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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: OCTOBER GARDENING WHERE YOU LIVE!

Pages: 15, 16



Winter flowers: Among the wonders of the New World that amazed the pilgrims were the shrubs that bloomed from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Two hardy plants that you can set out now will give you bloom from Thanksgiving till spring. They are the Christmas rose-- not really a rose at all, but a member of the buttercup family-- and witch hazel.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: CROWN THE COOK

Page: 21



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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: What it costs to borrow on life insurance

Page: 30


What it costs to borrow on life insurance

All life insurance policies, except term insurance, build up a cash-surrender value after a year or two. While other interest rates have risen recently, most insurance contracts stipulate that you can borrow up to 100 per cent of your current cash value at a rate of 5 per cent. There are a few policies that set the rate at 6 per cent. On GI policies, it's 4 per cent.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Know these quick antidotes for poisoning

Page: 30


Know these quick antidotes for poisoning

To be given immediately in cases of suspected poisoning, poisoning by an unknown substance, or in place of nonavailable specific antidotes:

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Now: armor-plated teeth to resist decay

Page: 34


Now: armor-plated teeth to resist decay

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Can you trust lifetime and money-back guarantees?

Page: 34


Can you trust lifetime and money-back guarantees?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Breakfasts that pour. These go down easily!

Page: 39


Breakfasts that pour. These go down easily!

Can't face solid food in the morning? Don't have time to eat breakfast? Then drink that first meal. Go ahead and have your coffee eye-opener, but don't stop there. You need breakfast for at least one-fourth of the day's nourishment. Fact is, you feel better, work better.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Take sixty seconds--and relax

Page: 44


Take sixty seconds--and relax

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Plan a winter vacation for the thrift season

Page: 50


Plan a winter vacation for the thrift season

To have the luxury of a winter vacation and save money too, make your plans and reservations now to take advantage of off- or thrift-season rates. In most cases, you can save $4-$25 a day for two people.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: To teach a child about beauty . . .

Pages: 56, 57


To teach a child about beauty . . .

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: How to shave years off your mortgage

Pages: 60, 61, 62


How to shave years off your mortgage

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Once you know how long it takes, it doesn't take so long!

Page: 63


Once you know how long it takes, it doesn't take so long!

DO YOU feel guilty because your house doesn't measure up to your own standards of cleanliness and neatness? Maybe you're a member of the "Daily Doldrums Club." Kiss hubby off in the morning, then sit staring at the dirty breakfast dishes unhappy over your monotonous lot in life. Or maybe you're a gal so wrapped up in community and PTA work that housekeeping time is limited.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: New Dutch bulbs for American gardens

Pages: 64, 65, 66, 67


New Dutch bulbs for American gardens

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: How to make your best room look even better

Pages: 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75


How to make your best room look even better

JUST any change in a room will provide variety, but the right change can make your worst room look as good as your best --and your best room look even better.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: How not to pick a college haphazardly

Pages: 106, 108, 113, 115


How not to pick a college haphazardly

The techniques now employed by high school students for picking the wrong colleges to attend are so efficient that 60 per cent of the freshmen who reach campus this autumn will either transfer or quit before graduating. This is the result, in large part, of two common misconceptions. First is the notion that colleges can be listed by reputation or popularity, as though they were tunes on the Hit Parade.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Get personal help at a Home Planning Center in furnishing and decorating your home

Page: 118


Get personal help at a Home Planning Center in furnishing and decorating your home

Look for this Better Homes & Gardens "Home Planning Center" seal when you're looking for ideas to help make your home more comfortable and attractive. It identifies leading stores which feature personal counsel in furnishing and decorating your home.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: A bill of rights-and wrongs-for baby-sitting

Page: 120


A bill of rights-and wrongs-for baby-sitting

The secret of a good relationship between baby sitter and parent is that they both know what to expect from each other. Just because someone comes and stays with your children while you are gone doesn't mean that she is doing everything she should as a baby sitter. And just because you pay her what she asks doesn't mean you are doing everything you should as a parent.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: The gold on your trees is worth money

Page: 128


The gold on your trees is worth money

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Know your evergreens

Page: 134


Know your evergreens

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: CENTENNIAL TOUR OF THE CIVIL WAR

Pages: 137, 138, 139, 140, 143, 144, 145



IT was an intimately known war. We know where the first Union soldier was killed at Gettysburg and his name-- Private George W. Sandoe. We know where Lee, watching the shattered remnants of Pickett's charge straggle back to the Confederate lines, was startled to hear a voice cry. "Hurrah for the Union!" Dismounting, he saw a wounded Union prisoner.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: ACTION in EDUCATION awards

Pages: 147, 154



Education is in action throughout the country. Proof came in the hundreds of entries submitted to Better Homes & Gardens first ACTION IN EDUCATION Awards program, designed to recognize and stimulate local action for the improvement of schools-- public, private, and parochial. This program was undertaken in cooperation with the National Education Association and the National School Boards Association.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Ranch house-western style!

Pages: 148, 152


Ranch house-western style!

The ranch house originated in the West as an expression of easy, confident living. Families who value relaxed living indoors and out still find the ranch style and informal floor plan unequaled.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Shape this shop to suit yourself

Page: 156


Shape this shop to suit yourself

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Know your hardy Spring-flowering bulbs!

Pages: 157, 158


Know your hardy Spring-flowering bulbs!

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: Physical checkups: WHAT and WHEN?

Page: 159


Physical checkups: WHAT and WHEN?

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: What's new in furnishings

Page: 161


What's new in furnishings

KING-SIZE OR MINIATURE --either way, beds make news. Soon you'll see an oval bed-- not the mammoth, circular style of Hollywood fame, but oval-shaped dual mattresses and box springs which swing out from a regulation headboard. The result: 4 bonus inches of length and width.

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Better Homes & Gardens October 1960 Magazine Article: the man next door

Page: 166


the man next door

Martin Daly claims the only reason he is not a celebrity is because people do not know who he is.

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