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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Artful groupings for your walls

Page: 7


Artful groupings for your walls

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: A modern plan for managing your money

Pages: 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25, 26


A modern plan for managing your money

Despite America's vast wealth, many of her citizens find themselves in constant financial trouble because they have no realistic plan for handling their money. They cling to old-fashioned methods in a new kind of economic world. They stew about buying and they stew about saving, but often without making progress in either direction. They have no plan and little experience for coping with inflation or recession, and they usually don't know where to look for help.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: The everyday wonders of MEDICAL HYPNOSIS

Pages: 32, 120, 126, 127


The everyday wonders of MEDICAL HYPNOSIS

Perhaps like many of us, you have seen hypnosis only on the stage and television, where you became conditioned to expect the hypnotist to make a fool of his victim or, at the very least, puncture him with pins. Of course, this has nothing to do with medical hypnosis (hypnotherapy).

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Fine green plants for every room!

Pages: 50, 51


Fine green plants for every room!

Do you like ornaments that grow bigger and handsomer with time? ... you get a lift from a bit of green on a dull day? ... house plants are for you.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Article

Pages: 52, 53



Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: This house can suit your family!

Pages: 54, 55, 154, 156


This house can suit your family!

If you love your children-- but want a life of your own, too --you'll understand why this month's Five Star home is so successful. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jickling of Birmingham, Michigan, are both architects-- but they're parents first. They designed this house to hold four spirited youngsters. In addition, they planned places where parents and children can do things together-- or apart.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: You'd like Joe Welch

Pages: 56, 57, 145, 146, 148, 150, 153, 156, 159


You'd like Joe Welch

At 68, Joe Welch has a new career in television, without letting up on his old-- the law. He has an impressive schedule of speeches and voluminous correspondence; he respects the usual demands on celebrities for souvenirs (bow ties), pictures, and autographs; he writes, reads, sails, and fishes; he is an amateur weatherman, a ham radio "listener," and an inveterate gin rummy player; he was also recently married.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Fabric magic that's ready made

Pages: 58, 59, 60, 61


Fabric magic that's ready made

IN ONLY TWO HOURS' TIME, you can give your home a completely new look-- with readymades. No longer does this term connote cheapness; ready-mades are so improved that now you get custom quality at mass-production prices.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Lighting traditional homes

Pages: 62, 63, 130


Lighting traditional homes

Here's proof that new lighting can make an older home more livable. It can make a color scheme sparkle and show off details of prized possessions.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: A home that'll make you glad you waited

Pages: 64, 65, 132


A home that'll make you glad you waited

Houses you "almost bought" will seem like narrow escapes after you see this home. It's a fine sight for home-hunters' eyes, especially if you're one who's despaired of ever finding a rustic style that isn't exaggerated or completely overdone.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Make your table something special

Pages: 66, 67


Make your table something special

HOW LONG has it been since you've treated just the family to a "dressed for company" table setting? made a little special effort to serve a routine family meal in an extra-special way?

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Use something OLD-to get something NEW!

Pages: 70, 71, 116


Use something OLD-to get something NEW!

Though remodeling a kitchen is a challenging project, it has many rewards-- especially when you combine old with new. That's what the Gerald Fields, Westport, Connecticut, did (using old cabinets, counters, accessories; new appliances, flooring, paneling, plan). As you can see, the Fields gained a kitchen with flair and personality. And the amazing thing is that they did the planning, designing, and decorating themselves-- after many futile attempts to find "their kind of kitchen."

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Casseroles for casual suppers

Pages: 76, 77, 113


Casseroles for casual suppers

HOW TO BE A CAREFREE HOSTESS? Here are four ways-- each an easygoing casserole that you can put together at your convenience. You can even park it in the refrigerator early in the day (just allow a little extra baking time). When guests arrive, your casserole is bubbling gently in the oven, needs no attention from you.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Go plain or fancy with nut breads

Pages: 78, 81, 82


Go plain or fancy with nut breads

Bake large loaves, small loaves, rounds. Try orange, date, or olive bread --or a plain nut loaf. All are delicious. Slice them thin for a salad luncheon, tea, or late snack

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: These FOODS are NEWS!

Page: 111


These FOODS are NEWS!

Lasagna is the newest Italian-style food to come in a can. It's a tasty combination of broad egg noodles and ground beef in a tomato-cheese sauce. Quick to fix-- the lasagna heats in 15 to 20 minutes, top of range or in oven. One 2-pound 8-ounce can serves 5. A good family dish!

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: It's a thought

Page: 113


It's a thought

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Hairdos to please little girls

Pages: 118, 165


Hairdos to please little girls

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: For a Wife Whose Husband

Pages: 122, 125


For a Wife Whose Husband

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: YOU CAN HELP THEM READ

Page: 128



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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Mortar joint repairs

Pages: 135, 136


Mortar joint repairs

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Roddis

Page: 137



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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Page: 138


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Nov. 1 Main chore was to begin putting more humus on the rose beds. This will be mainly peat, for my supply of rotted humus is short and I want to save this for use next spring when I plant new rosebushes in the back beds.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 140



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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Trapeze trio

Pages: 143, 156


Trapeze trio

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Which is YOUR chair?

Page: 148


Which is YOUR chair?

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: $50,000 in prizes just for improving your home!

Page: 150


$50,000 in prizes just for improving your home!

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Personal help in planning, decorating and furnishing YOUR home

Page: 158


Personal help in planning, decorating and furnishing YOUR home

Look for this Better Homes & Gardens "Home Planning Center" seal when you're looking for ideas to help make your home more comfortable and attractive. It identifies leading stores who feature personal counsel on home planning, decorating, and furnishings problems.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: Plant your spring tulip show now

Pages: 160, 163


Plant your spring tulip show now

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: NOVEMBER GARDEN REMINDERS

Pages: 166, 168



Water: Deep soak all evergreens and newly planted shrubs and trees before winter sets in... Wash dust from evergreens with a hose.

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Better Homes & Gardens November 1958 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 176



Best argument I've seen for getting along with Russia was on a little sticker some pundit stuck on my windshield the other day: "Coexist or coexit."

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