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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Is your Property tax fair?

Pages: 6, 9, 23


Is your Property tax fair?

Since his local property tax is usually a homeowner's largest single tax payment each year, he naturally wants to know whether his assessment is fair and what he's getting for his money.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Let's face the facts of college finance

Pages: 10, 11


Let's face the facts of college finance

One of the stern rules of commerce says that a business stands to make more money as it attracts more customers; build a better mousetrap and you'll get rich from crowds that beat a path to your door. With proof of this formula's success strewn from one end of our economy to the other, it's understandable that people tend to look toward the campus with a questioning eye.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: SEPTEMBER GARDEN REMINDERS

Pages: 12, 16



Lawns: Prepare bare spots in lawn for seeding or sodding. Start new lawn to give time for at least three mowing's before winter. Keep the seeds sprinkled daily until the seedlings are up.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: These FOODS are NEWS!

Pages: 20, 23


These FOODS are NEWS!

Spaghetti dinner-- real Italian style-- is ready to eat just 15 minutes after you open the new 8-ounce package containing spaghetti, grated Parmesan cheese, and spaghetti-sauce mix. The mix is a blend of fresh-ground herbs and spices; you add 1 can tomato sauce or paste. Serves 3 or 4.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Your town can get this . . . Touring entertainment

Page: 26


Your town can get this . . . Touring entertainment

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: THROW THE ROWDIES OUT!

Pages: 34, 37, 91, 153



AMERICAN education is improving. There is no doubt that the Russian jolt has been good for our schools. We are getting more content into the package called learning. But now-- a new challenge. Will the package be delivered? Or will a handful of rowdies and hoodlums prevent our youngsters from getting the education they deserve and need?

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: WE'RE CLOSING IN ON CANCER

Pages: 38, 115, 116, 134, 153



Somewhere in the United States a young mother got up this morning, made breakfast for her husband and small son, saw them off to work and school, and began her day of routine household chores. Nothing unusual about that-- except that two and a half years ago this woman was stricken with a "hopeless" and rapidly fatal form of cancer known as choriocarcinoma.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Split-level with everything handy to entry

Pages: 47, 48, 51, 104, 120


Split-level with everything handy to entry

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Four-bedroom blending both old and new

Pages: 52, 53, 119


Four-bedroom blending both old and new

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Screened area living in exciting

Pages: 54, 55, 148, 149


Screened area living in exciting "U" plan

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Traditional face for an up-to-date layout

Pages: 56, 57, 130


Traditional face for an up-to-date layout

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Entry-court house, natural tor narrow lot

Pages: 58, 59


Entry-court house, natural tor narrow lot

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Wonderful ways wit COLOR

Pages: 60, 61, 62, 63, 110


Wonderful ways wit COLOR

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: What's coming for your kitchen

Pages: 82, 84, 155


What's coming for your kitchen

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: WATER, WATER, EVERYWHERE

Page: 109



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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: AND ONE SACK OF IVY, PLEASE

Page: 110



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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Baby your battery

Pages: 125, 126


Baby your battery

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Sew and save . . . try a skirt for jour girl

Page: 128


Sew and save . . . try a skirt for jour girl

A beginner can manage the 2 side seams, waistband, and zipper that add up to a full-circle felt skirt. You don't have to hem felt. This inexpensive fabric is very wide. A size 8, full-circle skirt can be made from 1 yard of 72-inch-wide felt. Cost: about $3. Little more than half that amount (a square yard) will do for a size 4.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 132, 133


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Sept. 1 This is the day when visitors are likely to come, thinks I. Now David had mowed all garden paths last evening. This made the edges of my rose beds look ragged. Raked up and hauled debris from edging to compost pile. Indoors, showered, put on white shirt and Sunday pants.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: The IDEA HOMES point the way to better wiring

Page: 134


The IDEA HOMES point the way to better wiring

Imagine yourself in one of our 1958 IDEA HOMES-- but without electricity! No lights, no kitchen appliances, no automatic laundry, no TV, radio, or recorded music-- in short, none of the things that make the most of living features built into these homes.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Good garden benches you can build now

Pages: 137, 138


Good garden benches you can build now

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Priceless ingredient

Page: 143


Priceless ingredient

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: How to grow grass from seed

Pages: 144, 145


How to grow grass from seed

If you need a lawn, plant it now. Don't wait until spring. The grass seed you plant now will germinate quickly during the warm, humid days of late summer And the new seedlings will grow vigorously during the cooler days that follow in the fall.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Friendly table charmers-silver and candlelight

Pages: 146, 147


Friendly table charmers-silver and candlelight

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: How to get plans

Page: 149


How to get plans

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: Personal help in planning, decorating and furnishing YOUR home

Page: 152


Personal help in planning, decorating and furnishing YOUR home

Look for this Better Homes & Gardens "Home Planning Center" seal when you're looking for ideas to help make your home more comfortable and attractive. It identifies leading stores who feature personal counsel on home planning, decorating, and furnishings problems.

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Better Homes & Gardens September 1958 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 158



Even Junior High kids are worrying about how tough it's going to be to enter our overcrowded colleges. Stopping at the corner soda fountain to pick up an evening paper, I cocked an inquisitive ear to catch young Eddie Nelson telling a couple of his pals how stiff those college-entrance exams will be. "Gosh!" he said.

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