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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Art appreciation begins at home

Page: 6


Art appreciation begins at home

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Can Russia challenge our faith?

Pages: 10, 11, 12, 15


Can Russia challenge our faith?

Recently, I stood on a crowded street in Leningrad with a young Russian engineering student. It was the 250th anniversary of the founding of the city, and a parade was in progress. While the red flags were borne past to the sound of marching bands, he said dramatically, "There goes my God!" Then he looked at me as if wondering whether he could possibly be wrong, whether there might be something greater, something more.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: PREAM

Page: 31



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Keeping up to date with Trade-in housing

Page: 43


Keeping up to date with Trade-in housing

House trading, which works much the same as trading-in your car, can simplify your change from one house to another. And now there's good news coming up that will make trade-ins easier, less costly. The new housing bill before Congress will benefit you and the trade-in realtor three ways. It will allow the realtor a larger F.H.A. loan on your old house, permitting him to take more houses in trade.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Simplicity is the latest word-in colors, lines, and upkeep

Pages: 57, 58, 59


Simplicity is the latest word-in colors, lines, and upkeep

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: It lets you live the way you'd like

Pages: 60, 61, 236, 237, 238


It lets you live the way you'd like

The plan's the thing in living the way you like. It should develop from your family's needs. Around a good basic plan, many attractive exterior designs can emerge.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: New color for your bedroom and bath!

Pages: 64, 65, 66, 67


New color for your bedroom and bath!

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: This handsome house suits them to a

Pages: 68, 69, 164, 166


This handsome house suits them to a "T"

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: How to know what you're doing when you decorate

Pages: 70, 71, 72, 73


How to know what you're doing when you decorate

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Little kitchens remodeled to do big things

Pages: 74, 136


Little kitchens remodeled to do big things

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: More kitchen in the same space!

Pages: 75, 76, 77, 120


More kitchen in the same space!

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Two tiny rooms became one work-easy kitchen

Pages: 78, 79


Two tiny rooms became one work-easy kitchen

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: LAST OF FOUR ARTICLES

Pages: 80, 81, 82, 176



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Happy Easter breads...

Page: 83


Happy Easter breads...

1. Anise Loaf is centered with a bright red Easter egg--the idea comes from Greece. Recipe calls for oil of anise and cinnamon to give delicate, aromatic flavor. Take a look at the beautifully browned crust dotted with sesame seed. That is just one promise of the good eating to come. Now cut the handsome loaf, a little on the diagonal-- the slices are tender and velvety. Delicious!

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: EGGS

Page: 86



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Money for your recipes

Page: 107


Money for your recipes

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Look what a squeeze bottle can do

Pages: 108, 111, 123


Look what a squeeze bottle can do

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: What's going on in kitchen cabinets

Pages: 117, 118


What's going on in kitchen cabinets

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Hit the summer-job market early

Page: 118


Hit the summer-job market early

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Practical facts abut your silver, china, and glass

Pages: 124, 128, 130


Practical facts abut your silver, china, and glass

Your silver, china, and glassware are sure to be among the most used items of all the furnishings in your home. And because they get such regular use, they often need or want replacing-- sometimes from necessity, more frequently from a desire for exciting change and new interest.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Do you know about Assigned risk plan insurance?

Page: 126


Do you know about Assigned risk plan insurance?

Motorists who get tagged as habitual traffic violators, or who chalk up a series of violations involving their automobiles, are poor insurance risks. As a result, each year thousands of Americans find suddenly that they've been dropped by their auto insurance companies.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Start early on youngsters' sunbaths

Page: 135


Start early on youngsters' sunbaths

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: You're in that envelope

Page: 140


You're in that envelope

As long as you're writing the letter, why shouldn't you put your whole self into it? Start when you first select your envelope and stationery. Let it carry through as you write your latest news. Maybe some of the following suggestions will get you off to a good start.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: KARPEN FURNITURE

Page: 144



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: . . . A town where the teacher is the apple of all eyes!

Pages: 151, 159, 160, 166


. . . A town where the teacher is the apple of all eyes!

There was a festive air about the Hotel Elkhart in Elkhart, Indiana, one week before the city's public schools were to open. Fifty-two of the town's leading citizens were gathered in a banquet room to welcome 52 new teachers. When everyone was seated, the chairman signaled the community leaders and each host took out of his pocket a shiny, red apple which he handed to his guest to a happy chorus of "An apple for the teacher."

Read Article
Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Happy Easter breads

Pages: 152, 153, 154, 156, 157


Happy Easter breads

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Personal help in planning, decorating and furnishing YOUR home

Pages: 162, 163


Personal help in planning, decorating and furnishing YOUR home

Look for this Better Homes & Gardens "Home Planning Center" seal when you're looking for ideas to help make your home more comfortable and attractive. It identifies leading stores who feature personal counsel on home planning, decorating, and furnishings problems.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 163



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Just a moment!

Page: 163


Just a moment!

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 163



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 166



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Bathroom fixtures need a shine?

Pages: 169, 172


Bathroom fixtures need a shine?

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: What you can do about rust

Pages: 179, 180


What you can do about rust

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Wiring ideas to make living more comfortable

Pages: 182, 185


Wiring ideas to make living more comfortable

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: How to buy a house--and be sure it's yours!

Page: 189


How to buy a house--and be sure it's yours!

So you're going to buy a house. You've shopped all the possibilities, made your decision. You've cleared the last hurdle to a good, sound mortgage. You're ready to move in. Or are you...? "What about the title?" your banker asks. "You know it'll have to be cleared before we can close the loan."

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Growing, growing, grown!

Page: 190


Growing, growing, grown!

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: How to have four own waterworks

Pages: 192, 194, 196, 197, 198


How to have four own waterworks

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Poison on food? Read this

Page: 194


Poison on food? Read this

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Spring fever at the Joneses'

Pages: 200, 229, 230, 239


Spring fever at the Joneses'

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Have you heard? Latest Garden News

Page: 202


Have you heard? Latest Garden News

"Sow thick, thin quick" is an old gardening rule we don't need any more. It has been used by generations of gardeners who wanted a uniform stand of plants.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Aggressiveness in children

Pages: 206, 207, 226


Aggressiveness in children

"I hate you, Mama!" Sarah cried. Her round, 3-year-old face was pink with anger, and there was a defiant gleam in her eye as she drew back her foot-- shod in a sturdy, hardsoled shoe-- and gave her mother a sharp and quite unexpected kick on the ankle.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Jackposts can boost a tired house

Page: 208


Jackposts can boost a tired house

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: NALPLEX

Page: 209



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: How to plant an evergreen

Page: 210


How to plant an evergreen

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: How to make concrete edging-mowing strips

Pages: 214, 232


How to make concrete edging-mowing strips

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 215



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: APRIL GARDEN REMINDERS

Pages: 216, 217



Water: Where the spring rains are sparse, be generous with water around bases of shrubs and trees.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: PENNSYLVANIA

Page: 218



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: How to build a CONCRETE TERRACE

Pages: 219, 220



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 227, 228, 231, 233, 239


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

April 1 No foolin' about it, rain began to drizzle down before I could reach the office and it kept up all day long.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: AMERICAN CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY

Page: 230



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 238



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 238



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Article

Page: 239



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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: Octanes and additives

Pages: 240, 241


Octanes and additives

Refining techniques and the resulting gasolines have been revolutionized in the past 25 years, and to many people the new product rightly means power. The most drastic improvement-- high-octane number-- certainly is a "must" to anyone owning a 1958 car with a 10-to-one compression ratio engine. Without high-octane gasoline, such an engine would have a somewhat lower efficiency.

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: What's in a zone?

Page: 241


What's in a zone?

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Better Homes & Gardens April 1958 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 246



Miss Hendricks, our Rosemary's favorite teacher, found a way to answer the chronic complainer at the P.T.A. meetings. Told him if he carried some responsibility on his shoulder he wouldn't have so much room for chips.

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