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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: $25,000.00 Home Improvement Contest for 1956

Pages: 6, 9


$25,000.00 Home Improvement Contest for 1956

THIS CONTEST covers any improvement to your home and surrounding property. And you have 128 chances to win in the four divisions-- Exteriors, Interiors, Additions, and Kitchen-Utility areas-- explained in detail further on. You are officially entered in the contest when we receive a Preliminary Entry From from you

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: How to make the most of space you have

Pages: 10, 11


How to make the most of space you have

Your living room probably doesn't have the exact space pictured here. It probably doesn't have the same placement of doors and windows. Even so, you may be faced with the same problems of how to get the kind of living you want in the space available.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Your year for pinks!

Pages: 14, 15, 41


Your year for pinks!

If you've never grown pinks before, this could be a grand time to get acquainted with them. You still have time to plant them this spring. Young plants, set out now, will start blooming this summer and brighten your garden until frost.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Decorating preview

Pages: 17, 18


Decorating preview

Violet-- new, cool color for home furnishings. Some call it amethyst, lilac, or mauve but it makes pretty decorating by any name. Try violet towels and violet composition counter tops in the bathroom. Or give your kitchen the glamor touch with violet and pink marbleized vinyl floor tile. Even metal dining chairs and porch furniture come upholstered in a good-looking violet tweed effect siliconized to resist spotting.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: These FOODS are NEWS!

Page: 31


These FOODS are NEWS!

Milkshake mixes you can make in a shaker are available in three flavors: vanilla and strawberry (¾-ounce packages), and chocolate (5/8-ounce). Each package, plus a little sugar and 2 cups milk, will make 2 tall glasses of delicious chilled beverage. For richer shakes, add a scoop of ice cream; or for a change of flavor use fruit juice instead of milk.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Will your shrubs take the hot weather?

Page: 33


Will your shrubs take the hot weather?

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: What'll it be three bedrooms or four?

Pages: 36, 166, 167, 168, 169


What'll it be three bedrooms or four?

This month's Five Star home comes with a choice. The house on this page and the one on 168 are variations of the same fine plan. Both use latest construction techniques. Both capture a triple crown of eye appeal, elbow-room, and economy. Here's the story behind them:

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Why all the mystery in prescriptions?

Pages: 42, 226, 227, 231, 238


Why all the mystery in prescriptions?

When your physician writes a prescription and hands it to you, what is the first thing you do with it?

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Have you heard the Latest Garden News?

Pages: 44, 46


Have you heard the Latest Garden News?

It took half a ton of silk-worm larvae to supply German researchers with a few milligrams of a chemical for recent experiments, but the results are worth it. Hormone control of insects-- similar to control of weeds with 2,4-D-- may be just around the corner.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: How to expand with the least expense

Pages: 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 230, 248, 249, 250, 251


How to expand with the least expense

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Sectional furniture is a space-maker

Pages: 60, 61


Sectional furniture is a space-maker

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: ABC's of flower arrangement

Pages: 62, 63, 64, 65


ABC's of flower arrangement

The art of Japanese flower arranging is so simple you can follow it like a recipe. Its dramatic use of line, depth of design, and naturalness of effect-- so characteristic of the Oriental style-- are easily achieved once the rules and their reasons are learned and understood.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: New look at the 60-foot lot

Pages: 66, 67, 204


New look at the 60-foot lot

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: How we elect a president

Pages: 68, 69, 147, 148, 183, 184, 215


How we elect a president

The Constitution merely requires that a president be at least 35 years old, a native-born citizen, and have lived in the United States 14 years. But practical politics demands a lot more!

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Perennials forever!

Pages: 71, 144


Perennials forever!

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: They're swimming before they know it

Pages: 72, 73, 132


They're swimming before they know it

As a physical-education instructor at Christian College, who conducts private swimming classes in summer, I would be the first to advise that it would be better to let a stranger teach a child to swim, especially a trained swimming teacher.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Look what a basement can do

Pages: 74, 75, 153


Look what a basement can do

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Outdoor chefs, the sky's your limit!

Pages: 76, 77, 97


Outdoor chefs, the sky's your limit!

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article:

Pages: 82, 83, 102, 104


"It's a special occasion"

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Make the most of your laundry area

Pages: 86, 114, 117, 118, 121


Make the most of your laundry area

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Good ways with a long loaf

Page: 93


Good ways with a long loaf

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: These cakes all frost themselves

Pages: 112, 125


These cakes all frost themselves

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: The truth about the Alaska Highway

Pages: 150, 206, 208, 209, 242, 243


The truth about the Alaska Highway

If you plan to drive the highway to Alaska, there are surprises ahead for you. You'll be surprised to find wooden culverts, miles of gravel, tin dippers and buckets.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: There's new beauty in blinds Drawings: Dick Larson

Pages: 154, 196, 198


There's new beauty in blinds Drawings: Dick Larson

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Your wiring is 20 years behind the times

Page: 157


Your wiring is 20 years behind the times

This we know: Four out of five homes are underwired. And even two-thirds of today's new houses are not properly serviced by electricity.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Park Ridge sees accidents coming

Pages: 160, 163, 164, 176, 179, 223


Park Ridge sees accidents coming

Jimmy L., an 18-year-old Park Ridge, Illinois high-school senior, had a date with his best girl. His father had allowed him to use the family car for the occasion, and Jimmy was driving it across town at a pretty good clip because he was late for his date. He turned from a side street onto Highway 12, and accelerated to 45 mph. His eye caught a flashing red light in his rear-view mirror.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Yon and your FEARS

Page: 176


Yon and your FEARS

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Build your way to a better garden

Page: 185


Build your way to a better garden

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: For rich rewords, make bedtime

Pages: 188, 247


For rich rewords, make bedtime "storytime"

"Now, we'll get you into your pajamas, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, get your drink of water, and..." Mother pauses. "And then you'll tell me a story!" Tommy finishes eagerly.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: How to handle a small boat

Pages: 190, 192, 193, 195, 243


How to handle a small boat

At Buffalo, New York, the other day, an eager vacationer filled his arms with picnic supplies and walked out on a dock to his rented motorboat.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Easy exterior repairs

Pages: 199, 200


Easy exterior repairs

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Personal help in home building remodeling, and decorating

Page: 211


Personal help in home building remodeling, and decorating

When you're looking for ways to make your home more comfortable and attractive, look for this seal. It identifies the Better Homes & Gardens Home Planning Center, where you can get personal counsel on your home-planning problems. Leading stores throuhout the

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Step by step to a concrete drive

Pages: 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222


Step by step to a concrete drive

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Use every inch of space

Pages: 224, 228, 229


Use every inch of space

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Now's the time to

Pages: 232, 233, 245


Now's the time to

Shrubs and trees: Spray lilacs and other woody plants with malathion to control young oyster-shell scale while these pests are most vulnerable. Look for evidence of borers in lilacs, dogwood, and birches-- sawdust at bases of plants is the tip-off. Destroy pests by probing hole with wire or by injecting carbon bisulfide and plugging holes with mud.... Cut the brown flower heads off lilacs but be sure not to injure the new shoots just below each old bloom.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Gold-tender plants to bolster your summer border

Pages: 235, 236


Gold-tender plants to bolster your summer border

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 239, 246


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

June 1 "What's the matter? Are you sick or something?" says I to Maggie, as I came down the stairs this bright but chilly morning.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: Safe driving

Page: 259


Safe driving

Let's face it-- night driving is dangerous. A great help in preventing accidents is the new sealed-beam headlight, made for both 6- and 12-volt systems. It adds 80 feet to your vision, even on the low beam.

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Better Homes & Gardens June 1956 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 260



"Trouble is you don't give your wife enough leeway," Bill Norman advised when he found me grumping in front of the First National Bank because my head lady was late in meeting me. "I always tell Isabel, 'Let's make it 5 o'clock. But you needn't hurry. I'll meet you right in front of the magazine store where the little redhead works'."

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