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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: What makes a party click?

Pages: 6, 8


What makes a party click?

The basic ingredient for a successful party is the right combination of people. Don't try to include at one time everyone you know or owe.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: A new future for your old furniture

Pages: 10, 11, 12, 15


A new future for your old furniture

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: These FOODS are NEWS!

Page: 21


These FOODS are NEWS!

Oatmeal cooky mix gives the delicious, lacy kind of drop cooky. Children will like to make them, they're so easy. Just add water to the contents of the 15-ounce package; drop from spoon on greased cooky sheet and bake. Makes two dozen 3-inch cookies.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Latest Garden News

Page: 23


Latest Garden News

Uganda grass is one of the newest of the "wonder grasses," and perhaps as promising as any. My order, shipped in a burlap bag, resembled a mess of shredded wheat when it arrived, but it produced a luxurious, soft green carpet when planted.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: How will you borrow to buy or remodel?

Pages: 28, 31, 32, 95, 96, 115


How will you borrow to buy or remodel?

After 3 years of living in Navy Quonset huts, Art and Barbara Greene were more than ready for a home of their own. "With only $942 tucked away," Art recalls, "we knew our only hope was a G.I. loan."

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Everything a 1957 house should be!

Pages: 52, 53, 121, 122, 123


Everything a 1957 house should be!

We're starting this new year with a fresh and exciting plan for family living. Five Star Home 2701 should fit the average family's growth and activity from cradle through college years without revision or addition.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: DRUNK DRIVERS are getting away with MURDER!

Pages: 56, 57, 123, 124, 125


DRUNK DRIVERS are getting away with MURDER!

Iran into a friend of mine named Charley Frankel at the state junior tennis tournament recently. Since his son, young Charley, had just won his first match, I expected the proud papa to look like one. Instead, his round, pleasant face looked drawn and sallow. His eyes were tired.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: A

Pages: 58, 59, 110, 111, 112


A "greenhouse" kitchen to enjoy all year

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Make an old room young with color

Pages: 60, 61


Make an old room young with color

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Sparkling new--and so easy to grow!

Pages: 62, 63


Sparkling new--and so easy to grow!

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: An addition can be a new house

Pages: 64, 65, 116, 117, 118


An addition can be a new house

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Combine accessories to bring out their beauty

Pages: 66, 67


Combine accessories to bring out their beauty

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Color cues for personality bathrooms

Pages: 68, 69, 70, 71


Color cues for personality bathrooms

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Electrical wiring outside your house

Pages: 72, 75, 76


Electrical wiring outside your house

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Seams that last longer

Page: 79


Seams that last longer

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Meat platter news--no bone, no waste!

Pages: 90, 93


Meat platter news--no bone, no waste!

Here's the new style for meats-- packaged and frozen! All gristle and excess fat are left at the meat processing plant-- most cuts are minus the bone, too. No need to allow for waste in deciding how much to buy-- every bit you buy, you eat!

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

Pages: 104, 106


Personal help in home building, remodeling, and decorating

When you're looking for ways to make your home more comfortable and attractive, look for this seal. It identifies the Better Homes & Gardens Home Planning Center, where you can get personal counsel on your home-planning problems.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Know the lumber you buy

Pages: 107, 108


Know the lumber you buy

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: Add convenience and safety to DRIVEWAYS

Pages: 113, 114


Add convenience and safety to DRIVEWAYS

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: JANUARY GARDEN REMINDERS

Pages: 126, 127, 131



Lawns: Give your lawn a light feeding to prepare it for springtime growth. Twenty-five pounds of a complete plant food for each 1,000 square feet is a good formula. ... In the Deep South, sow ryegrass to get a lawn that will remain green until late spring when the carpet grass crowds it out.

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Better Homes & Gardens January 1957 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 132



Resolve to be more tactful this year, sir. For instance, it is all right to tell a woman you knew her when she was a girl, but never say you knew her when you were a boy.

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