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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: Keeping baby cool

Pages: 9, 26


Keeping baby cool

Help Baby "beat the heat" by anticipating his warm-weather needs. Here are ways to prevent or ease the discomforts that make hot summer days so unpleasant for little ones.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: Know the best way--Artificial respiration

Page: 10


Know the best way--Artificial respiration

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: See where tomorrow's houses are born

Pages: 12, 14


See where tomorrow's houses are born

Not too many years ago, there was just one standard way to build a house. One builder would put up his two-by-fours and rafters pretty much the same way as the next. And there wasn't very much variety in the products used in the house, either.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: Curing the summer doldrums

Pages: 16, 29


Curing the summer doldrums

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: ANSWERS TO YOUR MONEY PROBLEMS

Pages: 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29



Mrs. Hannah Atkins, of Brookline, Massachusetts, asks guidance for younger families: "Families in their late thirties or older have learned money management by trial and error.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: SUN and SHADE . . .

Pages: 38, 39, 40, 41


SUN and SHADE . . .

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: Refreshing ideas for summer tables

Pages: 42, 43


Refreshing ideas for summer tables

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: ROUTE 30 WEST!

Pages: 44, 45, 98, 100, 101



If you laid a three-pronged fork across the western half of the United States, with the tip of the handle on Chicago, you would be routing a clear course through some of the most exciting country in the West. But more reliable and certainly easier, simply follow Route 30, the Lincoln Highway.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: Pick a package of pleasure!

Pages: 46, 47, 87


Pick a package of pleasure!

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: How to drive your kids crazy

Pages: 48, 49, 114


How to drive your kids crazy

Our children now have a list of "little things" we do that drive them crazy. And, kids being kids, that means they're already thinking up fierce countermeasures to get even with. Not that parents are in any real danger of losing the war of nerves so blithely referred to as the Parent-Child Relationship. Children, it's true, are more energetic than their parents and manage to sustain a fairly withering fire of knuckle cracking, nail biting, throat clearing, head conking, molar clacking, table kicking, milk spilling, and induced burping.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: Stones and pebbles dress up your garden

Pages: 50, 51


Stones and pebbles dress up your garden

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: A mellow blend of old and new

Pages: 52, 53, 105, 106, 107


A mellow blend of old and new

You'll find that the character and scale of this lovely home are recognizably Traditional-- yet, surprisingly, the effect is entirely Contemporary.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: POT GARDENING

Pages: 54, 55



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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: They won't leave their house alone!

Pages: 56, 57


They won't leave their house alone!

One of the easiest things for a young couple to do, after they've settled down in their new home, is just sit back and relax. "There, we've done it. A home of our own!"

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: Teach your tadpole to swim

Pages: 95, 96


Teach your tadpole to swim

"Swimming comes as naturally as breathing to a small child." That's the belief of Crystal Scarborough, who has specialized for 38 years in teaching young children to swim. In our pictures, Mrs. Scarborough demonstrates her techniques with one of her "proofs," 3-year-old Jody Locklear. This freckle-faced performer has been swimming with the confidence and abandon of an exuberant tadpole since he was 2.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: How to get plans

Page: 101


How to get plans

Five Star Home 2907, shown on page 102, is one of a monthly series for which you can buy complete plans with the following features:

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: When you build, plan for Simplicity and economy

Pages: 102, 104


When you build, plan for Simplicity and economy

A simple, well-planned house costs less to build. Most of us know this fact when we stop to think about it-- but too often, we forget to put the principle into practice.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: Get personal help at a Home Planning Center in planning, decorating, and furnishing YOUR home

Page: 108


Get personal help at a Home Planning Center in planning, decorating, and furnishing YOUR home

Look for this Better Homes & Gardens "Home Planning Center" seal when you're looking for ideas to help make your home more comfortable and attractive. It identifies leading stores which feature personal counsel on home planning, decorating, and furnishings.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

Pages: 109, 114


The diary of a Plain dirt gardener

July 1. This is the big day for which Maggie and I have been planning. So up at six in the dewy morn and out to getting the roses in shape. This meant dusting all of them.

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: Here's your choice in locks and latches

Pages: 111, 112


Here's your choice in locks and latches

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Better Homes & Gardens July 1959 Magazine Article: THE MAN NEXT DOOR

Page: 118



In a "what-is-life" conversation across the fence the other day, Bill Norman offered a brave definition of success. A man is a success, he said, when he actually can believe he is the sort of man his mother thinks he is and his mother-in-law hopes he will become.

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