children are at home in this garden

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Plant stakes supports, and ties

Pages: 191, 192


Plant stakes supports, and ties

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Tips on power mowers

Pages: 194, 195, 196


Tips on power mowers

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

Pages: 199, 211


Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

When you're looking for ways to make your home more comfortable and attractive, look for this seal. It identifies the Better Homes & Gardens Home Planning Center, where you can get personal counsel on your own special home-planning problems.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: Correction

Page: 210



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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: A message to readers of Better Homes and Gardens

Page: 223


A message to readers of Better Homes and Gardens

4,000,000 of you now buy Better Homes & Gardens. You have made it the third largest of all magazines read by both men and women.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1954 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 224



Although Ned Preston grows more roses and finer ones than anyone else in town, he never seems to have any to enter in the annual rose show. But this year, they're secretly planning to give him a prize, anyhow. The inscription will read: "Special award for the best arranging-- always arranging to show up at neighbors' front doors, when they are ill, with roses that most folks would keep for themselves."

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